Astros wrote:
2) I don't think bPixie maphacks. Watched a few replays where he wasn't involved in the ban and he bought wards and got ganked often. His higher ELO can be explained by him just picking a few heroes. Normally just zeus, silencer, and Juggernaut which are pretty easy heroes with good impact. Never once suspected him of maphacking honestly so I'm not sure how ya'll came to that conclusion.
intelligent and thoughtful post as always. but about BPixie...I am convinced he has MH but is just bad and dies sometimes. He does ward often, but if anything, that was more proof of mh for me. Because he often places a sentry exactly when an invis hero is there, or rushes in total fog to place a ward, etc. He's just insanely sus to me overall. I don't mind if anyone disagrees, just my opinion.
Also keep in mind some of these mh players will often miscalculate (eg wc3forever) and attack an enemy but die. Or "allow" themselves to get caught, but the real intention is for their teammates nearby to engage in a 2v1 and they live, which doesn't always work out. Or they use mh to position themselves before a teamfight. Bpixie's use of MH is not obvious, and he tries to hide it and play conservatively, but it is clear to me he has something sketchy going on. Again, this guy does not assign hotkeys and plays aghs jugg. I'd bet actual money that he's one of the people on this host who has mh. Just my 2 cents on him.
Those who use mh are rarely obvious. Hell, even 'obvious' mhers like songoku are not necessarily obvious - he was outed because of a few blatant moves he did, which got reported, otherwise he does try to hide it. MHers do not run from every gank, or gank every hero. Many of the players just use it very conservatively to position themselves for team-fights, or to do miscellaneous moves like placing a sentry right when an invis hero is coming, or picking off a courier by intersecting it, or any number of other things that are not proof of MH in and of themselves, but are proof when taken to be part of a strong pattern of coincidences.
MH in general is something that's bothered me for a long time. I believe it kills the purpose of the game (for me at least). I never made a thread to write out my thoughts, but I'm glad someone did. there are some people here who believe everyone is a maphacker, while others believe nobody could possibly mh. Are there ANY maphackers on ent? Well, the laws of sheer probability would intuitively tell us that there are some
maphackers in this population size. How much? Perhaps 10 players out of 100 is a reasonable estimate. It's certainly not 0, but nor is it an absurd number like 60% as Robin would have us believe. So then the question pops up of
who are these 10 or so people? You have to assume that they are already here. Then it's just a matter of using your brain to identify them. Part of it is cold hard evidence, part of it is just intuition and good judgment. Everyone has slightly different views, though, on what constitutes suspicious players. It is what it is.