Vouch request question

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Vouch request question

Postby Krayyzie » Sun Apr 12, 2015 8:45 am


Okay..I did watch some of the replays there, beat on donkill/guennter wasnt very good.
But I just have to ask, what kind of deny post is that?

1: 3 aqua level 1 is perfectly fine to start with, just because you dont like the play, doesnt mean its bad, it is taking a risk, but it is for sure not bad, espically in a game like that, IF enemies would´ve sent , they would´ve leaked alot to king, which means he would most likely still get 5th aqua for lvl 2 and he could bo lvl 2 for 10 inc...

2: I did not check this replay, but why would u not bother watchin a semi play with aqua? u can semi with aqua and hold all levels well, and it is for sure not bad

3: Lod game was played perfectly fine?(atleast untill level 7, closed after that), Its not impossible he would leak 4 if he didnt add? And made the decision to rather get some income than goin for 2nd lod for 5

*Edit :

I would rather have a player playing like that in my team than alot of other lihl players who would just get a lod and a healer and income and fail...

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Re: Vouch request question

Postby ArMeDaNdDeAdLy » Sun Apr 12, 2015 9:29 am

1.Inexpirienced players cant recover from leaking on early levels such as 1 with 150 value he will leak a lot or 2 with 250 so i suggested the safest way with minimal risk.Not knowing that 300 value of aquas leaks lvl 3 and giving enemies a free scout is Bad
2.Whats the point of semi with aquas when u cant hold and u cant king.Name a decent player in lihl who semis with aquas.
3.His tower choices with the lod replay were pretty bad with halfbreed as well so early.He didnt income like you said instead he sat on gold.
The below replays shows that a lod 2 ogres and a wd hold pretty much every time easily(even with bad placement).
You didnt took 15 mins 8x to look into the replays yet you are judging wrongly mostly cause of i dont know what.The request was there for 2 days but you didnt bother to post your opinion.Sad
Next time better watch the replays before commenting.
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Lod 2 ogres wd No3.w3g
(13.16 KiB) Downloaded 17 times
Lod 2 ogres wd No2.w3g
(14.45 KiB) Downloaded 18 times
lod 2 ogres wd No1.w3g
(15.74 KiB) Downloaded 17 times

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Re: Vouch request question

Postby Krayyzie » Sun Apr 12, 2015 9:33 am

1: he would get 5 aquas for lvl 2 even if enemies sent warriors, why the heck would he not recover? wouldnt even leak lvl 2
2: I do, and im sure others do now and then also, even tho players like you prefer to suicide inc rather than hold for example lvl 5-6 with aquas if u got no other holder, since aqua is actually not bad at that
3: it worked out perfectly, he held 5, he held 7, and he got quick early income, whats the problem?

4: a moderator removing posts because they are against him? good start...

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Re: Vouch request question

Postby ArMeDaNdDeAdLy » Sun Apr 12, 2015 9:36 am

1.The bad comment was about not knowing that 300 value leaks lvl 3, as i said inexpirienced players tend to fail yolos.
2.Noone does it besides you
3.He sits on gold when he shouldve pushed, the towers dont hold which hold pretty much every time unlike what you said
4.I didnt remove them
5.You didnt read my post above.No point in arguing about this.If you wanna be active and contribute to the community i am more than happy.Good willed critic is always welcome.Next time be sure to comment on the vouch requests.

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Re: Vouch request question

Postby eldryan » Sun Apr 12, 2015 9:38 am

going 300 value aquas and pro leaking while you're incoming is good. semi with aquas is relative, semi can be 7/4 and hold after 10 really hard. used to be very common, even if you can't hold 10 hard you can carry 8 if your team has immo.

I definitely agree about his lod replay and the leak lvl 3 strat is good, better to 300 value if you can small leak while you are 5/1 then go 350 value.

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Re: Vouch request question

Postby ArMeDaNdDeAdLy » Sun Apr 12, 2015 9:45 am

eldryan wrote:going 300 value aquas and pro leaking while you're incoming is good. semi with aquas is relative, semi can be 7/4 and hold after 10 really hard. used to be very common, even if you can't hold 10 hard you can carry 8 if your team has immo.

I definitely agree about his lod replay and the leak lvl 3 strat is good, better to 300 value if you can small leak while you are 5/1 then go 350 value.

Whats the point of giving a free scout on level 3 when your team has double blaster and warden with mutants?If all of the other 3 teamates didnt ob there would be more than 40 to king.No way in lihl you can see 3 people staying so low and still leaking 41 to king on 5.
As about the lod replay i told you he miscalculated the gold didnt push fast and i proved those towers hold lvl 4 pretty much with every placement.I guess you didnt take the time to watch the replays as well.If you are willing to contribute then post your thoughts on the requests.It makes me happy seeing you two caring so much with such zealot.Im expecting your comments on the vouch requests.

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Re: Vouch request question

Postby Krayyzie » Sun Apr 12, 2015 9:47 am

No need to comment this...your answers are enough.
Have fun making stupid decisions, and only yolo u succed with yourself is prolly clog yolo, which you beleive is skilled(which is probably why you are one of the players who refuse to play 2s, holding is not in your book unless you have perfect units)
You probably removed them yes

and your replays...the funny part is you probably actually believe the builds in Lod 2 ogres wd No2.w3g and Lod 2 ogres wd No3.w3g are bad placement?
Those are both very good placement for lvl 4, only replay you actually show that is bad placement and similiar to what he had, did hold, but close

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Re: Vouch request question

Postby aRt)Y » Sun Apr 12, 2015 9:49 am

We will have the mods review the request. It will be either approved or declined again based on the voting. Might take a day or two.

Thanks for the input.

@Krayyzie Your post was off-topic and in response to a highly inappropriate post by a user who should know better.
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Re: Vouch request question

Postby aRt)Y » Sun Apr 12, 2015 4:27 pm

Since armed had already talked to nore, only hutzu is left. He isnt convinced either that jason is ready, yet.

@Jason- Feel free to pm hutzu to get his feedback.
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