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deN's DOTA FAQ #2 - Categorize Items

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 3:00 am
by Evil_Hacker
is quelling blade an orb or buff? also sny is not an orb they change it.

Re: deN's DOTA FAQ #2 - Categorize Items

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 3:41 am
by NutzSucksHard
Neither. Qb is just a weapon allowing you to hit better creep. If you both have quelling, it's your main dommage that hurt more, not the unit that get quelling buff and then all other that hit the creep do more dommage. Still orb effect is in it.

Exemple : Frostmourn of Abbadon, when he hit a hero/creep with it, it increase the AS and slow the unit /buff placer. Also, this buff can be apply to ally, wich mean, if abba hit a hero, and you hit the same after it, you AS will be increased in the end. Qb doesn't buff place. Still, it stop working when u get and other orb (most of orb)

Re: deN's DOTA FAQ #2 - Categorize Items

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:49 pm
by zerodenies
quelling blade is an orb with the orb effect of demolish

so people should be selling there quelling blade as soon as they get helm of dominator. I see too many people hold onto quelling blade in jungle when they already have a mask of death.
if I am going to be doing heavy jungling with someone like troll, i avoid getting lifesteal until much later because you can farm neutrals a lot quicker with quelling blade. another strat you can use is jungle with quelling blade, when your life gets to 20% get a mask of death, drop quelling blade onto courrier and jungle until you life steal your health back. than you can swap your mask of death onto courrier and pick up quelling blade to jungle 32% faster.

Re: a

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 1:50 am
by ipwnipwn
u should read carefuly Qb isn't an orb...

Re: a

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 3:20 am
by thomas.kacz
ipwnipwn wrote:u should read carefuly Qb isn't an orb...

in the link provided it clearly shows that all orbs over ride Qb effects.
hence the argument is still correct, if your jungling with lifesteal temporarily drop it to let Qb's bonus dmg to take place.

Re: a

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 2:06 pm
by ipwnipwn
bro.... try it.. Qb and lifesteal stack..

Re: a

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 10:23 pm
by dota4life
Wow that is incredible. I thought i knew my dota mechanics well but i NEVER would have guessed that Quelling is an orb. I still kinda question the validity of that source but if it is valid then what he is saying is correct ipwn.

Re: a

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 10:37 pm
by ipwnipwn
pls.. just buy mask and Qb then put ur mouse in the mask u gonna see a something in red that says *orb effect dont stack* then put the mouse in the Qb and u gonna see *tree chop (activate)* i think thats more than enough to see that Qb isnt an orb.

Re: a

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 5:46 am
by thomas.kacz
ipwnipwn wrote:pls.. just buy mask and Qb then put ur mouse in the mask u gonna see a something in red that says *orb effect dont stack* then put the mouse in the Qb and u gonna see *tree chop (activate)* i think thats more than enough to see that Qb isnt an orb.

just go type "is quelling blade orb" in google.
did u even look at the website above?

why would they put quelling blade in the orb effect chart if quelling blade is not an orb?
like what? you think is lying?

Re: a

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 5:47 am
by thomas.kacz
ipwnipwn wrote:bro.... try it.. Qb and lifesteal stack..

did u even write down the numbers of how much dmg your doing to creeps? when u have lifesteal you dont do the bonus dmg. you just lifesteal.