Hey Everyone! :)
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 6:05 am
Hi, I am ShadowHunter94!
I have been playing Warcraft III for many years. My older brother, Bond009, was the one that got me into the game and I have been gaming ever since. ^_^ I rather enjoy playing Legion TD Mega, but my favorite game on Warcraft III would have to Custom Hero Footies! ♥
What brought you to ENT? Bond009 and ltSoVeR9000 actually introduced me to the game of Legion TD Mega and I rather liked it, then we found out about the site and thought that it might be a good idea to make accounts.
Where are you located? I am located in the United States.
How old are you? I am eighteen years old.
Are you a guy or a gal? I am a girl/gal. lol
What games do you play on WC3? I play Custom Hero Footies mostly, but I also play Legion TD Mega, Wintermaul, Custom Hero Line Wars, and what ever happens to catch my eye at the time. haha
What's your favorite WC3 map? My favorite Warcraft III map is Custom Hero Footies, for sure! I LOVE that game!!! ♥
What games do you play other than WC3? I enjoy many games, such as Zelda, Super Smash Bros Melee/ Brawl, Megaman X, Mario Kart, and a few others.
What are your hobbies? I like to game, watch anime, ride my bike, roller blade, hike, run, listen to music, and much more.
What are your interests? To many things to even name, but a lot of my interests involve my hobbies. lol
Are you student or do you have job? I am currently a student and probably wont get a job till after college.
Are you a member of any other clans? I am a member of Clan HPMM as a Grunt, and have been in this clan for about five years now. ♥
(Questions were from another website and I figured why not just use it again vs. trying to come up with something new. lol)
I have been playing Warcraft III for many years. My older brother, Bond009, was the one that got me into the game and I have been gaming ever since. ^_^ I rather enjoy playing Legion TD Mega, but my favorite game on Warcraft III would have to Custom Hero Footies! ♥
What brought you to ENT? Bond009 and ltSoVeR9000 actually introduced me to the game of Legion TD Mega and I rather liked it, then we found out about the site and thought that it might be a good idea to make accounts.
Where are you located? I am located in the United States.
How old are you? I am eighteen years old.
Are you a guy or a gal? I am a girl/gal. lol
What games do you play on WC3? I play Custom Hero Footies mostly, but I also play Legion TD Mega, Wintermaul, Custom Hero Line Wars, and what ever happens to catch my eye at the time. haha
What's your favorite WC3 map? My favorite Warcraft III map is Custom Hero Footies, for sure! I LOVE that game!!! ♥
What games do you play other than WC3? I enjoy many games, such as Zelda, Super Smash Bros Melee/ Brawl, Megaman X, Mario Kart, and a few others.
What are your hobbies? I like to game, watch anime, ride my bike, roller blade, hike, run, listen to music, and much more.
What are your interests? To many things to even name, but a lot of my interests involve my hobbies. lol
Are you student or do you have job? I am currently a student and probably wont get a job till after college.
Are you a member of any other clans? I am a member of Clan HPMM as a Grunt, and have been in this clan for about five years now. ♥
(Questions were from another website and I figured why not just use it again vs. trying to come up with something new. lol)