Burnt wrote:@DracoL1ch I would expect 90% of these qq gone if "em" can be added to 6.85L... lol
then there would be no good players. why would you ever want to improve if the game throws bags of gold to your face "buy whatever you need", gives you tons of exp for killing any creep like mom preparing you to school? C'mon, there are no room for most INT heroes, and even non-scalable STR heroes are also out of game meta. EM killing dota, causing it to lock down with like 30% of heropool.
good players do not want to fight against bulked for no reason late heroes, being unable to do anything. No matter how hard you punish your enemy, he will catch up really fast, literally in a few minutes of farming. and if you prefer to play skilful heroes like Puck/Chen/Magnus, you're pretty much done against any right click hero with braindead owner. So good players have 2 options - get onto better scaling version (dota2/dota allstars) or leave compltely. Sad to see admins cannot stand newbies' crying and stepped back, that may heavlity outcast this place in terms of good players.
sealman wrote:I disagree with those who say dracol1ch's map is better balanced. Balanced between heros? Maybe. But the balance between good and bad players has gotten worse. I realize skill should mean something, but the slower free gold tends to hurt noobs more than pros. It favors heroes that can easily last hit and farm in lane. Support, especially melee support, now has a very hard time of getting early items.
beyond that, the new items seem pretty bogus. Especially the Silver Edge and the double hyperstone items. These weren't needed at all. The precedent of the double hyperstone item is not good. Consuming items for permanent bonuses effectively adds extra item slots.
Also, the camera controls were a very bad idea. it favors pros over noobs, especially the way the controls are hidden away in the circle of power.
There might be better balance between heroes (MAYBE, hard to judge), but the map makes the distance between pros and noobs even bigger. Maybe this map would be good for tournaments and competitive play. For casual public games, I don't think it's the right map.
not to be impatient, but are we actually going to revert to the old map? It's been a week, I wonder if the admins actually intend to revert?
I played a handful of games on the dracolich map. Overall, they were one sided noob-stomping disasters. Not fun. I've since switched over to BK, despite it having poor moderation.
oh wait, so you're saying pro can pwn noobs? no way! it should be forbidden! oh wait, there are no way to know who is noob and who isn't, here are no stats.. oh wait, here it is! so, failing to balance teams, huh? how is it map's fault?