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Titan Revival Revamp Game

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 5:38 pm
by Loki7950
What I noticed the titan has an ankh. But what if the titan can be brought back in other means...

Through a sacrifice rituals, two mini's must give up their lives to reborn the former titan to its former self. This ritual can be done only by the gold mound and it would cost 2 minis. This would encourage other titaners to have a second chance to keep perfecting their skills as titans but also give other builders the advantage to learn to deal with the reincarnation of the titan.

Adds less stress to the titan user, but gives players an entertaining game. Also, to stop stalling, there would be a time limit on the remains on the titan to be used for the ritual. Builders would receive 0 killing the titan but a stall of 1 minute to receive the 45 gold. Only if the remains of the titan have been expired.

Builders would not be able to pick up the remains. Minions, chickens, and chimeras would be able to pick up the remains.

Rec: Floating eye should have an inventory slot to recover items from the builders who steal away their times. Re-buying items as a titan can cost the titan longer game play to buy back those items.

Please let me know what you think :)
Have a nice day!

Re: Titan Revival Revamp Game

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 7:32 pm
by Burn
The reason why -tr isn't default is because of stalling.

It's one of the top problems with island defense right now:

Also, will a forum admin merge this with ID suggestions topic? Ty: ... &start=195



Re: Titan Revival Revamp Game

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 5:44 am
by TooNoobForU
that would be dope but if that titan was a lvl 16 (cough) and had like 8 minions = 4 rebirths?

Re: Titan Revival Revamp Game

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 6:00 am
by Nigth2
With 8 minions healing any base is dead, no need.