When should !votekick be used on noobs?

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When should !votekick be used on noobs?

Postby DreathKnight » Fri Apr 19, 2013 8:46 am

Now as a person who doesn't play DotA this issue doesn't affect me. But for the people that do, they might encounter some new players that feed a lot. My question is, should people who fed X number of times within a certain time period be kicked? Let's say a person, unintentionally feeds 10 times in 25 minutes. He does deserve to be kicked right? But the rules state that you can only use the !votekick command on a new player if they refuse to learn.

My suggestion is that people are allowed to initiate the !votekick command on people who've fed a certain amount within a short time period, except in -apem since em mode is for noobs. What do you guys think about this?

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Re: When should !votekick be used on noobs?

Postby supersexyy » Fri Apr 19, 2013 8:47 am

Not unless they are 'Refusing to learn'.

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Re: When should !votekick be used on noobs?

Postby eldryan » Fri Apr 19, 2013 10:35 am

"because em for noobs", indeed. however, I think going 0-10 as a noob vs pro ppl shouldn't be vkable. There are even average 1200 ELO who might get 0-10 vs flowers/etc.

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Re: When should !votekick be used on noobs?

Postby TietsuT » Fri Apr 19, 2013 12:04 pm

I'll put my vote with 'refusing to learn'.

But then you have non-english speaking folk. So would it be fair if there's a language barrier? Should be the real question.
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Re: When should !votekick be used on noobs?

Postby Spectre » Sun Apr 21, 2013 8:50 pm

eldryan wrote:"because em for noobs", indeed. however, I think going 0-10 as a noob vs pro ppl shouldn't be vkable. There are even average 1200 ELO who might get 0-10 vs flowers/etc.

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Re: When should !votekick be used on noobs?

Postby QTriNitY » Mon Apr 22, 2013 6:30 am

Whoever dares kick a beginner, I will kick your arse.

Reason is simple. You did not want him to ruin your game.
So he got kicked and join another game.
And got kicked again by people like you.
And joins another game to only get kicked again.

So how on earth is he going to learn the game?

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Re: When should !votekick be used on noobs?

Postby Aghnaar » Mon Apr 22, 2013 11:47 am

Well, I learned how to play the game by Ai maps and playing with my friends, back on 2003. After a 5-6 years break, i feel like a noob while I was a pro player on the old days. The way i see it, when u join a game, u should at least have a basic knowledge about it, but now u can only learn from Ai cause not many ppl play dota anymore. From my part, I never kick noobs, i'm trying to carry them, but sometimes u can't really say if someone is a noob or a feeder.

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Re: When should !votekick be used on noobs?

Postby VirusHunter » Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:49 pm

at what point does a noob feeder become a game ruiner?
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Re: When should !votekick be used on noobs?

Postby MuaHaHa » Fri May 03, 2013 2:10 am

Playing with noobs is something you have to deal with when playing public games....

I'd recommend Doing High rank games so avoid playing with new players.

but also on the issue if someone is clearly giving the other team a plain advantage in a short amount of time.... it makes it hard for the other team mates to pick up the slack
So definitely a debatable subject

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Re: When should !votekick be used on noobs?

Postby QTriNitY » Fri May 03, 2013 2:44 am

Frankly, nobody has the intention of losing a game; everyone wants to win.

There are beginners who wish to try it out and we could let them learn the game.
Some do not set their life bars visible.
Some do not know what the mini map means.
Some do not know what skills their opponent hero has.
Some do not know what their individual hero skill does.
Some never bought boots at all.
Some are very young kids, teenage girls, others could be old folks.
Some do not see enemy heroes as human players, they treat them like creeps who will not attack them.

Just stating some of the 'Some'

Most of us learn the game with groups of friends in inhouse or self created games; we were very fortunate.
Those mentioned above might not have friends to hold their hands and guide them on a fast pace to understand DotA.
We might be some of the few players who kicked them out of games once or twice. But they may have been kicked countless of times in their pursuit to learn the game.

And that's very sad. Don't you agree?

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Re: When should !votekick be used on noobs?

Postby VirusHunter » Fri May 03, 2013 8:19 am

im always trying to help noob players out. it makes me mad when ppl kick or try to kick nubbies. but not all players want to win. there is a lot of people who just want to troll and throw a game just to piss people off.
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Re: When should !votekick be used on noobs?

Postby MuaHaHa » Sat May 04, 2013 7:54 am

VirusHunter wrote:im always trying to help noob players out. it makes me mad when ppl kick or try to kick nubbies. but not all players want to win. there is a lot of people who just want to troll and throw a game just to piss people off.

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Re: When should !votekick be used on noobs?

Postby Tascar » Sat May 04, 2013 11:27 am

QTriNitY wrote:Frankly, nobody has the intention of losing a game; everyone wants to win.

False, should amend to "nobody wants to lose a game, unfortunately most people do not prepare to win a game."

QTriNitY wrote: There are beginners who wish to try it out and we could let them learn the game.

AI maps, even playing on single player to try things out, looking up guides to learn the game. I stress again playing on single player.

QTriNitY wrote:Some do not set their life bars visible.
Some do not know what the mini map means.
Some do not know what skills their opponent hero has.
Some do not know what their individual hero skill does.
Some never bought boots at all.
Some are very young kids, teenage girls, others could be old folks.
Some do not see enemy heroes as human players, they treat them like creeps who will not attack them.

Just stating some of the 'Some'

If you joined a martial arts competition and you did not know a single technique and then promptly got your ass kicked is it the other practitioners' fault that you didn't prepare and inappropriately joined a tournament? Any type of sports or competitive venture always has a training period teaching you the basics and rules. You can't skip this step, however tons of people playing video games and DOTA think they are special and can ignore this.

QTriNitY wrote:Most of us learn the game with groups of friends in inhouse or self created games; we were very fortunate.
Those mentioned above might not have friends to hold their hands and guide them on a fast pace to understand DotA.

I don't know where you are getting this statistic from. You learn the game by putting the time into it.

QTriNitY wrote:We might be some of the few players who kicked them out of games once or twice. But they may have been kicked countless of times in their pursuit to learn the game.

And that's very sad. Don't you agree?

They are kicked because 99% of the time they do not want to learn the game and are content playing a competitive game without knowing how to play. They feign ignorance and excuse themselves as learning the game when they just wander from game to game doing the same thing over and over again. 100 games later, they have learned nothing.

The higher level you go in DOTA the worse dying is. In a 1v1 lane, if you die to me once (even removing first blood mechanic) there is like a 90% chance I am going to win the game skill being equal.

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Re: When should !votekick be used on noobs?

Postby MuaHaHa » Mon May 06, 2013 9:12 pm

Maybe there should be a practice game hosted like [ent] dota apem prac us/ca #?
For new players and people who want to help them.
Like it wouldn't be elo based or anything just for practice so the serious side of it would be Forgotten.

I usually tell new players to PLay Bgn games cause there not stat based anymore.

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Re: When should !votekick be used on noobs?

Postby ipwnipwn » Tue May 07, 2013 1:24 am

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