Greeting from RepZIW4
Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 10:08 pm
Since your website is almost like RepZ's one (link: and since I never typed any comment in here I thought why not making an introduction of myself just to see what all the dark creatures of garena will say.
You won't care anyway since RepZ is about MW2 but I'm updating a zombie mode for RepZ which will have some little weapons from black ops such as the Wunderwaffe DG2-2 and the Ray Gun.
Why does this website not have a line for youtube videos? Instead of sending a link I could directly place it in my topic...
Anyway, a little gameplay (link of my topic on RepZ):
I'm known on RepZ unlike here, because most only care for legion TD, castle fight, dota and ...island defense(?) anyway.
Enough talk of RepZ, about Warcraft III:
I'm a map creator who created a few games that are not finished yet but mostly playable.
I know a lot about balancement and more.
What I like? Unique custom maps that are not too annoying.
What I hate? Castle fight, legion TD, dota and island defense since the community that plays them is totally unfriendly (explained in a friendly way) and likes to insult new players, likes to report players who do something wrong just to get them banned because they blame them for their lose.
And I dislike most ENT admins (I WILL NOT say ANY names).
I remember some admin who joined the hosted game of my friend.
Ingame he was bored, started to teamkill my friend, insulted him and left.
Another story is about an another friend who played island defense, he was Titan, killed an admin and the admin said he killed him in an "unfair way" and wanted to ban him for 1 week.
My friend called him an abusive admin and he increased it to 1 month.
Really? An admin can ban players because he is mad and cares for his Win/Lose ratio? That's sad.
I have much more stories but I won't list all of them in this topic.
Just one last story, it is my favorite one:
There was one player hosting a map that had cheats, you could do anything you want as long as you had the cheat pack installed.
That player kicked a random player silently, changed his name to the kicked player, pretended to be him, insulted everyone and boosted his hero with unbelievable stats and started to teamkill.
He also used a maphack that was part of the map's cheat pack and some other cheats.
And now my favorite part: I reported it to an ENT admin because it was annoying to see him hosting it 24/7 and I felt sorry for his victims.
What did the admin say?
Well, that's it. My introduction, hate me or not, I won't care.
I only use ENT to test my maps with friends since the garena community is just awful.
Bye, have a nice day.
I promised RepZ that I wouldn't cause any trouble in here, and I won't break the promise.
You won't care anyway since RepZ is about MW2 but I'm updating a zombie mode for RepZ which will have some little weapons from black ops such as the Wunderwaffe DG2-2 and the Ray Gun.
Why does this website not have a line for youtube videos? Instead of sending a link I could directly place it in my topic...
Anyway, a little gameplay (link of my topic on RepZ):
I'm known on RepZ unlike here, because most only care for legion TD, castle fight, dota and ...island defense(?) anyway.
Enough talk of RepZ, about Warcraft III:
I'm a map creator who created a few games that are not finished yet but mostly playable.
I know a lot about balancement and more.
What I like? Unique custom maps that are not too annoying.
What I hate? Castle fight, legion TD, dota and island defense since the community that plays them is totally unfriendly (explained in a friendly way) and likes to insult new players, likes to report players who do something wrong just to get them banned because they blame them for their lose.
And I dislike most ENT admins (I WILL NOT say ANY names).
I remember some admin who joined the hosted game of my friend.
Ingame he was bored, started to teamkill my friend, insulted him and left.
Another story is about an another friend who played island defense, he was Titan, killed an admin and the admin said he killed him in an "unfair way" and wanted to ban him for 1 week.
My friend called him an abusive admin and he increased it to 1 month.
Really? An admin can ban players because he is mad and cares for his Win/Lose ratio? That's sad.
I have much more stories but I won't list all of them in this topic.
Just one last story, it is my favorite one:
There was one player hosting a map that had cheats, you could do anything you want as long as you had the cheat pack installed.
That player kicked a random player silently, changed his name to the kicked player, pretended to be him, insulted everyone and boosted his hero with unbelievable stats and started to teamkill.
He also used a maphack that was part of the map's cheat pack and some other cheats.
And now my favorite part: I reported it to an ENT admin because it was annoying to see him hosting it 24/7 and I felt sorry for his victims.
What did the admin say?
As long as it's a player hosted game and as long as he didn't install a maphack into his game, we can't do anything about it.
Well, that's it. My introduction, hate me or not, I won't care.
I only use ENT to test my maps with friends since the garena community is just awful.
Bye, have a nice day.
I promised RepZ that I wouldn't cause any trouble in here, and I won't break the promise.