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movement problem! Can You get banned for being votekicked?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:03 pm
by zwervertje2
title says enough can you get banned for being votekicked out of a game lets say.. in my case 5 minutes ago hero stuck (unstuck command didn't do the trick) ? asked my team and opponent team to votekick me after i tried everything and -unstuck command twice

anyone encountered the following problem: can't click anything no hero's , taverns , shops , units... hero can't be moved unstuck command does work but does not solve the problem having this problem right now in a dota game ... kinda blows ''nothing has a life ammount shown either but it's all on''

Re: Can You get banned for being votekicked?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:32 pm
by nabo.
You did not get autobanned for that votekick:

You tried using tp scroll? Players can dagger or send crow and give you a tp.
If -unstuck and tping does not work and you are frozen, you may leave the game if not votekicked and your appeal will be approved.

Re: Can You get banned for being votekicked?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 7:02 pm
by zwervertje2
nabo. wrote:You did not get autobanned for that votekick:

You tried using tp scroll? Players can dagger or send crow and give you a tp.
If -unstuck and tping does not work and you are frozen, you may leave the game if not votekicked and your appeal will be approved.

Well the problem is it was right from the start as i mentioned i wasn't even able to pick a hero (couldn't click hero taverns either) so i used -random drew a hero and i wasn't able to click anything or use anything even if someone would have given me a tp scroll wouldn't been able to click it either.. this only happend 3 times in my total dota gaming history! the thing is it's a mystery for me since i do not know what causes this or how to fix this during game :) cheers for the fast feedback Nabo !

Most regards

Re: movement problem!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 7:31 pm
by nabo.

Merged topics.

This is an uncommon bug, but it is a bug that happens sometimes to random players. Probably an unknown map problem.
I have only seen like 2-3 out of my years of dota experience who pressed shift + w/e random keys and were able to continue playing.
Most end up leaving the game or getting votekicked by others since you cannot click or play anything within ur game screen, although you can click your wc3 menus. Just make sure you tell your teammates what is going on b4 you leave.

Not a situation we can do anything about since it is map related.

Re: movement problem! Can You get banned for being votekicked?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 7:44 pm
by zwervertje2
much appreciated ! yeah well i will try this shift combination and see what happends ! cheers for the comment :) glad i didn't get banned tho an appeal wouldn't have been a big effort ;) cheerio

Re: movement problem! Can You get banned for being votekicked?

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 4:57 pm
by bill7907
It's a WarCraft 3 bug.
You lose complete control of everything around you and you cannot click on anything.

The solution is to restart WarCraft 3.