thorny wrote:Your meepo is certainly stronger than mine. The purpose of this thread is to give some pointers to meepo players to improve. If you have some more advice to add that will improve meepo players out there, please do.
I cannot add anything that is not rudimentary. Nobody on ENT has the map awareness or the micro to take advantage of more advanced advice.
thorny wrote:It's not easy to get a kill with lvl 1 net and lvl 1 poof alone anyway, they will run away. And it's silly to say that you don't gain anything by having lvl 2 poof, as it adds dmg and shorter CD. Just like 1 additional lvl reduces CD and improves range on the net.
I think you underestimate the power of two meepos with level 1 net and level 1 poof. Meepo has one of the fastest base movement speed (18th / 100) in game and there are not a lot of mid heroes that outrun him when he gets boots. If you add an orb of venom on top of that it's almost impossible to escape from meepo when he gets 1 net off on the enemy hero. Having level 2, level 3, level 4 poof is all good but what I am talking about is the opportunity cost of getting level 2 poof over net. You trade away all lane potential just for negligible farming ability. Good players don't lose lane, great players crush lane. You never set yourself up for the potential to be great if you get poof over net. Meepo is probably the strongest level 3-4 hero in the game, if you do not abuse this short timing window you might as well lose the game.
thorny wrote:If my net is lvl 3, I just lvled when I'm about to rosh, I will get stats. That will help me vs rosh more than maxing net, and I will lvl from rosh anyway.
The thing about meepo doing rosh is that stats will never be the deal breaker which will prevent or enable you to do roshan. Having 1 additional or 3 additional stats will not mean the difference whether or not roshan becomes feasible to solo. Your item progression and your level timing are bigger determinants.
thorny wrote:It is not always possible to stack a camp, this is only possible when mid or long lane; not possible in short side lane.
It is always possible to stack a camp. Meepos have no leash radius from each other. All meepos are independent and can be in two different locations at once. One can be in the side lane and the other can be in the jungle stacking.
thorny wrote:Also having 2 meepos together early on, you can easily kill at least 3 of the creeps very fast and push tower fast. If you have a lane partner you will get more xp with 2 as well. Against heavy harass and such, yes moving one back and forth is needed.
There's no need to have two meepos in lane unless it is for lane control. There is no way you will have lane control with two meepos in a dual lane or trilane. There's also no need to kill creeps fast and push tower fast. You're better of rescinding the wave by overdenying and getting all the last hits and denies at the safety of your tower. If you have a lane partner you split the exp with some major diminishing returns. You get 66 exp for every 100 exp when you have two meepos and a lane partner. Why not send a meepo to jungle and stack (100% exp later) or to another lane where you get 100 exp total out of 200. In all cases you level faster than having two meepos in the same lane.
thorny wrote:Item choice depends on play style. Saying that heart does the same as skadi and should never be purchased is a bit silly. Heart adds 15 more str for hp than skadi.
Meepo's item choice is pretty static. If you're not getting agh's and blink then you're pretty much garbage. This is more of an objective statement than it is a subjective statement. Other items may vary.
I never said that heart does the same thing as skadi; I said skadi does the same thing as heart. This is an important distinction since heart is inferior while skadi is superior. Let's do a rough calculation.
Heart costs 5500 gold and provides 40 strength and 300 hp + regen. So in total heart provides:
- (760x5)+300=4100 hp
- (5x1.2)+3.25% hp regen
Skadi costs 5675 gold and provides 25 strength, 25 agi, 25 int, 250 hp, 250 mana, aspd slow, mspd slow. So in total skadi provides:
- (475x5)+250=2625 hp
- (5x.75) = 3.75 hp regen
- 25x5=125 damage
- 3.5x5=17.5 armor
- 25*5=125 aspd
- (325x5)+250=1875 mana
- (5x1)=5 mana regen
Essentially you trade (assuming level 25 meepo):
(Effective HP with Heart) - (Effective HP with Skadi) = (3875.68*5)-(3754.76*5) = 604.6 hp and 175 gold for
(DPS with Skadi) - (DPS with Heart) = (116.88*5)-(78.84*5) = 190.2 dps
I hope this rough calculation shows how silly it is to get heart when you only get 120 hp more on each meepo and save 175 gold while you give up 190.2 dps which is equivalent to giving up a monkey king bar (5400 gold).
thorny wrote:And while your play style is better than mine, I would say that Dendi's is a better dota player than you. I've seen a game of his where he gets str threads + bottle + blink early on (before scepter). And late game he just stacked hearts.
I agree that Dendi is a better DotA player than me, but I can definitely hold my own against Dendi. Here are games of me playing against professional players including TI 5 Champion EG.Fear and arguably the best player in the world EG.Arteezy:
Game against EG.Fear against EG.Arteezy on my smurf what professional players do in pub games is not representative of the most efficient item builds. If anything they are usually experimenting and the item builds are nowhere close to optimal. Furthermore, Dendi is not a known meepo player and I can say with confidence that I can probably meepo better than he can.
thorny wrote:Saying that threads and heart are inefficient is just a matter of opinion (speaking of which - dendi > dust), it really depends on play style and lineup.
Items like Mek, used to be core on meepo. And headdress simply makes the game easier(especially for newer and lazier players), and helps his allies early on as well. Considering how fast meepo can farm up, its not much of a setback IMO.
While Dust is an average player he does make same valid points regarding poor item choices for meepo. I agree with you that treads is not one of them. However, mek/vlad meepo is highly outdated and inefficient to the point that it doesn't matter what your play style or line up is. You can always do better by getting aghs/skadi. I can play meepo in any position and in any role, and I can say with confidence that I would never get vlads or mek. The only reason why mek was core on meepo was because there was no aghnaim's for meepo (see niuwa meepo).
I argue to the contrary, headdress makes the game harder and if you wanted a simpler build for beginner players you might as well advise them to stack 3 bracers to tank damage. Just because a hero farms fast doesn't mean you should squander their farming potential by buying useless items. Plus you have to understand the distribution of meepo's farm. Meepo's farm is not uniformly distributed and is very mid to late game heavy. Which means meepo is poorest during the early game. The price of buying a headdress is ridiculously expensive (see time value of money) considering how difficult it is for meepo to obtain last hits and find farm in the early game. Buying a headdress might mean delaying your aghs or your blink or your BoT to the point where you become irrelevant for the rest of the game and come online way too late.
thorny wrote:But yes, Meepo is extremely imba and this is why there can be some leniency in terms of items. But it is also true that "For (insert hero name here) there can be some leniency in therms of items". No hero's items are set in stone.
Being an imba hero and having the option to exercise leniency doesn't mean you should exercise it unless it is the optimal build. I can also name plenty of heroes that have no leniency in the items they get: anti-mage, huskar, templar assassin, axe, slark, troll, tinker, etc.