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Divine Rapira

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 11:31 am
by John_Cena
Is Divine actually so good?? Look, 90-95% ppl just afraid to get it, cuz they cant handle it. There is not even skill of indivudal player, If even u are kinda high-skill player u cant trust for your teamates, someone can just jungling while ur tryinng to push or smth else; besides, ur teamates could intentional feed them, cuz u get forbidden item. Thats why this item in pub games count like dagnerous/unessary. Nevertheless, anyone cant deny fact that is one of the strongest item. I used to watch in D1 tournaments 1-2 years ago, it was very popular to get it to Weaver, after that immedatly he needs linke+aegis. And due to team play work they easy could rape with dat divine item. Any ideas about it in pub games? (ENT)

Re: Divine Rapira

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 12:07 pm
by vegeta(ksw)
You can buy it when you are owning the ennemy team and make sure you won't die until the end of the game. But note that you should buy it only when you have hard-carries heros (Skeleton king, weaver, medusa...).

You can buy it when you are about losing your game, it's risky indeed but it improves your chances to win this game.
Giving you an replay : ... 885194.w3g

I was Medusa, lost 2 racks + range barrack top, bought a divine and still won.

Re: Divine Rapira

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 12:40 pm
by John_Cena
yeah saw replay, that was pretty impressive shit. What about Fura he does it as well?

Re: Divine Rapira

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 3:18 pm
by vegeta(ksw)
Sorry, I don't get what do you mean. What/Who is Fura ?

Re: Divine Rapira

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 3:45 pm
by -lothlorien
vegeta(ksw) wrote:Sorry, I don't get what do you mean. What/Who is Fura ?

fura is the same as rapira :) It has to be "Furion". Is dr good for him, too?

Re: Divine Rapira

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 4:23 pm
by vegeta(ksw)
In my opinion, dr should be used on Furion only to push lanes (while the ennemy team push one lanes or is busy to defend another lane)). It also works if you are stomping hard an ennemy team with Furion :).
But I'd rather to get desolator and necronomicon on Furion than divine rapier (it helps you to push faster).
But the best idea is ARC WARDEN and his insane dps (desolator, manta, necronomicon), it's a great idea to get divine rapier if you get BoT (You can even send your image to push so much faster without risks).

Re: Divine Rapira

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 4:46 pm
by -lothlorien
arc and dr. sounds good!! speaking of arc warden. Recently two very dear buddies and I were "discussing" if arc warden should get a refresher.
Now imagine necronomicon , manta style, dr and refresher :roll: :) Impossible to handle all these units I guess.. but it sounds like a funny mess.

Re: Divine Rapira

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 5:04 pm
by vegeta(ksw)
I never tried this refresher yet, but I think I an control this in a delay of 20 secondes, so nothing is impossible. It's more like playing geomancer (with items), you have to control and act quickly (your image lasts 20 secondes, enough to spell necronomicon, manta and some spells) and you have 65 - 55 sec CD, so it's short. I don't think it's worth to get refresher because it's really expensive, and has a large cooldown.

But yes Refresher can be used for fun...

Re: Divine Rapira

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 2:07 pm
by -lothlorien
vegeta(ksw) wrote: I don't think it's worth to get refresher because it's really expensive, and has a large cooldown.

But yes Refresher can be used for fun...

This is what they said as well. 5300 is much of course. But firstly, it is not like arc has farming problems. And let’s say after these items he has some spare money. What to buy instead? One could go tankiness (I have seen hearts on him).. mkb is nice, too.. but for this you give up 2 additional necronomicons, 4 additional manta images, and 2 additional heroes. And having a divine and missing on such an extra dmg in favour of another item is kind of a waste I fear…
Especially when you have a divine you can rax without fear.. just letting all your stuff out in front of their barracks..and tping away the true arc (just in case). How could they save the rax without 2-3 of them dying? And the cool down? Just use the refresher in team fight’ is not like every 50 seconds anew one occurs :P

Well, most probably/certainly I am wrong. I just can't help but think that for people who can deal with many units..who already buy a rapier.. a refresher is not only an item you get “just because you can”, but because it is effective! :evil: :P

Re: Divine Rapira

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 4:57 pm
by vegeta(ksw)
Refresher can be effective, but if the opponents have a brain, they won't wait until you will be able to use refresher again, they will gank you when your refresher is on cooldown. Or if you use a refresher in fight and summon 2 illusions, they can avoid the fights and back until your images are gone. Well I'd do that because I can't fight against 3 images, 6 illusions and 6 necronomicons ! Well that' depends of the teamfight of course !
I mean refresher would useless in solo fight, but that might be useful in teamfight, well I honnestly don't know if that works but I think that might be great because of insane DPS (necro, illusions, images).

You can go for assault cuirass for -5 armor on buildings (stacks with desolator), or atleast butterfly ? Refresher just for push might work aswell.

Well, I'd like to see a video that shows a fight between a team against Arc with a refresher !

Re: Divine Rapira

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 1:00 pm
by -lothlorien
It would be cerntainly fun to see, but I have to admit that it is really unrealistic..if you had the money/time to get all these stuff before, including divine r. then a refresher is a luxury item anyway. So it kind of stays redundant, because when you have it.. the game is probably already over.
(Or you get it, like you already stated for divine r., out of desperation ..when you have mega creeps on your ground and need to take the throne of your enemies really fast.)

I do not have a video of arc warden.. but (since the topic is about dr in general) here one of kunkka, The Magnificent Bastard :P . My brother says there is even one where he hits a creep once and got a rampage. Couldn't find this one tho.

Re: Divine Rapira

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 3:52 pm
by Punisher
if Arc could use a refresher on his clown that will be very nice, but otherwise he cant do that so i suppose that a unessacry item for him.

Re: Divine Rapira

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 8:48 pm
by -lothlorien
Punisher wrote:if Arc could use a refresher on his clown that will be very nice, but otherwise he cant do that so i suppose that a unessacry item for him.

well, you clearly can use refresher twice. First you ult and get your double. Then you use refresher on both your main unit and double. So you got 4 arcs, 4 books..and 8 manta images. If you want to use refresher on the new "4" arcs.. then u ask too much :P

Re: Divine Rapira

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 8:51 pm
by MoaN
@-lothlorien arcs illusion doesnt have the ulti . Only 3 spells so u Can only get 3 arcs

Re: Divine Rapira

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 8:58 pm
by -lothlorien
ah okay. I should have thought of that! (didnt know. but its common sense.. otherwise he could use it again and create a third one.)