- Dividing the player's units as an easy way to distinguish them
- Aesthetical value
- Camouflage on the minimap
The method I've chosen to find the best camouflaging colour of Island Defense (Also known as the best colour of Island Defense) is to find the average colour of the Island Defense Minimap and then find which of the available colours are the most similar to the minimaps average colour.
I have taken the average colour of this image. Which resulted in the colour of this font
Next I used a colour picker to determine what colour the player colours are, you can see the results in the spoiler below.
The next step is to compare the colours. I'll be using this tool to get a value of how similar each colour is to the minimaps average colour. Results of this below.
Code: Select all
Dark Green 84%
Purple 78%
Green 72%
Gray 68%
Orange 66%
Red 63%
Pink 62%
Blue 60%
Cyan & Light Blue 54%
Yellow 50%
Note: The reason for colours like Red to be above more tropical themed colours like blue or light blue which might blend better on some places is because Red is more similar to the tree colour which is more abundant on the minimap.
Conclusion; The best colour in Island Defense is Dark Green, followed by purple, green, gray, orange, red, pink, blue, cyan & light blue, and yellow. This isn't such an surprising result and could probably be guessed, but now we know for sure.
As with most articles, there are flaws. This article isn't an exception there are two issues with it, firstly; different screens and lightning values results in different hues of colour thus possibly making the result inconclusive. Secondly, some colours camouflage better at some areas better than others making the best colour situational to a specific area. A future project for the interested would be to lay-out a grid over an image of the minimap with the best colour of that area on top, but perhaps that is too much work for something of this usefulness.
Thanks for reading! Discuss in the comments about the results, possible flaws, and suggestions to the article etcetera.