We all know those to whom stats are everything and who want to kick every player on their team who is not to their liking regarding the kdr, even if they are 4 good players vs 5 average or even below. These people who only stack and get their high elo /good kdr not really deserved will now and then lose over 20 elo. And the good part is, this is what hurts them most they have to play more games to get little elo and it takes just average players (with decent team work) to undone days of work there is no better justice!
And playing uneven games is fun.. if you lose, well it was to be expected..if you win, it feels really good I must admit that I cherish more the stackers’ losing much elo than our team winning it. Ofc only when the other team flamed and trash talked that is.
apropos trash talkers..there is the lowest kind of flamers..those who stack like hell, (almost) the entire team picks heroes like: bara, husk, bs and pl… etc ..and they dare to talk big and call the opponents names and insult them when they manage to get a kill. Preferably in caps lock! The feeling to win against such individuals is priceless But even losing is not a tragedy.. just don’t take it personal..everybody can only give what they have. Their flaming says so much more about themselves than the one they talk about.
Not only this makes the "pub/newb" players feel shy and awkward, but they also have hard time surviving,
yes and no. Being a big noob myself (after many, many games) I dare to say that noobs and advanced players in equal measures flame with and without reason. I have witnessed a Legion Commander duelling a tiny with double damage (I swear:D ) and complaining about his noob team. Also you have games where bloody beginners go mid and refuse to do anything the team says. Recently we had a dark seer who only bought a flying courier recipe(!) and went mid. He refused to listen to us… bought wrong items ofc etc etc.. when I see things like this I absolutely understand when people with 2000 elo or so try to avoid such a risk. Not to mention that they are occasionally even “victims” of stackers who follow them around.
to sum it up.. I disapprove flaming and so many players being mean.. especially because I know that some of the players are very young..which makes this "bullying" kind of tragic. But even this balances itself..every now and then u will find that a trash talker is being flamed himself even by his own team if he goes too far.
But such topics are importand ofc ...it is always good to talk about it..so people can relate to the other side..and maybe remember some things and act accordingly in games.