Want to find some regular LTD Mega Players
Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 7:53 pm
Hi guys my acct here is freakface99 however I go by Cthulhu on WC3. Somewhat recently I have gotten very involved in playing LTD Mega and would love to find some regular players to team up with. No Discord or Curse required but I'm sure that would help. I currently have 145 games under my belt on this account (more on my other account but I used that one as a learning account and has since then been deleted) with a 70/75 win ratio and a elo of 945.13. I once had an Elo of just over 1100 but it seems my luck ran out and playing with randoms and hoping we sync up just isn't cutting it. I defineilty have more to learn but am quite adept and know how to solo, cross and king. (still learning king but I can do it). Anyways HMU here and hopefully we can play together. Thanks,