MickeyTheMousie wrote:And to put it in context: there is probably just 1 Korean playing in the tourney (Gouus)
And mb 1 or 2 Australians (Beep, mb 1 more)
Actually the last 2 ltd tournies had 2-3 korean teams (so about 8-12 koreans playing) that joined and I believe 2-3 euro teams that joined as well. Just cause you don't know them personally doesn't mean they don't join.
As for the times you guys are suggesting, that would make it 6 a.m for me to play in the tourney. That's freakin EARLY, but I would still wake up for it. Also the tourney times right now actually don't work for me. Every Friday in all the tournaments, I had to take a half day or day-off, just so I can play in the tournament. So actually, I make accommodations for the tournaments. Maybe you guys should accommodate for 1 of the tournaments, then start making suggestions.....
Funny thing is you guys keep mentioning LIHL players, but there are soo many other players that join the last tourney besides the LIHL players.
DonaldtheDuckie wrote:So it is still way better than your current suggestion and will only occur if the koreans advance to the finals
And a korean team won the LTD Tournament (the previous tournament before my team winning)