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n.a .. an assassin after all..

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 12:22 pm
by -lothlorien
Item build on Nerubian Assassin

What are the dos and don'ts for items on Anub'arak?
I guess it depends on what heroes you face in a fight. But I have seen all kind of builds and in my noob opinion he is not a classic carry and needs his burst dmg thus many typical carry items just aren’t made for him.
I remember my brother playing him. He constantly got instant kills, I even witnessed once one late game PL dying in seconds.
This PL wasn’t noobish, but just couldn’t handle that much at once.
The build he went was: arcane boots, dagon 5 ( I know usually you do not upgrade ), ethereal blade, shiva’s guard, and something else..which I am not sure of.
But I remember him farming low hp heroes until he got fed. He then went on a hunt on the bigger ones with as much effectiveness.
He would hit out of ult, put the hero in the ethereal form and if said hero is no stunner himself…he would use skill this way : bana burn, stun, dagon, shiva’s, mana burn. Or at least something like this :P but if the hero was a stunner, he would start with a stun before mana burn.

What do you recommend for N.A. ?

Re: n.a .. an assassin after all..

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:46 pm
by Ronin-
Well, anyway nobody can handle pl 1x1 on late game. Maybe that was pl who got diffusal+radic+pt lol. But anyway what about N.A, my item builidng always consist of an indidual game and whats the opponents playin against me. As universal way to making him items, my recommends is make him necro books in each game whoever against you. What about my experience about dagon 5 lvl+ethernal , yeah mostly Nyk kills constanlty more than 10-15 a per game and they are looks like as instant kills. But most of these games in em mode(I hope we are talking about EM- mode cuz here 80% playin only it.) u will losse even if u get 20+ kills.(if u dont have any hard-sense carry hero, who using time when your killing them to farming something.). Nevertherlees, if you count on yourself, you got to get something for push or get more then 1 enemy per fight. My opinion is fault to a necro books+hex+diffusal or smth else depends of situation. thats it lol

Re: n.a .. an assassin after all..

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 3:06 pm
by Aghnaar
Well, being one of my best heroes, i can safely say that na is the only hero that can counter any hero in dota with the appropriate build. I dont like dagon on him though, i either go silence stick, desol, abyssal-mkb (dps build), or necro book, diffusal, guinsoo(caster build). I usually buy dagger in both builds bc when u dominate early opponents fill the map with wards, so u cant initiate with vendetta :lol:

Re: n.a .. an assassin after all..

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 8:39 pm
by whatafaka
magic stick
arcane boots
(force staff)
necro 3
diffusal if playing versus wl or omni

Re: n.a .. an assassin after all..

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 2:11 pm
by -lothlorien
so the necro 3 is a must and hex very nice. Sounds good. But late game, when on the other team you got many enemies with bkb.. isn't it kind of 'not enough'? Or is the experience more like "there is no late game" with this build :mrgreen: ?!

Re: n.a .. an assassin after all..

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 2:16 pm
by ShadowSaysBye
for not- em modes its very good items. EM mode its a shit)))

Re: n.a .. an assassin after all..

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 4:15 pm
by nabo.
Try to think a bit differently when choosing ur choice of items.
It is not about what build or what items are good on na. There are no standards.
You should be buying different items depending on your game.
Your team, your enemy, your playstyle will change ur setup. Items are situational.

It is about what items are good against which enemy heros + what items allies and enemy heros are getting + what items are good for certain roles with na (semicarry,support,roam,etc).

Re: n.a .. an assassin after all..

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 1:08 pm
by -lothlorien
okay, fair enough. Let's say then:
On your enemies' team you have: sniper, arc warden, vengeful spirit, mortred and crix.
On your team you got: rhasta, pugna, centaur, mirana and yourself.

What is Anub'arak supposed to build? :|

Re: n.a .. an assassin after all..

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 2:51 pm
by whatafaka
arcane dagon necro imo
good push lineup u got and u all need a lot of mana
dagon cus u play vs a lot of squishy heroes
necro for more push

Re: n.a .. an assassin after all..

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 8:56 pm
by -lothlorien
thanks, whatafacka. that makes 100% sense.
When I see people going vlads/vg or similar stuff..I think its a total waste.. like in this example above. eventhogh he has no hard-carry on his team (that he can rely on) n.a. (as far as I understood) shouldn't try to meet a sniper with farming similar carry items. (his built-in-bm helps alot tho)

topic has fulfilled its purpose! :ugeek: Can be moved to solved. thx to the mod doing this!;)