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Island Defense Suggestions (Dont post bugs here!)

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 7:22 pm
by PLus
We now have a new developer and lord. Post any ideas you may want to see implemented in future versions here.

Remove damage random for non-combative builders.
Random lumber harvest bonus (for your builder only), 2 extra lumber per hit.
Demo balth level up by picking up bones.
Huntress wall upgrade (requires research, cost: 4000 Lumber, 0 Gold), upgraded walls have 16 armor 625 hp (upgrade cost 300 lumber).
Huntress buildings auto-build (like demo).
-Builder command for observers.
-Observer command for builders (takes 1 minute 15 seconds before all the builders units are removed, which is longer than leave time), alternative option to leaving the game when you think you are going to feed.
Increase harpy sight range (it's currently really shitty they can't attack a moving target without losing sight of it).
Buff panda's box of illness when in transmuted form.
Panda research center cost 150 lumber.
Make tome of retaining free but with a certain cool down.
-Inhouse mode (with a feed reduction that can be set to a certain percentage, and inability of builders to enter bases with 2 people in them)
Return (nature's) venomous protectors to a fraction for their former glory (a small buff would suffice, they are too weak at the moment)
Decrease gran's stone toss cast time and range.
Increase gran's nuke AoE range to 300.
Buff glac, or give minions bounce heal.
Increase tp staff cost to 20 gold so people don't buy and use it so frivolously.
Make wand of wind a purchasable item for builders (cost 5 gold), it gives a speed boost.
Increase fog gen cost to 100 gold or decrease its current range.
Implement a -vote froff, -vote exp mode, -vote ar mode where a 60% majority is required to pass a mode (with builders using -yes to vote). Perhaps include a -lock mode for the builder leader to prevent voting.
Implement -albatross mode, where albatross' are allied with the builders and cannot be killed and the amount of albatross' is doubled (if used late game, all albas that have been killed will re spawn).
Remove arachnid, its basically a shitty gnoll with wall walk. [Arachnid hunter should be worth 15 gold when killed by the titan.]
Buff murloc and troll.
Give turtles the ability to g2l.
Give sat an upgrade that can make it immune to poison damage (but not slow poison), to counter bub's aura and glac's hits.
Change the recipe for msog to 3 pearls of vision and a 15g recipe, no longer provides attack damage and mana.
Decrease shield of fate cost to 25g.
Decrease trident cost to 35g (decrease silver trident sell cost to 4g instead of 8g).
New item: AoE teleport staff (one time use), requires 3 tp staves and 8g recipe. Cast time 6 seconds, teleports all units in 400 range to mound when cast.
Huntress summon owl (when you have no owl, or if it's dead, not to be used as an escape move for living owls) should have no cast time, but a 3 minute cool down.
Huntress' owl ethereal form research should be available from the rc (costing lumber and no gold) instead of the arc.
Give huntress' owl 25% spell damage reduction, decrease it's armor to -2.
Extra item slot upgrade from rc, similar to the hp upgrade system.

Wand of the wind removes eye of the ocean when cast on eyed builders.
Poison shouldn't affect units in avatar (such as mag and tauren).
Tomed health and damage shouldn't be lost when a unit enters avatar (applies to both support builders and hunters).
Demo (the titan) can use his spawn minion skill to kill greater gnolls which should be spell immune.
Fix demo's and luci's hit boxes, they are too small/too big.
Radio suicide glitch.
Foss perma invis glitch.
Yellow punish glitch.

Re: Island Defense Suggestions/Bug fixes

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 7:30 pm
by Dehumanchum
Item jumping.
Huntress' insta hunter.
Dryads ultimate tower.
Reduce cast time of radios shield.

Re: Island Defense Suggestions/Bug fixes

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:25 pm
by Lynx
Someone said this somewhere else but i can't remember where, buff faeries lumber per hit to 10.

Dehumanchum wrote:Item jumping.

Imo this is a feature and not a bug.

Re: Island Defense Suggestions/Bug fixes

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:41 pm
by Metall-Drago
Nice TP staff suggestion, plus 4 president. You have more of such legendary ideas?

Re: Island Defense Suggestions/Bug fixes

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:49 pm
by PLus
Metall-Drago wrote:Nice TP staff suggestion, plus 4 president. You have more of such legendary ideas?

Way to stifle creativity, do you plan on bitch slapping baby Jesus next or contributing more of your snide remarks.

P.s. It'd be Prime Minister PLus., has a better ring to it than President PLus.

Re: Island Defense Suggestions/Bug fixes

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:58 pm
by Metall-Drago
We shoulda make a real section not a single topic in discussion which will get flooded. A section in ID section with subsections suggestions, bugs, and releases/announcements/updates/w.e

Re: Island Defense Suggestions/Bug fixes

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:59 pm
by aRt)Y
I agree on making the items more expensive. On the other side, we should perhaps reduce the sell-value of the items to 1/4 instead of currently 1/2 or 1/3 (to reduce lumber pooling - or at least making it harder).

@Metall-Drago Topic is fine to gather ideas but players who have no clue shouldn't suggest something like "item jumping"/post all...

Re: Island Defense Suggestions/Bug fixes

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:07 pm
by Metall-Drago
That can be done to fix the issue. (should be done on anything except merch items, cuz merch-pooling needs 45g in the first place.)

Another solution would be (if codable) to restrict turtles from selling items. (buying still possible to get tps/pots/w.e and to purchase egg items)

Re: Island Defense Suggestions/Bug fixes

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 2:06 am
by TimmyTheTauren
Make/manage and sticky an ID Bug List, make five sections - Builder, Titan, Bugs, Balances, and Miscellaneous

People who -titan don't get titan's gold

Buff/do something with glac, foss, volt

Definitely agree with the -vote ar, -vote exp, etc modes. Pauses the countdown timer and allows ~15 seconds for votes. 60% or more to pass.

Perhaps add different modes. (up to discussion)

Make more items/more item combinations.

Agree with builder lumber feeding nerf.

Don't agree with balth buff, needs to be nerfed majorly imo

Sat/wrath/rage doesn't need any more buffs than already have, only means faster, easier speedpoking and wrath/rage already op enough as it is with tiny cds, magic immune and ridiculous damage.

Euro needs major nerf, need to balance terrain more, make other bases more effective and more appealing to use.

to be continued

Re: Island Defense Suggestions/Bug fixes

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 4:06 am
by TooNoobForU
Cloak of shadows - say it regen mana but does NOT!
as timmy as saying about different modes ! can we do a WTF mode? just for lol'd

to be continued

Re: Island Defense Suggestions/Bug fixes

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 8:12 am
by Burn,3830

My old outdated bugfix, BGN went down so the updated one got wrecked. It was so pretty, too.


Re: Island Defense Suggestions/Bug fixes

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 2:05 pm
by jew
why don't you just copy/paste from ... 309d-bugs/

FYI this is why using anything involving javascript is bad for conservation purposes--you'll have to copy/paste from the source code as the buttons won't work

Re: Island Defense Suggestions/Bug fixes

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 10:40 pm
by Stealer
I think those are covered by arty's excel sheet.

tbh should really just make like a free bug trackker.

Re: Island Defense Suggestions/Bug fixes

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 9:52 am
by Burn
jew wrote:why don't you just copy/paste from ... 309d-bugs/

FYI this is why using anything involving javascript is bad for conservation purposes--you'll have to copy/paste from the source code as the buttons won't work
Awesome, I had no idea this even existed.

Bam, copying the source code was easy work, took me some time to get the best formatting out of ENT that I possibly could. I might make my own google excel soon for you guys, seems much more stable, but could take a while.


Re: Island Defense Suggestions... (and bugs)

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 7:25 am
by ApomTom
Maybe throw in a -practice mode that includes:
-Unlimited resources
-Ability to pick multiple builders/titans throughout game
-No cooldowns (buying items included)
-Restart feature (to practice early game techniques)

Feel free to alter/critique/extend this suggestion, as it wasn't thought out very thoroughly.