Stop banning players plz

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Re: Stop banning players plz

Postby Qvist » Tue Dec 09, 2014 5:39 am

Re: sx.chuck requesting to re-join LIHL


Postby Qvist » Wed Nov 19, 2014 12:38 am

No, no, no and nope. This guy did the same vouch request for some time ago. He is not active and he doesn't know the meta + he isn't even a nice guy. Final comment, you are not fit for LIHL.

All I said. This guy.......

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Re: Stop banning players plz

Postby MichaelSong » Tue Dec 09, 2014 6:20 am

I don't want to be offensive to anyone.

In my perspective, However, we should follow the rules.
Furthermore, we should also respect our current mods' decisions.

Actually, I was not in the game that Fiji kicked Achill but I read all of the threads that were talking about that accident(not sure this is right word to explain).

But the fact is he broked the rule by abusing his power which was not allowed to use inappropriate way.
This is community and there are rules that are stated much before and the player who does not respect the rules must be punished(or leave) in right way.
If it doesn't work in that way, I'm pretty sure this community will go die soon.

Also, I think moderators who have responsibility to check this LIHL should not be blamed for their decisions that they made already because they have authorities to do behave like that.
They spend so many hours which other people doesn't even look into such as checking replays who applied for LIHL or checking replays to check out the problems,etc which are against the rules.
I bet many of other players except the Mods will NOT spend their times like that.
Since, Mods sacrifice their precious time to enhance our community, I think they should be respected more than now I guess.

In my opinion,
Oliver's ban is appropriate.
Nevertheless, the main point is,
he is the player who played the numerous games in this league and somewhat attributed to this league much, so many of players think that his ban length is too long.

But, we should just follow what Mods say so.
Insisting that all of the players agreed to swap Fiji in is not the appropriate excuse for saying stop banning the players.

Finally, frankly speaking,
I don't think this one is very appropriate topic to discuss on seriously.
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Re: Stop banning players plz

Postby BA_Fail » Tue Dec 09, 2014 7:23 am

Glad to see forum activity has gone up, I'm starting to think I have something to do with it, idk why.

As for the punishment, the punishment was way too lenient. I actually felt like I did something wrong this time and i got a lesser sentence than when I had to deal with drahque making my life miserable, or having to leave for reasons I couldn't control.

As for the incident, I just frankly didn't care about swapping fiji in. I was so damn sleepy I don't even remember how it started. The only people who should be punished are me and whoever else was in the first game. We are the ones who started it and therefore cause the later games to also go along with it


Re: Stop banning players plz

Postby bit » Tue Dec 09, 2014 8:33 am

This goes in circles every season.

Players: lets do some crap while there's no mods around auehauhxuahxuaheuhauxh, then we'll say there's no such rule, or we didn't know current rules auhxauhxhuahxauhxau
Mods (with boiling arses): Unvouched for x days
Players: OMG League dying cuz of u nazi mods. (singing some cumbrous songs)
Mods: K, fine, we will reduce your unvouch times, but you will need to write LIHL rules 500 times at class desk like Bart Simpson.
Players: Sure thing bros, we got it. (looking at each other and winking)

And so on and so on..

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Re: Stop banning players plz

Postby aRt)Y » Tue Dec 09, 2014 11:11 am

ZTX)Fiji wrote:but people whillimgly voted yes and agreed to swaps so that a games would start
Votekicks also pass because players want it. That doesnt make it any legit. So for this. Players cant simply vote to break or ignore a rule.

Muslim wrote:we cant even now play all is banned u guys just killing lihl
Same as for ID IH. Not the administration but the players are killing it.

ZTX)Fiji wrote: but people are allowed to have their oppinions out in the open
You can voice your opinion on the forum via suggestion or dicussion threads. Regarding votekicks, see above.

Diablo_ wrote:We have rules because that's what LIHL was built upon
What most Forget tho is that they also agreed to the rules when they joined the leauge. You cant - all of the sudden - say you didn't know the rule x or y or you dont like it. That's just a weak and bad excuse.[/Quote]

supersexyy wrote:Lihl has different rules to pub Ltd, it obviously doesn't follow those 'game specific' rulesquote
We arent talking about ltd pub rules but the general rules. And yes, they may be enforced in LIHL if not stated differently. Whether dodging in lihl is the same as dodging defined in the general rules is yet another discussion.

Krumme wrote:The thing is that Fiji doesn't have a 2 month ban for this 1 rulebreak but for having broken the rules more than any one else in the league EVER

  • If you dont like a specific rule, post a suggestion to change it. Dont just start a "rebellion" qqing about how unfair life is.
  • ENT will not stop punishing players for their misbehaving. Especially not in a league.
  • We had the discussion a lot under which jurisdiction LIHL belongs. Mods are voted by the players. Supervised by the ENT Administration. General and specific rules as listed on the LIHL wiki page are to be enforced - whether you like it or not. LIHL is not entirely separated from ENT.
  • A league is a competition with rules and a system. Anyone who joins it knows what he has to do/not to do. If you dont like lihl rules, play pub games with looser rule sets.
  • If Players ignore the league system and rules, there aint gonna be any league. ENT is not responsible for the activity of the players. Nor will be consider it for the ban duration. Else the entire system could be exploited. - We just provide you the infrastructure. What you - as the players - do with it, is yours.
Play fair and follow the rules as any other player does. Players wont get banned and the activity of the league will not be a problem.

So if you still wanna change a specific rule (and not "ent stop banning Players"), then post a suggestion or LIHL Topic to discuss it.
    Information, Rules, Guides and everything else you need to know about ENT is on the ENT Wiki.
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