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Lod previous game modes

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 12:01 am
by efko
Hey guys, its about year and half since I played LOD game last time, so since I could not find through topics, except some info here viewtopic.php?t=112477 , I was wondering which game modes where previously played, I remember there was people who wanted some mod with same skills on both sides, like some kind of mirror mod or something like that, but when that mod was picked, it was public arguing to revert back to previous game mode. So what was game modes and what's new with lod game?
Oh I missed to see that there are 4 pages in that topic, but anyway I'm pointing on something which was on beginning on end of 2016 and beginning of 2017.

Re: Lod previous game modes

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 12:20 am
by Zeratul
As far as i can remember, i only recall the -sdems6bod2 (or something like that), which got changed then to the -mr you mention (where teams had the same skills to pick from - blue mirroring pink, teal with grey, purple with lb, etc. - Basically both players had the same possible builds, allowing you as a team to know what everyone could possibly build from it, giving you a chance to counter the OP picks from the start), but yes, people complained that it wasn't much fun, and QQ'ed about it so it got reverted.

And last was the change to -fn (fast neutrals) - allowing ppl to farm jungle right from the start.

Im pretty sure these were the most recent changes, but i'm guessing @Chew @Dreadeasy or even @I3omb might know more about it (considering they play LoD)

Re: Lod previous game modes

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 12:45 am
by Sylvanas
fn was added before the mode was changed to md and back to sd. Those are the only changes I'm aware ever happened. I'm the one who got them to change back to sd (it's my most posted thread on here). I think fn is shit too but I don't really care anymore, lod is just shit in general and I lost interest.

Re: Lod previous game modes

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 5:28 pm
by Desire
@efko Whats new?
Less competitive players, a few more bugs on certain skills(purification MC, reflection) because of recent WC3 patches. And mana bars that are a huge help in-game. You can now ancients on the sentinel side. And there are much more delayed lobbies. I think those are the most major new ones.

Is it worse than before? I would say so in the BS bug abilities and good players part. Should you play it? I mean LoD never gets boring. There's always the stack grouped that you can test your skills upon. Many combination possibilities every game. And you can be one of the best players by having an op draft almost every game or simply getting 1500 elo and still be on the second page of the top players.


Re: Lod previous game modes

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 5:49 pm
by CheW
Yes MD was changed because the mass of crying noobs that couldn't win even games came here and QQ.

You've always been able to ancient from sentinel side silly people

Re: Lod previous game modes

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 6:17 pm
by Burnt
just 75 gold more expensive than scourge side

lod is moving on with lots of new balances and functions. gg

Re: Lod previous game modes

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 12:07 am
by Sylvanas
Someone says lod and it immediately summons the 2 of you? To summon Chew alone, do I have to rant about the evil net neutrality?

Re: Lod previous game modes

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 10:36 pm
by efko
Are you playing LOD on 1.26 or 1.29? I think I've heard drako is on 1.26 patch and is not supporting for newer patches. About less people than before, first what was done with 1.28 and 1.29 is removal of windows xp users and ofc some players stopped to play. 2nd thing is that some realms were not able to connect anymore.
About mana bars, you mean opponents mana bars? That's sucks.
Burnt wrote:just 75 gold more expensive than scourge side

lod is moving on with lots of new balances and functions. gg

You mean Scourge is getting more money at beginning? Well that is good thing definitely since Sentinel has advantage on runes, better observing positions.
So Sylvanas lost interests in lod, that's strange, I remember you was very active and famous in time when I played this game. You played from realm?

Re: Lod previous game modes

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 10:38 pm
by Burnt
u need a ward to farm ancient in sent which costs 75 gold