Also giving someone a double punishment is unfair, as I was kicked from the game AND also banned. viewtopic.php?t=8154 On your own forum's rules it states it as reasons to temporarily ban OR kick a player for breaking a rule.
You're there to enforce the rules, not bend them to your will when you feel like you were personally wronged. You lost your item fair and square, I had no obligation to give it back to a neglectful owner.
Your Warcraft III username : juKING Realm/Gateway : US East Why are you banned : "Item stealing" Why you should be unbanned : Hash lost item because titan killed his turtle. I fail to see how the item is not fair game at ...
@Cambrioleuse Stealer there's no reason to get your panties in a bind over someone not knowing about a change that hasn't even gone live yet. You can just say in one sentence "the cage is getting removed" rather than belittle someone in two comments
idk about Dota2 but LoL has soft ladder resets. DotA has no elo reset when meta changes. I feel it's better in this way because the meta shifts do not mean that individual skill level will automatically change too. Resetting stats just seems like a way to make people want to play more; however, in ...