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Lumber acquisition rate across the races

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 4:45 pm
by SpiritBreaker
So I remember reading, long ago, about a comparison between Champion vs Regular harvesters for Morph.

I don't remember reading any comparison between all the different races however.

I am not at home right now, but I am willing to do the research necessary for the following:
- Number of seeds on the map, and number of harvesters that would fit in each.
- Different races' harvest[1] speed and capacity.
- How the Lumber upgrade affects different races.
- Harvester survivability.

And I suppose a few other things we could discuss are:
- Amount of lumber needed for walls/towers/upgrades to make the race be able to partake in a duo-base efficiently.
- Further lumber needed to make the race particularly op (be it in base or otherwise - e.g. Nat army, etc.).
- Difficulty of seeding/setting up an lb with race.
- Remaking an lb as opposed to golding. (How much gold do you need, etc.)

[1] What I mean here is:
- How quickly does the main Builder and different Harvesters chop the tree.
- How much lumber each tree chop gathers.
- How much lumber they can hold.

Re: Lumber acquisition rate across the races

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 6:12 pm
by Sat
I got a rough estimate on goblin upgrades a while back:
Sat wrote:Ok, here are my goblin results:

No upgrade - 960/minute
1st up - 1050/m
2nd up - 1080/m
3rd up - 1170/m
4th up - 1260/m

I was not harvesting with builder.

So yeah, there are some numbers for one builder.

PS - Gob builder is a relatively okay harvester, as you probably know. But not many people harvest mid with it, which might be worthwhile.

Re: Lumber acquisition rate across the races

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 7:30 pm
by SpiritBreaker
The upgrades only increase the maximum capacity of lumber a harvester can hold, right? So if we are talking harvesters in a seed, all it does is decrease the number of times the harvester has to turn around to deposit lumber to the shelter, right?

Re: Lumber acquisition rate across the races

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 7:44 pm
by Burn
No, that's for Nature/Radio only. The lumber acquisition rate increase is exactly that, the acquisition rate is increased. Basically there is a cooldown between each swing, the workers swing 5 times, so they'll chop a lot faster especially since they are in a seed.

Here's a good quote:

Sat wrote:Welp I believe if you look at the workers for all but radio and nat, they chop/club/claw faster.

Like, they start off going chop...chop...chop

Become, chop..chop..chop..

And end, chop, chop, chop


Re: Lumber acquisition rate across the races

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 10:42 pm
by Stealer
lumber upgrades are worth it.

Re: Lumber acquisition rate across the races

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 10:51 pm
by nabo.
Reading the title, I thought this was gonna be another spam.

Re: Lumber acquisition rate across the races

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 11:01 pm
by Stealer
Blacks are the best lumber acquirers although the asians & irish are not to be down played.


Morph builder is worth like 12.5 workers (75 food)

Re: Lumber acquisition rate across the races

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 12:00 pm
by ShadowZz
If you get the first lumber upgrade asap in a game you generally start turning a profit around 9 mins in and if you get both asap it turns a profit around 11mins in.