I recently got a response on a ban request i dont understand
Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 1:54 am
the repsonse i got from wildman is as follows.
"notusingmouse will not be banned, as kicking a new player that doesn't know how to play is essentially votekick abuse.
For the nth time, quit with the votekick abuse. Next time, I might not be so forgiving."
your rule specifically states:
"Intentionally stalling a lost game as titan and wasting everyone's time for more than 10 mins.
The titan can be kicked if he does not kill a builder in 20 minutes time upon the condition that 60% of the builders alive agree to having the titan kicked.
Stalling is defined as titan and minions not being able to win or having no chance of killing any builders."
The titan sat at mid the entire game despite the builders trying to help and give him advice to leave mid. Therefore after the 10 minute mark we tried to kick him. If you watch the replay of that game the titan does respond in english and also in korean symbols. I understand he was a new player and his english may not have been the best. But does that warrant him to sit at mid and waste 10 minutes of everyones time, not taking any advice, new player or not. Your rule specifically says that at the 20 minute mark if the titan does not kill a builder we are allowed to vote kick him. We tried at the 20:30 mark, everyone agreed, except one person who did not vote or even respond to people asking him to vote. If he gave us a solid reason behind the non-vote id be fine with that but no response when he obviously is reading what we are typing is absurd.
I do not understand why this is abuse? we followed the rules at the 20 minute mark when, titan had not killed anybody. It was also 10 minutes into the game, titan sat at mid not leaving wasting everyones time. When we specifically asked him to leave mid or we would vote kick directly after we votekicked and it failed he sat at mid for over 30 seconds running in circles around the mound as if to taunt us saying "ill do what i want and waste your time regardless". I'm sorry but i do not understand how that is abuse when your rules specifically state we waited long enough time and also that at the 20 minute mark if the titan does not kill anyone and are allowed to kick.
My point is regardless if he is a new player if he is not responding to anyone and shows he is not going to progress and learn the game in any way why do we have to sit there and waste our time while a new player just fools around doing nothing but sitting afk at mound and running in circles? I have no problem teaching new players the game but if we are getting no response and the game is being ruined and basically a waste of time because of that what else can we do? Am i misinterpreting the rule? is there something i am missing? I do not see how this is abuse and I do not see how it warrants a threat from an admin like this and truthfully admins being like this with such a short, non-descriptive response basically just a threat really discourages me. I dont vote kick abuse i rarely every votekick except in extreme situations, such as this, where the game is going no where for over 10 minutes.
I apologize if this new topic is comming off rude or arrogant that is not my intention im just trying to understand your rules for when i encounter this situation in the future. My one big turn-off to games is abuse of any kind so i can understand your strict rules on it i just would appreciate a little clarity on what i am missing here. Thank you.
"notusingmouse will not be banned, as kicking a new player that doesn't know how to play is essentially votekick abuse.
For the nth time, quit with the votekick abuse. Next time, I might not be so forgiving."
your rule specifically states:
"Intentionally stalling a lost game as titan and wasting everyone's time for more than 10 mins.
The titan can be kicked if he does not kill a builder in 20 minutes time upon the condition that 60% of the builders alive agree to having the titan kicked.
Stalling is defined as titan and minions not being able to win or having no chance of killing any builders."
The titan sat at mid the entire game despite the builders trying to help and give him advice to leave mid. Therefore after the 10 minute mark we tried to kick him. If you watch the replay of that game the titan does respond in english and also in korean symbols. I understand he was a new player and his english may not have been the best. But does that warrant him to sit at mid and waste 10 minutes of everyones time, not taking any advice, new player or not. Your rule specifically says that at the 20 minute mark if the titan does not kill a builder we are allowed to vote kick him. We tried at the 20:30 mark, everyone agreed, except one person who did not vote or even respond to people asking him to vote. If he gave us a solid reason behind the non-vote id be fine with that but no response when he obviously is reading what we are typing is absurd.
I do not understand why this is abuse? we followed the rules at the 20 minute mark when, titan had not killed anybody. It was also 10 minutes into the game, titan sat at mid not leaving wasting everyones time. When we specifically asked him to leave mid or we would vote kick directly after we votekicked and it failed he sat at mid for over 30 seconds running in circles around the mound as if to taunt us saying "ill do what i want and waste your time regardless". I'm sorry but i do not understand how that is abuse when your rules specifically state we waited long enough time and also that at the 20 minute mark if the titan does not kill anyone and are allowed to kick.
My point is regardless if he is a new player if he is not responding to anyone and shows he is not going to progress and learn the game in any way why do we have to sit there and waste our time while a new player just fools around doing nothing but sitting afk at mound and running in circles? I have no problem teaching new players the game but if we are getting no response and the game is being ruined and basically a waste of time because of that what else can we do? Am i misinterpreting the rule? is there something i am missing? I do not see how this is abuse and I do not see how it warrants a threat from an admin like this and truthfully admins being like this with such a short, non-descriptive response basically just a threat really discourages me. I dont vote kick abuse i rarely every votekick except in extreme situations, such as this, where the game is going no where for over 10 minutes.
I apologize if this new topic is comming off rude or arrogant that is not my intention im just trying to understand your rules for when i encounter this situation in the future. My one big turn-off to games is abuse of any kind so i can understand your strict rules on it i just would appreciate a little clarity on what i am missing here. Thank you.