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Wall Walking Poll - Make your vote count!
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 12:21 pm
by ShadowZz
Lately there has been much discussion about wall walking so as per Burn's idea I'm opening this poll.
My thoughts: Wall walking is in itself abuse of a game mechanic. The only reason it exists is due to certain builders using the Orc style of building. It is well known how over powered this is but let me elaborate.
If I suggested adding an ability to the game so as a builder could become invulnerable every other second and be unnukable during that time whilst continuously moving away from the titan until they got to complete safety whereby they could block a path. You would call me a moron and say it would be OP. Well that's exactly what wall walking is.
On top of the obvious problems with abusing a game mechanic it also imbalances the game by wasting the titans time. Whilst trying to chase a wall walker the titan is getting 0 gold and 0 experience. Meanwhile the builders are all happily sitting at gold mound golding away.
All the haters are going to say that it's fine because they enjoy abusing game mechanics and that it is counterable.
But let me ask you this...
Should you need to have a titan with multiple minions to stand any chance of killing a single builder?
When a builder has wasted there escapes which the game is balanced for be able to then escape a rightful earned kill by the titan via wall walk?
Should "Good" players be allowed to abuse game mechanics just because they think they are better than you?
Island Defense has come so far and it's about time we stopped allowing people to ruin it via abusing game mechanics.
Re: Wall Walking Poll - Make your vote count!
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 12:32 pm
by Sabishii
I hate people that wall walk, but it's the builder uniqueness. I really don't mind if they do it in inhouse because it's a private game, but in public game maybe they should be warn for abusing it? I doubt not all titan knows how to counter it except for those who wall walked themselves.
Re: Wall Walking Poll - Make your vote count!
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 12:45 pm
by Haunt
I'm not even good at wall walking, but even I can pretty much survive 24/7 and not die when wall walking.
In the replay we are playing a map which only purpose is to wall walk around the map. Speaks for itself.
Now to possible fix.
I think that all wall walker builders should summon their buildings like Draenei. It makes sense and is more balanced.
Re: Wall Walking Poll - Make your vote count!
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 12:50 pm
by Merex
tl;dr wallwalking barely happens, besides what does it benefit for builders besides stall time to a pub titan? Any advanced wallwalker, a pubstomper/tnfu-related titan will know not to engage further without wotw + ward blocks (assuming they want the kill). Other than that, is a useless ''strategy''.
Re: Wall Walking Poll - Make your vote count!
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 12:56 pm
by ShadowZz
80% of players are average and below and struggle vs wall walk.
Re: Wall Walking Poll - Make your vote count!
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 1:01 pm
by aRt)Y
ShadowZz wrote:80% of players are average and below and struggle vs wall walk.
Which is no reason to remove it. Or should voltron's blink be removed because players make their bases blink save?
Furthermore, I wouldn't call it "abusing" a game mechanic. It is orc-style and was meant to be like that. The titan can easily block it with wards or other minis.
Re: Wall Walking Poll - Make your vote count!
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 1:01 pm
by Merex
Then that's unfortunate. I still don't see how that's relevant to my response.
Re: Wall Walking Poll - Make your vote count!
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 1:02 pm
by Sabishii
It's true that we will not engage the builder without plans, but it also give the builder the advantage to just keep golding. And for those who said it's e asy to counter it. Have you ever tried killing burnshady when he wall walks ?
Re: Wall Walking Poll - Make your vote count!
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 1:04 pm
by Burn
I see a few players here arguing to not remove wall walk, but I'm the only one who voted for keep wall walk?
Re: Wall Walking Poll - Make your vote count!
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 1:05 pm
by Merex
How is it an advantage to keep golding? The middle area isn't even build-able...
Re: Wall Walking Poll - Make your vote count!
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 1:24 pm
by Burn
Trying to kill a wall walker without minions is like trying to kill a builder behind a row of mass upgraded walls. You're not supposed to be doing that, and most builders can just use escape and walk away anyway. Wall walking is only useful against noob titans because good titans aren't chasing wasting their time. This goes for any builder with a decent except, even murloc, who can sheep tag walk until he gets hit once, then he can just panic away.
Re: Wall Walking Poll - Make your vote count!
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 1:35 pm
by ShadowZz
@Av1on I'm shocked that you spend half of my life bitching about TnE abuse like house glitching and True sight tower and workers guild glitch then you come here and say that this is perfectly fine. Why do I even bother.
@Burn What is so hard to understand. Let me help. If you are any other builder and you get caught out you use your escape abilities. This is the same with builders that can wall walk. If you get caught out again through bad mistakes with no escapes and no nearby escapable terrain such as seeds or whatever then you die. As that's how the game is balanced. HOWEVER builders with wall walk avoid the well deserved death and circumvent game balance via abusing a game mechanic. How can you act like you have game knowledge and happily sit there saying your fine that if a builder is caught out enough times to waste all there escapes and then be in the middle of nowhere that they should still survive because the titan doesn't have a minion or extra items. How is this even a discussion. Like wtf.
Re: Wall Walking Poll - Make your vote count!
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 1:37 pm
by Sabishii
Like what you said burn, trying to kill a wall walker is that hard. So as you starts wall walking, any titan would start be annoyed and stop chasing you, and once you start golding, the titan would know that chasing you is meaningless. Does that not ruin the titan game ?
Re: Wall Walking Poll - Make your vote count!
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 1:38 pm
by Merex
Well you see ShadowZz, incase you've got a sense of the difference, your argument is pathetic. Those are actual ban-able advantaging glitches that are abused by players as to where wall-walking is just a simple building style. Yes indeed, why do you bother?
Re: Wall Walking Poll - Make your vote count!
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 1:40 pm
by ShadowZz
PM me Av1on, this conversation will be there.