Your top 3 heros

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Re: Your top 3 heros

Postby beerisforbears » Wed Oct 30, 2013 6:31 am

Today i was Playing agaisnt hard arc So i decided to confuse Him little : pick rubick and steal his ulti and do it and steal again With Your ulti and again and again , get necrobook and u Can do it as many Times u want =)

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Re: Your top 3 heros

Postby Mhaecoros3 » Thu Nov 07, 2013 2:22 am

1. Skeleton King
2. Slardar
3. Alchemist

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Re: Your top 3 heros

Postby beerisforbears » Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:01 pm

I got new ones again :

1. Phoenix . Phoenix is great mid line hero and also great double line hero.

few tips for phoenix , if u are not good with the third spell called Sun Ray then don't pick it.
also in team fights never ever dive in and ulti first cuz then the enemys start to aim you and u will die in sec. If u are gonna ulti , slow their attack speed with the first spell.

start items.

magic wand , boots

mid game there are 2 itembuilds :

vanguard blademail or radiance which I always go because radiance will deal dmg to enemys while you are doing your ulti.

later game items:

dagger heart.

luxury items :

Shiva and bkb.

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Re: Your top 3 heros

Postby Westfield » Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:22 pm

1. Xin - beast ult xx

2. Phoenix - unique concept, fun to play

3.Rubick - something about him that stands out....spell steal i guess zz

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Re: Your top 3 heros

Postby NutzSucksHard » Fri Nov 15, 2013 3:49 am

I'll give my grain of salt! But all you said is good :)

beerisforbears wrote:If u are gonna ulti , slow their attack speed with the first spell.
You meant second spell. Wich is the firebird.

Also, you just need to dive at at good spot on the map and position yourself untouchable or hard to be touched. Make sure they have to run to you (dive slow MS) and that your bird still active (slow AS). Easy.

beerisforbears wrote:also in team fights never ever dive in and ulti first cuz then the enemys start to aim you and u will die in sec.
50/50. Like I said, if you can position yourself well, or that you have an ally like VOID that can chrono your eggs (with their team) you won't die. But yea, do not engage if you're not sure to survive.

If my farm goes well (wich is a lot happening with phoenix) I get first item travel/shivas. You just rape so bad. Bird/Shivas-Dive (wich me during your dive, do it well and cast while diving)/Ult.

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Re: Your top 3 heros

Postby MarineKingAizen » Sat Nov 16, 2013 8:59 am

My top 3 heroes are Leo, Slark, Necro (in that very order).

I think what's interesting is that the heroes I'm best with, are the ones I usually don't feel like using haha. It's not that they aren't fun to use, but I have my strategy and build order down to such a precise science that every game pretty much feels the same, so even when I'm winning, it's not exactly that exciting for me. It's what I like to call the "PL Principle", every time you pick that hero you know it's going to be boots/rush to Diffusal/then some hp item/rad/ end game, and it's pretty much going to be that same deal every single time you play PL (that is of course, if you plan on winning haha). So when I play PL, I know my chance of doing well is really high, but it's rather boring because I also know exactly how my game is going to be played (with the only real room for variety being that 6th slot luxury item.

Now the 3 heroes that LIKE using the most are Voker, Drow, Legion, just because there's lots and lots of room to get creative with the builds and strategies. I recently had a game with Drow where I got 5 maltromes and didn't level ice arrow at all, and you know what, I did extremely well with that and we won the game. Now, I'm not saying that's a good build (obviously it's horrible haha) but it worked and it was vs some decent players, I mean they knew how to play the game and played as a team very well. Which is all to say, it was most enjoyable!
The question you should be asking is........when was I not using hypnosis... [GN: MarineKingAizen@euro]

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Re: Your top 3 heros

Postby Aghnaar » Sat Nov 16, 2013 10:18 am

LOL, man I can't agree more with u. I'm a beast with Leo, Necro, Slark (add storm on that list too), and back in the days I was playing ap, I knew that if i pick those heroes, I would win, so they lost some of their magic and now I play only ar :P But its not true that u can't get creative with them. What's true is that u getting bored when it's not a challenge anymore. Let's take Leo for example. U can go either the super carry build(armlet,desol,ac,abyssal,mbk or bkb), or tank build(mjollnir,heart,halberd,radiance, maybe even shivas-bkb) to counter heroes like pl, or buy refresher and divines. Lots of divines :D I have even tried necrobook diffusal manta leo, and it fckin owned :lol:

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Re: Your top 3 heros

Postby beerisforbears » Tue Nov 19, 2013 6:22 am

I have played now few days with nevermore and i decided to make little guide :


Nevermore is very farm depending and courier depending. Last hitting creeps and denying is very very important when u are playing nevermore on mid lane but if u are bot or top for some reason and u are not able to get those creep kills then lvl up razes more than necromancery.
If u are mid , if u dont have courier or wards u should always ask your allies to get 1 and also warding to runes so u can avoid ganks and see the runes if there is.


I like to go bottle first because its very good item for example if u got reg if your bottle on mid u can waste and harass the enemy hero all the time because u will regen all back when u use it .

Wand. wand is the magic item , it has saved my life for thousand times.

Travel boots , nevermore is all about good items and farming and thats why u always should go travels so u may tp to everywhere and push towers and most importantly , not waiting gold for tp scrolls.

bkb lothars dagger , these all items are for your ulti but i often go lothars after travels because its the invi ofc and MS AS DMG extra but if there are lot of disables silences and stuns then ofc go bkb.

end game items: Linken buttefly manta style.

tips: Nevermore requires some skill order to carry the team and have good farm , Like good last hitting and denying skills also using razes isnt that easy as it might look. I often see like 1400-1800 elos picking nevermore , i rarely see pubs going for never. u guys should try it but ye its needs little it practising so dont suprise if u end up with 2-6 with your first nevermore game :P

Ganking. Nevermore isnt ganking hero at all so stay mid and farm .

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Re: Your top 3 heros

Postby Frank » Tue Nov 19, 2013 6:56 am

beerisforbears wrote:Ganking. Nevermore isnt ganking hero at all so stay mid and farm .

Lol Wut? That's terrible advice not only for SF but for any hero that takes mid...

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Re: Your top 3 heros

Postby beerisforbears » Tue Nov 19, 2013 1:15 pm

i didnt talk about other heros , sf isnt ganking hero but if team mates ask sure u can go help them =)

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Re: Your top 3 heros

Postby Aghnaar » Tue Nov 19, 2013 1:32 pm

Good nevermore games, score like 15-3, snowballing hard, I even have euls to troll bara pickers, fuck I'm pro
Bad nevermore games, 3-15 OMG SO SQUISHY THAT BRISTLE JUST KILLED ME IN 4 SEC :lol:

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Re: Your top 3 heros

Postby whatafaka » Wed Nov 20, 2013 1:36 pm

BoT, satanic, butterfly, buriza, lothars and mkb (or -lothars +manta) should be full slotted SF

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Re: Your top 3 heros

Postby beerisforbears » Wed Nov 20, 2013 3:40 pm

later game lothars isnt that usefull

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Re: Your top 3 heros

Postby NutzSucksHard » Thu Nov 21, 2013 3:12 am

We all have a different vision of what sf should be. For me, it's the next one. (Change depending games)

Earlie game : DO NOT GO BOTTLE. Useless, you need last hit so you need +dmg or attribut.

You should go instead :
ImageImageImage OR Image instead of salve.

With that, you'll be able to last hit properly and than end up your wand + bottle. In 2-4 min in game your inventory should look like this :

Image <--- depend how good you're farming.

Core item :

Boots :
Image OR Image
Position :
Image OR Image (I prefer dagger)
Farming :

Late Game (IF low Caster/Nuke) :

Build (item can be changed depending what you're facing) :
ImageImageImage OR Image

Very late game you can get rid of that Dagger and get something else like an HoT / Rapier / Or even Buriza like mentioned above.

With Big caster :

If they have a good amount of 'splash' or bouncing attack wich would kill image to fast, go instead of manta (and earlie game yasha) for an AC or HoT.

So earlie game you get i.e : An hypperstone if you think about making AC or you can just get either vitality or Reaver if you think you'll be going for HoT. *(depending how well you're farming and HOW much your team need you)*. More item you'll have (HP/DPS/MS/Resistance) more helpfull you'll be to your team. So if you see you need a bit of HP to help your bottom lane from being push, rush Vitality instead of losing two tower saying 'I wanted reaver'. If the other team doesn't presure you, go ahead for the reaver (HoT example). All game are different. Adapt your playstyle and build to it.

This building process is just a little one over many that can be made! It's just an example that you can try to follow up. Tips are also to take with a grain of salt.

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Re: Your top 3 heros

Postby beerisforbears » Thu Nov 21, 2013 5:56 am

lol , attribute? 3 dmg isnt that much :D so i prefet bottle first.
also travel boots are much usefull so u can push lines and tp everywhere

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