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New Titan - Y'Shaarj

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 7:40 pm
by NotYacapo
Ok the basic titan is like any other titan with Nuke, Heal, Windwalk, Ulti ect. I don't know what model to use for it. But what makes this titan unique is whenever you kill a builder you get 1 minion out of 7 chosen randomly each minion will have different amounts of Health and Damage. Strongest to Weakest below. The 7 minions you can get are;

Sha of Anger - The more it levels up the angrier it gets.
Endless Rage - (Nuke) Shoots missles all around it doing anywhere from 0 to 400 damage to anyone in the area.
Bitter Thoughts - (Windwalk) The cloud of Bitter Thoughts hides the minion.
Aggressive Behavior - Increases Damage and Health by 20% for 7 seconds.
Unleashed Wrath - (Ulti) The Sha of Anger unleashes pent-up rage for 15 sec. The Unleashed Wrath inflicts x damage to 10 random structures every 2 seconds.

Sha of Hatred - A big body that only has 2 abilities
Awaken Vestiges of Hatred - Summons 4 weak minions (mini-minis)
Posses - Take control of a random enemy for 5 seconds.

Sha of Violence - What can I say he is violent.
Disorienting Smash - (Nuke) The Sha smashes the target, inflicting x damage and stunning target for up to 4 sec.
Parting Smoke - (Windwalk)
Enrage - (Ulti) Increases attack speed by 50% for 7 seconds.

Sha of Fear - He loves consuming Light
Pure Light - Give a friendly character Divine Shield for x amount of time.
Wall of Light - Friends standing within the wall of light take 15% reduced damage from all sources.
Lei's Hope - An aura that gives friendly players 15% more attack speed
Terror Spawns - (Ulti) The Sha summons a pair of Terror Spawns to attack players. Each Terror Spawn is protected by a bulwark of dark energy for x amount of time that deflects spells and attacks.
Breath of Fear - (Nuke) Does x amount of damage to a player.

Sha of Doubt - He hates being doubted
Wither Will - Completely and utterly destroy a Structure. 3 minute cooldown.
Touch of Nothingness - The Sha of Doubt seeps a profound sense of nothingness into the mind of a player taking away all armor for x amount of time.
Gathering Doubt - (Heal) Heals the player or friend for 10% of it's maximum health.

Sha of Despair - Very sad guy
Call of Despair - Summons 4 mini-minis
Gloom Whirl - Whirl around, healing friendlies within range for x amount of health and x amount of time

Sha of Pride - Weak body but has pride
Swelling Pride - Use all of your mana to do 250 damage to players in a area.
Bursting Pride - Heal a friendly for 25% of its maximum health.
Aura of Pride - Like the Rad's radiation it deals damage to people near it.
Banishment - Sends a palyer to the Sha realm for x amount of time leaving behind a ethereal form that is invulnerable.
Mark of Arrogance - Same effect as Faerie Fire but can also target structures

Re: New Titan - Y'Shaarj

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 8:14 pm
by Lynx



The idea that there are different kinds of minions is an interesting idea. Since every player plays titan almost the same strategy every game, this might force players into diversing their play style.

There could be like;
Nuking minion
  • Strong nuke, weak heal
Healing minion
  • Weak nuke, strong heal
Sieging minion
  • Weak nuke, weak heal, strong stats, unitwalking(?)

Re: New Titan - Y'Shaarj

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 9:56 pm
by Haunt
I want to play ID, not WoW....

Re: New Titan - Y'Shaarj

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 10:13 pm
by BeeKauzh
Model - Panda

There could be like;
Fire panda
Strong nuke, weak heal

Storm panda
Weak nuke, strong heal

Earth panda
Weak nuke, weak heal, strong stats, unitwalking(?)

This totally works.

Re: New Titan - Y'Shaarj

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 10:53 pm
by Merex
pls keep panda as builder thx.

Re: New Titan - Y'Shaarj

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 11:00 pm
by Stealer
Can nature be a titan yet?

Re: New Titan - Y'Shaarj

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 12:37 am
by Merex

Re: New Titan - Y'Shaarj

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 8:47 am
by Ultrasonic
Titan be like a spinning wheel :3