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The Future of Island Defense

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 9:20 pm
by LightBlue-
Currently there are two ID versions in the making. (Sounds very similar to what happened ~6 years ago).

Neco has decided to get back into fixing ID (Finally :p). I think he is working on version 4.00.

Carnerox has decided to rewrite/recreate ID. Rework tower costs, builders, titans, and terrain (Excited to see what he has planned for us).

In the coming months both versions (Hopefully) will be out. This creates many questions.
-Which version will [ENT] bots host?
-Will [ENT] bots be hosting both versions?
-Will this split up the ID community?
-Which version will dominate?


Re: The Future of Island Defense

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 1:17 am
by Stealer

Are you referring to wall.up v darox?

tbh untill both versions come out I wouldn't recommend placing money on there being 2 at a time.

Re: The Future of Island Defense

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 2:01 am
by LightBlue-
yea I was.

I agree with you though. I am just curious because this issue will come up sooner and I feel people should at least consider which direction ID is going to go in the next few months

Re: The Future of Island Defense

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 3:20 am
by Atree
Just go with the flow imo. Let things work themselves out, and I'm sure Neco and Carne will have a discussion on what's going to be leaked out.

Re: The Future of Island Defense

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 5:32 am
by Lichard

Re: The Future of Island Defense

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 6:04 am
by LightBlue-
Lich Dick always knows what to say at the right time. I'm laughing my ass off right now. ~AngelofDeath

Re: The Future of Island Defense

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 9:58 am
by aRt)Y
LightBlue- wrote:-Which version will [ENT] bots host?
The community decides.
-Will [ENT] bots be hosting both versions?
No. Not via autohost.
-Will this split up the ID community?
-Which version will dominate?
The better one.

Tbh, first of all, wait until any of both is done. There was always a hype and in the end, nothing was really done.

Re: The Future of Island Defense

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 2:55 pm
by narbtit
Whichever version is more liked/more popular should be hosted on ent bots and the other should not.
We don't want to split up the community with two versions.
Also why are they not working together? :?
Someone is wasting their time basically. If the more popular version is chosen, the person working on the less popular version is wasting their time, it will be for nothing.
So they should be working together

Re: The Future of Island Defense

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 4:35 pm
by Mrpond
narbtit wrote:Whichever version is more liked/more popular should be hosted on ent bots and the other should not.
We don't want to split up the community with two versions.
Also why are they not working together? :?
Someone is wasting their time basically. If the more popular version is chosen, the person working on the less popular version is wasting their time, it will be for nothing.
So they should be working together

Because they code differently it could get messy, besides from what neco is doing looks like he wants to build it from the ground up it could take atleast 2+ months to do that.

Re: The Future of Island Defense

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 6:03 pm
by aRt)Y
They are not wasting their time. Competition is always good and even better for the consumer (us).
Plus, neco's map is slightly different from the map itself from what I saw in the beta terrain versions.

Re: The Future of Island Defense

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 3:49 am
by pandaren.
You quit id for one base that for some reason to me sounds opa?

Also there still some good old players out there and many new ones that are great as well.

Re: The Future of Island Defense

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 3:07 pm
by Stealer
tbh i liked those like tri/quad bases that were actually legitimate instead of the weird shit we have now.

newSig.PNG (5.78 KiB) Viewed 1419 times

Re: The Future of Island Defense

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 2:51 am
by evilmad666