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Tournament information

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 7:37 am
by cyberpunk
The ENT August Warcraft III Tournament will be happening from Aug 2nd to Aug 4th (a weekend). The following events are included:

  • DotA: standard 5v5 -cm
  • Legion TD Mega: 4v4, mode is -hpgm (hybrid builder)
  • Mystery event: this is an event for fun, teams are of two and the map will be revealed at the start of the tournament

Dates and times
Tournament will be on the weekend from Aug 2nd to Aug 4th.

DotA event will be happening from 6pm to 9pm EDT (10pm to 1am UTC/GMT) Friday and 3pm to 6pm + 7pm to 9pm EDT (7pm to 10pm and 11pm to 1am UTC/GMT) on Saturday and Sunday.

Legion TD Mega will be happening from 7pm to 10pm EDT (11pm to 2am UTC/GMT) on Friday, 2pm to 5pm EDT on Saturday, and possibly Sunday as well *the final round* we will confirm a specific date that can be accessible for both teams.

Mystery event will be from 1pm to 3pm EDT (5pm to 7pm UTC/GMT) on Saturday, and will continue at 1pm EDT on Sunday if this is needed.

This time around, we'll be doing registrations over the forum to curb the number of invalid registrations. We have created a separate topic for each event where you can post your team's registration:

If you don't have a team yet, try posting in the Find A Team section.

Tournament structure
Each event will be a double-elimination tournament. The last two losers bracket rounds may be best of three, depending on the number of teams registered. The final will be a best of five, where the top team (the team that didn't yet lose a game) gets a free win to start off.

The tournament round structure will be posted on the tournament event pages (links from the tournament system).

There is also a list of tournament rules that will be enforced.

The current prize pool is $500. This will be split between the events so that there is $250 for DotA, $225 for Legion TD Mega, and $25 for the mystery event. Prizes are sent over Paypal, so you must have a Paypal account to receive the prize. The prize will be sent to the team leader.

We're also introducing a new twist for this tournament. If you donate $X for the tournament and end up getting a first place prize in DotA or Legion TD Mega, then we'll add 2*$X to the prize, where 10 <= X <= 200.

Tournament mailing list
Want notification about future tournaments? Subscribe to our mailing list!

Re: Tournament information

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 11:13 am
by Diablo_
Too bad I'm going on vacation on August 3rd :(

Re: Tournament information

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 11:16 am
by cyberpunk
You can play the 1v1 tournament C:

Re: Tournament information

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 11:33 am
by koblaster12345
During the DotA event, I'll have school :,(

Re: Tournament information

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:19 pm
by cyberpunk
koblaster12345 wrote:During the DotA event, I'll have school :,(
Well, you can get some substitute, can't you? C:

Re: Tournament information

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 3:50 pm
by BurritoCarcass
Do the same people always have to play? I won't be able to play the Friday, but I can over the weekend. So can I sign up more than 5 for the dota tourny? Or?

Re: Tournament information

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 3:54 pm
by uakf.b
Yes, you can sign up >= 5 players on a DotA team.

Re: Tournament information

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 7:25 pm
by dweiler
Is it possible to start the legion tournament something like 4 hours earlier? I want to participate, but I won't sign and play if I have to play 1- 5:00 CET :( That's just ridiculous.

I feel we Europeans earn a better time, because last time I also didn't sign up because of the impossible hours we had to play. Now only Americans win the tournies, but that's only because European players won't enter the tourney . (!! :P)

Re: Tournament information

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 9:17 pm
by cyberpunk
MickeyTheMousie wrote:Is it possible to start the legion tournament something like 4 hours earlier? I want to participate, but I won't sign and play if I have to play 1- 5:00 CET :( That's just ridiculous.
Have you played before? I do not remember you in the last tournaments.
Well, let me say you a thing, we have ppl from KR, Seoul.. they played the last 2 tournaments, they had to play between 5am until 10am.. Now, i'd like to please them.. so the time to them will be around 8am until 11/12am hours... I have talk w euro ppl and they do not care about the time.. oO

Re: Tournament information

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 9:18 pm
by dweiler
I haven't played before, but that was because the times were so strange too. I remember I wanted to watch the finals through your stream, but I could only watch game 1 which lasted until 1:30 local time.

I understand your motives, :) will wait until next tournament then :P

Edit: (but I think you will lose a lot of players, since I know a lot of legion players from Europe and just 1 from Korea.)

Re: Tournament information

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 12:13 am
by cyberpunk
MickeyTheMousie wrote:Edit: (but I think you will lose a lot of players, since I know a lot of legion players from Europe and just 1 from Korea.)
I heard the same thing when I decided to make -sd mode O:
Unfortunately I can't please everyone... :3

Re: Tournament information

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 8:06 am
by dweiler
I know choices have to be made, so I understand you can't please everyone.

You might want to take into account that 34 out of 71 players in the LIHL are european, and so that 50% of the players here is practically excluded now, although the players of the LIHL are probably the most likely to enter tournaments. And I wonder who the Europeans are who said they don't care about the time? If it's necessary, I can play 1 night until 5:00, but 3 nights in a row? They must be either very lonely or very unemployed - in any case, completely out of sync with society.

Re: Tournament information

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:08 am
by cyberpunk
Each team can have 1 substitute. So make a team, play one night and enjoy the tournament.

Re: Tournament information

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:40 am
by DonaldtheDuckie
Whats the motives for hosting it at this hour other than that you want to accomodate the koreans?

The way I see it, accomodating the americans means u fuck over the koreans and the euros and the aussies, while only benefitting the americans. Since last tourney benefitted the american,s and 50 pct of the player base is euro, is it not past due time that euros get a tourney where the time benefits us?

Just think it over though. U got participants who play from asia:

asians/australians : 7 hours ahead of most euro players who are gmt+1. lihl player base 10 pct
euros lihl player base 50 pct
americans 7 + hours after.lihl player base 40 pct

Shouldnt we pick a time that benefits the 3 groups the most in total?

The way I see it, the priority should be placed aroung the last 2 groups, as they are 90 pct of the most likely player material, while still giving people from asia/australia a nice chance of playing.

As its summer vacation anyhow, the time would seem to be best if it was morning in the states, mid day euro and evening asia/australia.

So why dont u pick a time that starts like 9 am new york time, 4 pm euro time, and 11 pm asia/australia time.

This lets players from all continents participate. Btw youd know that 2-5 pm gmt +1 time is one of the most common hours for tele conferencing in worldwide corps if u ever participated in some. Same dilemma, same solution.

alternatively, focus on a time that suits 90 pct of the player mass teh best = nolater than 9pm-1 am euro, and 2-6 pm american time.

Re: Tournament information

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 10:57 am
by cyberpunk
All opinions matters to me, I'll consider it in the next tournament.