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ENT bots on other clients?

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 8:55 am
by Tom and Jerry
Hi guys can anyone tell me is there any of ent bots on some other clients? I know that ent bots have been visible on Garena, now i cant join garena LAN to check, is there any ent bots there and in which room? What is with eurobattlenet, can we still host ent games there? Why ENT dont join clients like ICCUP and WC3 Arena, contact them and make ENT bots visible in their clients, ent will get more games and players. It is time to work together to keep wc3 alive, what you think guys? @art)y @uakf.b are you still active when bots and new stuff are in question?

Re: ENT bots on other clients?

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 11:42 am
by efko
I'm playing from, but about hosting games from there on ENT, I have no idea since all games from list are available to join and I join them and playing games without problem.

Re: ENT bots on other clients?

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 12:12 pm
by HelloThere_Mate
ENT is sophisticated but uber helpful. Have you seen this? shows eurobattle support:

It's sorta has visible interface on its website and one of the options is to host ENT games there. use the link above or bookmark this:
select server, select dota or a custom game you've chosen in ... select the host button... it'll load the page with a gamename in the format of


Open 1.27 eurobattle client, I prefer to use gproxy reconnect support, it'll open wc3 and in the realm eurobattle w/ gproxy is autoselected you just need to click battlenet go to custom games, then copy paste your gamename*. viola you're now a hostbot tempOWNER in your room created freely by ENT for you.

Oh and enconnect too is an alternative to garena LAN. Also, not so long ago, I see some usernames on the games.php ...that has realmlabels of w3arena, so yeah w3arena players see it these ent bots, unless there's a recent change.

Re: ENT bots on other clients?

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 4:43 pm
by wTc[JediMaster]
@ Tom and Jerry. As said by others, ENT host on other servers then the basic 4. so yes you can play ENT-Hosted games via other servers. that are added (they have a list somewhere, and reasons for not connecting to everything posible)

ICCUP I've never heard of so wont say anything about it.
w3areana I've heard of and gotten request myself to link to same as garena, Tho we've chosen not to do this to keep to the "real" game in a way more or less. ENT however have not this reason. so as hellothere_mate says ENT have been known to have players from w3arena tho how true this is IDK cuz I myself use EU/Northrend and has been shown as "garena" a few times. Tho i think they they might be linked up to them and if thier not they maybe toofar away from BNet/wc3 for this to be posible (maybe?)

But ye keep comeing with sugestions to ENT about other servers to connect to and they'll look into it as they have before :)
Tho IMO seems abit odd someone that joined 2013 dont know about this, as you've seen more of the evolvement of ENT then most.(atleast me I've only seen bots in lists for years be4. while using them ingame and mmh on site I was never on the forum untill recently :P
oh well GL & HF

Re: ENT bots on other clients?

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 7:17 pm
by randomloser
To be honest it probably couldn't hurt to add more clients. Though I'd imagine there would be some hassle with the coding and mainting the bots etc. Also do these other clients allow for multiple bots to run with ease? Some clients have a limit on the amount of accounts you can have and others strictly forbid access base on your IP/Country.

Re: ENT bots on other clients?

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 9:16 pm
by Tom and Jerry
@efko , @HelloThere_Mate , @wTc[JediMaster] , @randomloser

Guys i did some research while i was waiting and here is what i know; @HelloThere_Mate i know how to host Ent game on eurobattle net, but eurobattle net players only see games hosted manualy on ENT, autohost bots are not visible there. Why? becouse on eurobattle net you must re-activate account every 30 days to show that you are acctive player, so ent bot accounts there must be re-activated for every bot (account) and that is to much job for ent admins. In my option it is not so big problem for someone to click few times every 30 days, but i got that answer from one admin. Also i writed to some people on Wc3 Arena forums + i got their client and ENT bots are not visible there, they think that bot are dangerous becouse they show player IP, what i joke. Maybe it is true but who wants to abuse player IP in half dead game.

@wTc[JediMaster] ICCUP is big Warcraft and Starcraft 1 client, i think that they maybe have more Warcraft players than ENT. Also i checked Garena and ENT bots are visible in lot of rooms, but Garena is almost dead, huh.

@randomloser Only hope for warcraft is to connect as many clients as they can, for example just look at "Castle Fight" bots, i dont mean ENT Castle Fight bots, i mean original Castle Fight bots, they are visible in almost every Warcraft client and they are always full. Imagine if we make ENT bots visible in few more clients, we wont need to wait half hour for one full game. Only problem is that some client owners and admins are to lazy.

Re: ENT bots on other clients?

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 5:24 am
by efko
i know how to host Ent game on eurobattle net, but eurobattle net players only see games hosted manualy on ENT, autohost bots are not visible there. Why? becouse on eurobattle net you must re-activate account every 30 days to show that you are acctive player, so ent bot accounts there must be re-activated for every bot (account) and that is to much job for ent admins.

Autohost bots, I mean all games from this list games.php are available for me to join from I'm not sure what have you heard about monthly accounts activation on, but I can say for sure that activation has nothing to do with ENT, because for playing any game on you must to activate account once per month, and inactive accounts are deleted from data base after 3-6 months, so user have to re-create account if he is inactive. I guess you are dealing with other kind of problem if you can't see all games, just to note that ENT is hosting from Atlanta, Chicago and Germany if I'm right, so you might be connected with one of those which are not connected properly to Maybe ENT admins, managers for sure can check both of us from where are we connected.
In my option it is not so big problem for someone to click few times every 30 days, but i got that answer from one admin.

Who is that admin, also provide me link where have you got all that information or if it was via private message, share that part with me, here or via private message?

Re: ENT bots on other clients?

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 8:00 am
by Tom and Jerry
Man i see games from that list. but only pub games. I dont see games with "[ENT]" before name, for example "[ENT] Island Defense" those are autohost bots. You say that you see that bots? Hm as you say maybe problem is my location,those bot must be visible only for few country in eurobattle net. I will send you post in private message, but check this old posts @efko , viewtopic.php?t=25908

Re: ENT bots on other clients?

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 8:42 am
by efko
That topic is 2 years old. :roll:
Now how to join for example "[ENT] Island Defense":
1. games.php
2. copy exact game name (ctrl+c)
3. when you start war craft game via client it must be gproxy gateway
4. join
5. then you have up option Custom Game
6. click there and paste exact game name (ctrl+v)
7. join game and have fun

Refresh is not working like as it should, it won't display you exact ENT game every time, but with copy/paste you will join it instantly.

Re: ENT bots on other clients?

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 11:43 am
by Tom and Jerry
I did, and it works, tnx @efko . But i dont see games in game list, that is rly stupid,only players which know for ent and ent autohost bots can join. So at the end ENT is fully connected to eurobattle net, that is nice. Remaining clients are ICCUP and Wc3 Arena, i am not shure will Wc3 Arena allow bots in their client, but ICCUP have few bots, so maybe ENT can connect their client. Guys do you know some other Wc3 clients except Garena,Battlenet,Eurobattle net,ICCUP,WC3 Arena??? Some client where ENT bots can be connected?

Re: ENT bots on other clients?

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 6:05 pm
by aRt)Y
Assumptions != facts.

Re: ENT bots on other clients?

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 8:08 pm
by Tom and Jerry
aRt)Y wrote:Assumptions != facts.

What you want to say @art)y ?