Dota Dictionary

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Dota Dictionary

Postby Mr71717 » Thu Oct 30, 2014 3:28 am

A list of words and their meanings. Feel free to add on or ask.

Imba - imbalance. Meaning hero is too strong

Mid mia. Meaning opponent's mid hero is missing from game.

Mid ss. What is ss?

Carry. A hero type that will win the game for his team.

Dps. What is this?

Tanker. A hero type that is designed to take hits for the team.

Support. A hero type whose role is to support the carry heroes. Usually intel.

Op. What is this?

Rax. A mystical term to mean hitting your opponent's tower which noob allies do not seem to understand.

Gather. Dota's hardest term to understand. Other forms include All mid, hunt, stick.

Bot - bottom

Tpt - teleport

Late hero - a hero type whose abilities become stronger late in the game. Usually agi

Early hero - a hero type whose abilities are strong early in the game. Usually intels

NC - neutral creeps that appear in woods.

Farm - the process of accumulating gold and experience.

China farmer - a player that spends all his time fighting NC

Solo mid - to fight in a lane alone without an ally. The mother of all quarrels for team mates. Used to be Solo bot many years ago.

Jungle - woods where the NCs are

Def - defend. The 2nd hardest word in Dota.

Gg - good game. A common courtesy to acknowledge your opponents abilities.

ggwp - good game well played

Noob - newbie or someone new to the game. Very common appearances.

Pro - professional, as opposed to noob.

Turtle - what is this?

Throwing - losing a game on purpose

Fountain farm - what is this?

Kd - Kill death stats

Feeder - one who is giving his opponents free gold and experience. Refers to one who keeps dying. Usually one in every game.

Share - giving an ally control over your hero. The purpose is to share the use of a courier and not an opportunity to play with your ally's hero when you are bored or dead.

Secret shop - a place everyone knows about to buy items.

Rage, grief, afk grief- a process a player goes through when there are too any noobs and feeders on his side.

Throne - the biggest tower and objective of the entire game (destroy it)

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Re: Dota Dictionary

Postby rjramirez2000 » Thu Oct 30, 2014 5:40 am

Additional Info:
Mid Mia= Enemy Hero is Missing In Action Mid

Mid SS= 4th Skill in Mid??

DPS= Damage Per Second

Turtle= Stay

OP= Over Powered

KS= Kill Steal

RS= Roshan

OM= All Mid


G= Go
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Re: Dota Dictionary

Postby MarshmalloonXD » Thu Oct 30, 2014 6:00 am

Fountain farm- Killing enemies many times in their own fountain.
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Re: Dota Dictionary

Postby vegeta(ksw) » Thu Oct 30, 2014 9:58 am

Mid ss = mid sun strike.
Kidding, mid ss = mid miss
Gather - Together
Turtle - Perma defend in base, in order to get exp and gold
Rat doto - Pushing, pushing, pushing (with Furi, Tinker...) instead of doing some fights (kinda coward)
In my opinion, Carry = Late game but also means that you will win this game for your team
gg ez - Good game easy
Nuke - Spell which deals much damages on enemy

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Re: Dota Dictionary

Postby ForsakeMe » Thu Oct 30, 2014 12:37 pm


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Re: Dota Dictionary

Postby Mr71717 » Fri Oct 31, 2014 1:44 am


No one seems to know the meaning of ss.

Rat doto is new......and interesting.

DPS - if its damage per second, why do some players say stuff like dps heros?

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Re: Dota Dictionary

Postby MarshmalloonXD » Fri Oct 31, 2014 2:18 am

SS - Special Skill - Ulti.
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Re: Dota Dictionary

Postby Mr71717 » Fri Oct 31, 2014 6:58 pm

When players say Mid ss, it means mid special skills???

I know it means mid missing. But what does ss stand for?

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Re: Dota Dictionary

Postby Magiccookie » Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:42 pm

ss is the most missspelled one , if u write it right its ssj = super saiyan , should be obvious :)
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Re: Dota Dictionary

Postby Mr71717 » Sat Nov 01, 2014 4:14 am

Wth is super saiyan??? I googled it and it showed some japanese cartoon characters. I grew up with on a diet of mickey mouse and superman so this is foreign to me.

No one knows what ss in the oft used term "mid ss" stands for?

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Re: Dota Dictionary

Postby aRt)Y » Sat Nov 01, 2014 11:59 am

ss = miSS
middle ss = middle hero is missing
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Re: Dota Dictionary

Postby Mr71717 » Sat Nov 01, 2014 4:23 pm

Riddle solved. Thank you Arty

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Re: Dota Dictionary

Postby reapers5 » Wed Mar 11, 2015 6:23 pm

Super saiyan is from dragon ball z cartoon I think :p. Haha you guys are newb at this, let me give you a better list (some of these are from other games, too).


Turtle - when you hide in your base to stall the game
Op- overpowered
pp - crying face
yolo - you only live once
farm - when you build a farm to get more food for your summons. ;P. Ok, it's when you spend time getting xp or gold. A farmed hero is one w/ lots of xp or gold.

cast point - either the cast source or destination of a spell, can also refer to the speed of casting a spell(a hero with a good cast point would perform his or her casting animation faster)

Dps - damage / sec, a dps hero deals high damage, like most agi heroes or carries
ban - when referring to heroes in ap, when you pick a hero and repick, preventing others from picking your first pick
Cut - when u use tango or that other item to cut a tree. Lol, JK. Seriously, it's when axe or lc bypasses an enemy tower to kill enemy creeps without help at lvl 1 or really early.

Glass cannon - a hero with high killing ability and low hp
kite - (verb) using a range hero to hit and run vs a melee hero
orb walk - using an autocast attack buffer (only certain heros like od have this) and kite, but running towards the hero instead of away (used for chasing)

camping - like turtling, but anywhere on the map, and usually over cliffs or mines
pwn - when you pawn an item at the pawnbroker. haha, no, it just means to own or dominate.
tank - when tinker uses bkb, he turns into this :p. Did I fool you there? You probably already know what this means :p.
jungling - when you level up by killing neutral creeps from lvl 1
homing - a targetable spell that never misses
ancients - the 2 hardest neutral creep camps, or the throne, depending on context
mia - missing
LOS - line of sight

juke - when you play a song from your jukebox. xD. It's when you run around trees or obstacles to fool your opponent in guessing where you're going, usually away from his LOS.

flee - in wc3 editor, there is an option called "can flee" in the object editor. Unfortunately, icefrog didn't uncheck this although probably everyone wishes he did. It's when your hero tries to auto run away from attacks, when you leave it alone.

sec - second, or one second/one moment
single player delay - when you get unlucky in timing and get the full 0.25 sec reaction time delay (also in the editor) and you blame it on your connection :p

pathing - where a unit can go and where it can't
leet, uber, l77t - awesome
hitbox - the square (or prism, I should say) pathing your hero occupies, used to determine whether instant cast spells hit or not
cleave - when a melee hero damages multiple targets w/ his basic attack, % cleave is the % secondary targets receive in damage as a % of the target

splash - when you use slardar's crush spell. :p JK, it's like cleave but with ranged heroes
deny - killing allies (usually only at low hp) to prevent the enemy from getting xp or gold
ai - artificial intelligence, how the computer player(s) behave
slide glitching - when you use leap, pounce, or force staff at the edge of the map (in the dense forests), leaping for way more than the 700 range :p. Y, this is from slide ninja slide.

flame - when you use doombringer's scorched earth spell. Haha, it's when you insult people in chat.
plant, tool - a player that doesn' t do anything
plug - disconnecting on purpose, when you don't want to play anymore for whatever reason
desync - short for desynchronize, when a player experiences something different from everyone else, due to an editor bug, or poor scripting, and disconnects into a different game. Sometimes, when the desync'ed player doesn't disconnect, things start to get funny.
Last edited by reapers5 on Wed Mar 11, 2015 7:44 pm, edited 15 times in total.

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Re: Dota Dictionary

Postby reapers5 » Wed Mar 11, 2015 6:57 pm

Mr71717 wrote:A list of words and their meanings. Feel free to add on or ask.
Rax. A mystical term to mean hitting your opponent's tower which noob allies do not seem to understand.

Um, rax is just short for barracks... Raxing is just taking out the barracks... You know, the undead or night elf version of the human barracks.. nothing mystical about it. :p

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Re: Dota Dictionary

Postby reapers5 » Wed Mar 11, 2015 7:14 pm

Mr71717 wrote:NJ??

No one seems to know the meaning of ss.

Rat doto is new......and interesting.

DPS - if its damage per second, why do some players say stuff like dps heros?

NJ = nice job, I think

Rat doto is a misspelling of playing dota like a rat.

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