abuse of dc penalty

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abuse of dc penalty

Postby eldryan » Mon Nov 17, 2014 1:46 pm

The dc penalty is devised to prevent plug pulling and balance matches to compensate for losses when you dc.

In the new system, half the time an enemy will report someone to gain ELO when they were about to lose the game anyways. This isn't the intent of the penalty. It should be the call of the winning team to dc penalty or not, or better yet a moderator who sees who is losing and penalizes the dcer if he is losing regardless of report, and verbally warns about ban/appropriate behavior those who dc frequently but aren't losing.

Tired of this bs use of dc penalty as ELO whoring.

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Re: abuse of dc penalty

Postby ZTX)Fiji » Mon Nov 17, 2014 4:29 pm

As if you can tell for certan who will win a match.. - I know that there's a good point to this, but of you dc, and someone reports you - you're screwed... Thats just the way things are ;)

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Re: abuse of dc penalty

Postby eldryan » Mon Nov 17, 2014 4:34 pm

so if u dc lvl 1 before mode is chosen - you're screwed. seems legit.

you can tell for certain who is winning. if som1 dcs on the winning side, then they are being punished for winning.

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Re: abuse of dc penalty

Postby Hutzu » Mon Nov 17, 2014 4:57 pm

Imo not many games are lost/won for certain, when people disconnect. People do screw up calls or don't make the best of the opponents' leaks.

If we change it to "DC penalty is only to be applied when the DCer's team was losing", then people might abuse it and disc before the advantage gets too big. So it could open a new way of abuse, while the current phrasing scares off those abusers.
Though your version would prevent those DC penalties where the game was actually to be won by the DCer or the game was even.

On the other hand you can say that the disconnecter just wasted the time of 3-7 people, so he could/should get a punishment, no matter how the game was going.

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Re: abuse of dc penalty

Postby Krumme » Mon Nov 17, 2014 5:16 pm

DC'ing lvl 1 is a problem Eldryan and I thought you would know this
DC'ing lvl 1 can be a clear sign of people not liking their team - yes sometimes DC penalty shouldn't be applied but far most of the time DC penalty is fitting and just the fact that you know you might get DC penned regardless of what the situation might be leaves people not wanting to DC at any time so I don't think a change needs to be made, even though I do agree with you that not all DC pens are fair

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Re: abuse of dc penalty

Postby eldryan » Mon Nov 17, 2014 5:49 pm

If it is a close match, dc penalty can be applied. But if there is a notable advantage for the dcer's team, it's dumb to apply a penalty to that player for winning and dcing while ahead.

DCing lvl 1 isn't a problem of teams - they can dodge and get that penalty without losing ELO. In no way is it proper in redress to consider it equal to a DC, even if it is a PP - as it's lvl 1.

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Re: abuse of dc penalty

Postby Diablo_ » Tue Dec 02, 2014 11:59 pm

Time to archive, dc penalty will stay as is (for now).
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