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DPS of all Towers AND EHP of Walls (Raw)

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 2:49 pm
by ShiroKami
This thread might only be useful for those interested in numbers.

My brother (Kougetsu) and I have calculated the DPS of all Towers in the game.
However, the numbers could be slightly off.
Real numbers could be provided by Neco :D

For a better looking table and the eDPS refer to this file :

Following is the RAW DPS for each builder:

1. = Normal Tower
2. = Enhanced Tower
3. = Super Tower
4. = Mega Tower
DPS of 30 Towers

1. 529,4
2. 882,4
3. 1235,3
4. 1588,2 (without upgrade) / 1764,7 (with upgrade)
Posion is not included

1. 600
2. 800
3. 1200
4. 1600 (without upgrade) / 2077 (with upgrade)
NOTE: Electric Current also increases the Attack Speed slightly

1. 900
2. 1269,2
3. 1636,4
4. 1950
Barrel Explosion not included
NOTE: Attack Speed increases slightly with every Tier (From Normal to Mega)

1. 705,9
2. 1058,8
3. 1411,8
4. 1764,7 (without upgrade) / 2117,6 (with upgrade)

1. 0
2. 681,8
3. 818,2
4. 954,6
5. 1090,9
6. 1227,3
7. 1363,6
8. 1636,4
9. 1909,1
10. 2181,8
Infusion is not included

1. 705,9
2. 1058,8
3. 1411,8
4. 1764,7
5. 1788,2 (with 1 Frost and 1 Overload)
Too many combinations, if I should add a combination, tell me about it and I will add it.

1. 1588,2 (max RC)
2. 1941,2 (max ARC)

1. 750 (without ORB) / 1312,5 (with ORB)
2. 1125 (without ORB) / 1687,5 (with ORB)
3. 1500 (without ORB) / 2062,5 (with ORB)
4. 1875 (without ORB) / 2437,5 (with ORB)

1. 625 (without upgrade) / 781,25 (with upgrade)
2. 1000 (without upgrade) / 1250 (with upgrade)
3. 1500 (without upgrade) / 1875 (with upgrade)
4. 2000 (without upgrade) / 2500 (with upgrade)

1. 625
2. 875
3. 1125
4. 1375

1. 905,9 (28 food) / 1035,3 (32 food)
2. 1235,3 (28 food) / 1411,8 (32 food)
3. 1564,7 (28 food) / 1788,2 (32 food)
4. 1729,4 (28 food) / 1976,5 (32 food)

1. 882,4 / 1041,7 (with upgrade)
2. 1235,3 / 1458,3 (with upgrade)
3. 1588,2 / 1875 (with upgrade)
4. 1941,2 / 2291,7 (with upgrade)

1. 909,1
2. 1272,7
3. 1636,4
4. 2000
NOTE: Manaburn is not included

1. 882,4
2. 1235,3
3. 1588,2
4. 2062,5
NOTE: Mega Tower has slightly increased Attack Speed


Big thanks to Shadowzz for pointing out my mistake!
Standard Walls:
150 HP + 5 Armor = 195 EHP Standard
200 HP + 5 Armor = 260 EHP Standard (50 Hp Upgrade)
250 HP + 5 Armor = 325 EHP Standard (another 50 HP upgrade)
500 HP + 15 Armor = 950 EHP Upgraded

Every Builder that can increase Standard Wall HP by 150
650 HP + 15 Armor = 1235 EHP

500 HP + 18 Armor = 1040 EHP

500 HP + 20 Armor = 1100 EHP

550 HP + 15 Armor = 1045 EHP

600 HP + 15 Armor = 1140 EHP

550 Hp + 17 Armor = 1111 EHP
600 Hp + 19 Armor = 1284 EHP
650 Hp + 20 Armor = 1430 EHP

650 Hp + 20 Armor = 1430 EHP (No evasion)
650 Hp + 20 Armor = 1787,5 EHP (With luck, could be a lot more)

700 HP + 15 Armor = 1330 EHP

250 HP + 15 Armor = 475 EHP
300 HP + 15 Armor = 570 EHP
350 HP + 15 Armor = 665 EHP
400 HP + 15 Armor = 760 EHP
450 HP + 15 Armor = 855 EHP
500 HP + 15 Armor = 950 EHP
750 HP + 20 Armor = 1650 EHP

700 HP + 15 Armor = 1330 EHP
800 HP + 20 Armor = 1760 EHP

800 HP + 25 Armor = 2000 EHP

100 HP + 15 Armor + 550 Mana = ~1091,5 EHP
100 HP + 15 Armor + 550 Mana = ~1327,5 EHP (With Mana Void only)
100 HP + 15 Armor + 550 Mana = ~1917,5 EHP (With Well of Power and Mana Void
Estimation, because of Mana Regen and Mana Shield.

Don't forget that fortified armor typ reduces hero damage by 50%

Re: DPS of all Towers

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 3:14 pm
by ShadowZz

Re: DPS of all Towers

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 3:20 pm
by ShiroKami
WOW, I just wasted so much time :S.

But the Morphling needs to be updated.
Makruras Mega Tower as well, with Electric Current his Megas have an Attack Speed of 0.65

Re: DPS of all Towers

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 3:27 pm
by Lynx
Great work, I always enjoy stuff like this. By the way how have you calculated this? If you say attack speed isn't factored in, how can it be DPS?

ShiroKami wrote:Nature
1. 882,4
2. 1235,3
3. 1588,2
4. 2062,5
NOTE: Mega Tower has slightly increased Attack Speed

Also this is only damage before reduction, I'm assuming. The true damage would look something like this if the titan has 20 armor.
Damage after reduction = (Damage)x0.4545x0.5. Armor and weapon types. Titan has Hero type armor and Towers are piercing weapon type.

ShiroKami wrote:Nature
1. 201
2. 281
3. 361
4. 469

edit, as shirokami pointed out shadowzz, that doesn't include tower upgrades, ogre especially. Still a helpful source. What could be useful is EHP of every wall in the game.

Re: DPS of all Towers

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 3:31 pm
by ShiroKami
Yes its raw dmg, without factoring in Armor Reduction.
And yeah, without Attackspeed I couldn't have calculated the DPS

Re: DPS of all Towers AND EHP of Walls (Raw)

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 5:49 pm
by ShiroKami
As lynx suggested I added EHP for walls.
Draenei was a seriously tough nut duhh.

Re: DPS of all Towers AND EHP of Walls (Raw)

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 6:59 pm
by ShadowZz
@ShiroKami How are you working out the EHP?

Each point of armor gives you 0.06% more EHP. This works up until you reach 85% damage reduction when armor starts to fall off but you don't really need to worry about that in ID.

EHP = bHP * (100/(100-ev%)) * (1+(armor*0.06))

This works as well: EHP = bHP/100*6*armor+bHP

bHP = Base HP
ev% = Evasion percentage
armor = Armor of wall

E.g: A mag wall at max level glacier has 800 HP and 20 armor.
No evasion means 100-ev% = 100
So 100/100 = 1
Then 20 armor * 0.06 = 1.2
And 1 + 1.2 = 2.2

800 * 1 * 2.2
= 1760 eHP

The other way is 800/100=8*6=48*20=960+800=1760EHP

Note that this does not take damage reduction from different damage types into account.

But Hero attack vs Fortified armor is pretty self explanatory at 50%.

Re: DPS of all Towers AND EHP of Walls (Raw)

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 7:18 pm
by ShiroKami
damage reduction = (armor)*0.06)/(1+0.06*(armor))
Effective HP = (Unit HP)*[ 1+damage reduction]

I used this formular, which is posted on the blizzard forum.
I also tested them with my brother, and they were correct.

For Mag:

800 HP Wall + 20 Armor

20 Armor reduces incoming dmg by ~55%

--> Around 55% more HP --> 800*1.55 or 800+(800*0.55) = 1240 EHP

Re: DPS of all Towers AND EHP of Walls (Raw)

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 7:25 pm
by ShadowZz
For a mag wall that would give you:

damage reduction (armor)*0.06)/(1+0.06*(armor))

(Unit HP)*[ 1+damage reduction]


Edit: This bit doesn't change regardless of the value you put there, somethings wrong :P:

With 20 armor:
damage reduction (armor)*0.06)/(1+0.06*(armor))
With 100 armor:
damage reduction (armor)*0.06)/(1+0.06*(armor))

Second Edit:

Now if you do:

(armor)*0.06) for mag with 20 armor gives you 1.2.

Then this > (Unit HP)*[ 1+damage reduction] give you 800*2.2=1760EHP (The value I gave you earlier)

Re: DPS of all Towers AND EHP of Walls (Raw)

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 7:41 pm
by ShiroKami
YOu were right, just saw the other.
Just saw your formular in another post

Re: DPS of all Towers AND EHP of Walls (Raw)

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 7:43 pm
by ShiroKami
I tested the effective hp with draenei and they were correct, I dont understand why that is right but wrong with the others.

Re: DPS of all Towers AND EHP of Walls (Raw)

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 7:45 pm
by ShadowZz
I code it for standalone :P

Just use this for normal walls (A shorter way without the need for evasion calculations at all):

EHP = bHP/100*6*armor+bHP

This for walls with evasion (Goblin's):

EHP = bHP * (100/(100-ev%)) * (1+(armor*0.06))

bHP = Base HP
ev% = Evasion percentage
armor = Armor of wall

I really like this topic by the way and just want to thank you for taking the time to do it :P Just don't want you spending a lot of time on it and it being wrong later :P Good luck!

Re: DPS of all Towers AND EHP of Walls (Raw)

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 7:54 pm
by ShiroKami
ShadowZz wrote:
Edit: This bit doesn't change regardless of the value you put there, somethings wrong :P:

With 20 armor:
damage reduction (armor)*0.06)/(1+0.06*(armor))
With 100 armor:
damage reduction (armor)*0.06)/(1+0.06*(armor))

This formular should be correct.

Armor value of 5

(5*0,06)/(1+(0,06*5)) = ~0,23

Armor value of 20

(20*0,06)/(1+(0,06*20) = ~0,55

Armor value of 100

(100*0,06)/(1+(0,06*100) = ~0,86

Damage Reduction Formular is correct,
but my EHP Formular was incorrect. You were right with that.

Re: DPS of all Towers AND EHP of Walls (Raw)

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 7:57 pm
by lordmillt
wtf, u missed demos Towers!! u failed Everything..

Re: DPS of all Towers AND EHP of Walls (Raw)

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 7:58 pm
by ShadowZz
What you wrote before:

This is incorrect > (armor)*0.06)/(1+0.06*(armor)

This is correct > (armor)*0.06)/(1+(0.06*armor)

That bracket changes everything lol : D.