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i'M FromCali

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2025 6:44 pm
by FromCali

I'm Emmanuel, better known as FromCali. I've been playing here for a long time, but I've been playing from another account. I previously wanted to apply for ENT staff but I couldn't apply because this account is new. I want to show you that I can be very useful in terms of improving the competitive experience on the server; either with DotA or Warcraft 3. I admit that I still need to learn a little more about this beautiful ENT community: sometimes it's been difficult for me to report a user, because the (NEW TOPIC) button doesn't appear. But I'm here to learn. I also liked the idea of ​​helping the LATIN AMERICAN community, many of whom would like to play here but don't understand anything... I'm COLOMBIAN, BILINGUAL. :D

Re: i'M FromCali

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2025 1:14 am
Nah man, you only want help Latinos... That's racist. @iambackk People play from all over the world here. I wouldn't even for second consider you for admin.

Re: i'M FromCali

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2025 3:48 pm
by FromCali
@CUMONLEVIA I don't understand what the hate is always. I don't understand what the problem is with Latinos. Ignorant people say and contradict themselves. It is noticeable that you did not even read the word help Latinos and from that you started to throw hate. If you read well, I am bilingual, at no time have I said that I only want to help Latins. Since I speak Spanish and English. I have more range to understand people from more countries. The international language is English, and I can speak in English. I only have one question: if I can speak English, what is the problem that I can be ENT staff if I have an additional gift? They demanded that I must improve my activity on the server and I could be considered being ENT staff. another thing. STUDY SO YOU CAN LEARN TO FIND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN XENOPHOBIA AND RACISM.
@iambackk mis respetos hacia usted