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ifck doesn't maphack
Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 7:27 pm
by Astros
he showed me proof. hope that clears up all the mh accusations from now on
Re: Thoughts on this DotA game?
Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 7:59 pm
by caughtonAction
gjgjgj, did he gave you the screenshot?
Well, it was obvious that this ifck is hardcore mhing. He is ungankable and at the same time, making very efficient move almost everytime. For dota games, in certain battle situation, the option is either one of two, and he always make right decisions. What amazing about him is that he makes risky move very often and almost all of them goes successful.
Yes, it can be done if opponents movement is predictive, but he never fails to predict, always making right decisions. This is even beyond what current TI winners can do in pubgames.
His storm is even more crazy. He can somehow figure out when opponent is fishing or not, without having a vision on them. It cannot be explained with "his map reading skills" because, with exact same situation, he sometimes dive and does not dive, and you know what? he dives exactly when opponents were not fishing but just farming regardless of the tower if nearby such that team can tp to help; both cases, he had zero vision on all oppononets for like at least 1-2 mins. Again, amazing thing is that he always make right decision whether they are fishing or not. Sometimes, he flew directly to key players, without any vision. For all these, I watched reply to confirm, because, this is too mysterious, and wanted to know what made him to make right decisions everytime.
His mid spec with bottle flying from base to tower thing is even more disgusting. His ulti timing is always perfect and running away from gank, in the perfect direction, every time. I played many many good legit top players across US europe asia in pubgames and CM games. I never saw, a person, who can play like this (risky movement but high gain, if successful) over and over in multiple games, consecutively. He doesnt make any wrong decisions for like months. He make some wrong moves but looks like he intentionally does that.
whatever he saids, he is mh for sure.
also, he doesnt even play a game if his team is in generally not better than other team. Well, that is his choice, but mh + team choosing + omni baby sitting should not trash talk to others at least !
Re: Thoughts on this DotA game?
Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 8:07 pm
by tlatjdgns90
mher ifck I'm not even surprise, u can't improve with mh man zz, Don't get used to Lothar lol try dagger without mh, it is going to be very hard for you mher lol. Think abt it if I mh why would I lose to you after ez own you mid?
Re: ifck doesn't maphack
Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 8:39 pm
by caughtonAction
Great! What was the proof?
Re: ifck doesn't maphack
Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 9:05 pm
by Astros
he doesn't maphack. hopefully this clears everything up.
Re: ifck doesn't maphack
Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 12:37 am
by iambackk
@caughtonaction stop ur trash talking with ur fake hater account iwth only 2 post as history.
You are pathetic, i dont give a fuck about what u think, "ungangable" lmao, the 500 times i got ganged by bara mid or any other actions, u are not mentioning all this actions, u just put the 2 3 strange move withotu asking me why and how. like when i go wood and get xp in the fog cause someone wooding, im actually explaining all moves in the game without anybody asking because i dont want more mh accusation.
Re: ifck doesn't maphack
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2023 4:06 am
by bansheex
Astros wrote:he doesn't maphack. hopefully this clears everything up.
Yes, he does. And I posted the replay that proves it without a doubt at the start of this thread here
Re: ifck doesn't maphack
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2023 7:58 am
by tlatjdgns90
@caughtonaction is this italian(dead-inside?) guy? hey ifck, this italian guy is a all-round good player not you. when we see how creeping on mid we immediately know its gonna be hard game or whatever, but you damn ez man, you still don know how to play. mb you not try to use mh nowadays so your score has been change but im pretty sure u gonna come back with it. if you have conscience stop talking noob
Re: ifck doesn't maphack
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2023 4:10 pm
by dumpster_
This doesn't clear anything up.
What possible way can there be to prove a negative?
I came up with a few, tell us which one it is.
a) you personally installed a camera in his house that you can access remotely, and you know it hasn't been tampered with, so it can't automatically turn off mh when it is accessed
b) you're a criminal mastermind that can hack anyone's computer, or you're the one that programmed all versions of mh going back two decades, and you made them all send data about their usage back to you
c) ifck has sensitive French documents on his computer, and would be executed for treason by his government if he installed any shady software
I don't know what this supposed "proof" is, but I gather that it's a video recording of him playing one game without mh?
Let's say I fucked your mother. Would you accept a picture of my flacid cock as proof that I didn't? I mean how could I, my cock isn't hard at that one moment in time!
So please enlighten us.
Otherwise one of the following must be true:
a) you're a gullible idiot
b) you think we're all gullible idiots
c) ifck bribed you with his KFC France salary
Re: ifck doesn't maphack
Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2023 5:43 am
by minger1
Ty. I came so hard reading this
Re: ifck doesn't maphack
Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2023 7:10 pm
by iambackk
he asked a picture from my phone during a game, i did it i send it in PM to astros thats why he said things are clear now, if u aren't happy, i suggest u to go fuck ur mother all of u tash talking
Re: ifck doesn't maphack
Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2023 7:51 pm
by nitros
dude your so fucking dumb theyre still oversight mods on ent. U TALK like that in game is more understandable but on forums grow up.
you should get a forum ban but if you got ingame ban youd learn dumbass. your insanely toxic
Re: ifck doesn't maphack
Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 3:25 am
by EdteOfChaos2
While I currently haven't seen sufficient evidence that he MHs, I will note that MH can be toggled on and off trivially, and if you're ingame with a moderator that would be a time to toggle off for the entire game and not use it at all. Much like with other games, only the dumbest cheaters would cheat every game, all the time.
If a good player was to MH in order to win games more often, they would leave it off most of the time and then toggle on for 2-3 seconds at a time when they want to check for incoming ganks/roshan killing/etc, it's 100% impossible to prove that you are or aren't using it like this. Also checking maphack like that a few times a game would be the only information that an experienced player would need to bring winrate from 50% for an even game to 80%-90% winrate in an even game.
Trivial ENT Dota games are hardly the only game to have this issue. Accusations just like this are going around in professional Chess of all things. Either way my recommendation would be that if you truly believe a player is cheating, you simply don't play with or against that player.