How to farm elo like BurnShady

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How to farm elo like BurnShady

Postby Burn » Sun May 31, 2015 5:46 am


1) You gain elo if builders win and you survived.
2) You gain elo if builders win and you died but left the game.
3) You gain elo if someone types -titan and wins, but you leave the game after you die.
4) You gain elo if you take over as a leaver titan's game, and you leave the game.
5) You gain glitched elo when titan is in the 950 - 1000 range. Glitched elo ranges from 3 elo to 20 elo. Example:
6) You sometimes win glitched elo (a lot of elo) if titan has less than 1000 elo.

1) You lose elo if titan wins.
2) You lose glitched elo if game ends, and you are a minion/observer.
3) You lose glitched elo if you take over leaver titan, and you lose the game.
4) You lose glitched elo if you take over leaver titan, and you win the game. (unconfirmed)
5) You sometimes lose glitched elo (a lot of elo) if titan has less than 1000 elo.

Glitched elo basically means you lose a shitload of elo. The higher your elo, the more you lose.

In short:

1) Leave after you die in case you get elo glitched and lose a tonne of elo.
2) Pick builders that can either A) Kill titan and end the game B) Carry C) Good Support if you know a good tower baser D) Really hard to die so you don't die and have to go NG.
3) Stack with clan BTI players and win 99% of your games.

At the moment, here are my elo and win rate:
[] has played 802 Island Defense games here (ELO: 2172.13). W/L: 730/72. (91.02%).
[] has played 4 Island Defense games here (ELO: 1044.87). W/L: 4/0. (100%)
[] has played 288 Island Defense games here (ELO: 1362.21). W/L: 222/66. (77.08%)
[] has played 758 Island Defense games here (ELO: 2006.33). W/L: 648/110. (85.49%)

Basically what I do is I spoof myself to Europe whenever I see a pub stomper or if I titan against more than 4 good players who will most likely quad pent or sex base against me, West if I am titan. I no longer want to get ELO on asia, and East is now my main.

I use MirageBot and a spoof check message macro in order to spoof myself into multiple realms. I'm also able to connect to multiple people cross-realm. The main goal was to get all the Island Defense players and inform them that they do not get more delay if they play on Realm USeast, since it's player to bot connection, nothing to do with

Last edited by Burn on Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:59 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: How to farm elo like BurnShady

Postby Burn » Sun May 31, 2015 5:47 am



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Re: How to farm elo like BurnShady

Postby TooNoobForU » Sun May 31, 2015 7:09 am

just reset the elo board for island defense

all that work for nothing @Burn

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Re: How to farm elo like BurnShady

Postby Haunt » Sun May 31, 2015 9:44 am

@Burn you do know that ELO will be reset after beta is over?

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Re: How to farm elo like BurnShady

Postby Burn » Sun May 31, 2015 10:36 am

Haunt wrote:@Burn you do know that ELO will be reset after beta is over?
It'll get reset when the elo system is fixed. How many years do you think it'll be until you think it's fixed? Might as well farm some elo in the meantime. Maybe ENT will do a hall of fame for the top 10 elo players when it resets. That'd be cool.


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Re: How to farm elo like BurnShady

Postby Haunt » Sun May 31, 2015 11:31 am

Burn wrote: Maybe ENT will do a hall of fame for the top 10 elo players when it resets.

Especially when 6/10 haven't played in months.

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Re: How to farm elo like BurnShady

Postby Burn » Sun May 31, 2015 1:22 pm

Takes a lot of hard work and effort to get up there! Most have given up, just need to carry carry carry.


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Re: How to farm elo like BurnShady

Postby Stealer » Sun May 31, 2015 2:26 pm

Idk about that hard work. All I've ever heard from people is that in the begining elo was buggy and people got a lot more then for wins than now. So this let them get high elo with low games and since then elo was changed.
Iirc when people with 2k elo lose they don't lose as much as 1k people so it's harder to lose your spot.
Obviously it's still doable as jeeeep had 1.5k elo.

Tl;dr; elo back in the day was mathematically easier to get.

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Re: How to farm elo like BurnShady

Postby Burn » Mon Jun 01, 2015 12:36 am

None of the Euros were farming back in the days, they were all doing it legit and topping the charts by stacking all day. They moved on to DotA2 and got wiped for inactivity, though.


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Re: How to farm elo like BurnShady

Postby Merex » Mon Jun 01, 2015 1:09 am

Yeah, they played together and only went against noob titans 90% of the time.
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Re: How to farm elo like BurnShady

Postby Burn » Mon Jun 01, 2015 1:52 am

I tried titaning against euro stacks multiple times and only came out successful a few times. Basically what they do against decent titans is either EB off the bat then AFK in the base while golding if you bring all units to siege another base, or if it's OP enough, just camp out in the base and not move unless to re-wall. It's the perfect game-play and that's why the high elo Euros are one of the best re-wallers out there, and can tower base really really fast after walling out the entrances/exits to the base with upgraded walls.


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Re: How to farm elo like BurnShady

Postby Stealer » Mon Jun 01, 2015 3:54 am

Yeah, tek and I would pick draenei and at least one of the euros would go demo and then tek+i would get lumber fed.
Generally eb euro and then gold with op draenei escape.

Very good strategy.

(Tek played a lot more so he got more elo than me from it, I only got to around 1.5k with 500 (81.9% WR) games while tek had 2.5k with 1.7k (87.4% WR) games).

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Re: How to farm elo like BurnShady

Postby Burn » Mon Jun 01, 2015 6:40 am

Yeah, Tek was my main elo buddy for a while and we were duoing hard. The players I mainly farmed with were ApomTom, BloodyGuy, Yokola95 & Tek.

BurnShady@Asia was just a stroke of randomness from 1,000 to 1,500, which I got when I thought I was going to lose elo, and spoof checked Asia. Little did I know, I racked up quite a bit of elo, just like my BurnShady@euro is slowly becoming, so I also boosted him to 2k.


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