Search found 11 matches

by colek
Thu Mar 30, 2017 2:49 pm
Forum: Processed Appeals
Topic: UNBAN Request
Replies: 1
Views: 67

UNBAN Request

Your Warcraft III username: _colek_
Realm/Gateway: gproxy
Why are you banned: leav the game
Why you should be unbanned: I was just kick mime internet was OK, i dont know where was problem. Plz unbam me.
Iam plaing with mine friend he is waiting for me.
by colek
Fri Dec 09, 2016 11:31 am
Forum: Processed Appeals
Topic: UNBAN
Replies: 1
Views: 57


Your Warcraft III username: _colek_
Realm/Gateway: groxy
Why are you banned: leavgame
Why you should be unbanned: I was play winig game a in one moment iam in game and another just out. Dont know why. Pleas un ban me.
I am crying for my elo lost.
by colek
Fri Dec 02, 2016 7:56 pm
Forum: Processed Appeals
Topic: UNBAN
Replies: 1
Views: 123


Your Warcraft III username: _colek_
Realm/Gateway: gproxy
Why are you banned: leave the game
Why you should be unbanned: Game was started and i was kicked dont know why? Internet was ok. Plz unban me.
by colek
Thu Nov 10, 2016 9:40 am
Forum: Processed Appeals
Topic: UNBAN
Replies: 1
Views: 52


Your Warcraft III username: _colek_
Why are you banned: leav the game
Why you should be unbanned: It just drop me before game started. It wasnt my fault. Please unban me.
by colek
Sat Oct 15, 2016 6:41 pm
Forum: Processed Requests
Topic: [LTD] no draw after player left in first round
Replies: 1
Views: 84

[LTD] no draw after player left in first round

Replay Link :!vmsq8IByANYq/lastreplay-w3g Game Name : [ENT] Legion TD Mega #68 Your Warcraft III Username : _colek_ Violator's Warcraft III Username : Rport4lifebloom ; Trumpwondepate ; elcid ; Violated Rule(s) : no draw after player left in first round Time of Violation (...
by colek
Sat Oct 15, 2016 6:24 pm
Forum: Processed Appeals
Topic: UNBAN
Replies: 1
Views: 56


Your Warcraft III username : _colek_ Realm/Gateway : normal Why are you banned : leav game Why you should be unbanned : my proxy just fall down, mine internet was ok, pleas unban me, i am plaing with friend and he is waitnig for me, he did ba appel on guys who wont to draw this game. They wont to d...
by colek
Sat Oct 15, 2016 5:14 pm
Forum: Suggestion Archive
Topic: LEGION TD MEGA 2v2 in line...
Replies: 6
Views: 275

Re: LEGION TD MEGA 2v2 in line...

We never see ENT22, will be loking for.
by colek
Sat Oct 15, 2016 3:41 pm
Forum: Suggestion Archive
Topic: LEGION TD MEGA 2v2 in line...
Replies: 6
Views: 275

Re: LEGION TD MEGA 2v2 in line...

Yes iam asking for LDT 2v2, if will be 1200+ too will be better..:)
by colek
Sat Oct 15, 2016 2:39 pm
Forum: Suggestion Archive
Topic: LEGION TD MEGA 2v2 in line...
Replies: 6
Views: 275

LEGION TD MEGA 2v2 in line...

We are very interested for new elo game play, legion 2v2 i was chating with many people and mates and all be ready happy is u start this new mode.. now is just on +1200 can play 2v2 with !votestart comand. Pleas do it''
by colek
Wed Oct 12, 2016 5:57 pm
Forum: Processed Appeals
Topic: UNBAN
Replies: 1
Views: 62


Your Warcraft III username: _colek_
Realm/Gateway: gproxy
Why are you banned: left game
Why you should be unbanned: I got disconnected ,my internet was fine, dont know here was problem, sorry for that. Plz unban me mine friend is wainig for me.
by colek
Tue Oct 11, 2016 6:14 pm
Forum: Processed Appeals
Topic: unban
Replies: 1
Views: 60


Your Warcraft III username: _COLEK_
Realm/Gateway: Northrend/Europe
Why are you banned: for LEAV THE GAME

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