DC and Leave penalty changes (UPDATED)

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DC and Leave penalty changes (UPDATED)

Postby nabo. » Fri Sep 25, 2015 1:25 pm

1) Everyone should be using Gproxy to lessen their chance of disconnection from a game. It is true that there are few who are unable to install this tool for whatever technical issues or incompatibility.

Effective as of now, anyone who disconnects and does not have Gproxy will be penalized with extra -3 elo.

Note that this is fair since those who do not have gproxy are less likely to reconnect to a game. If you do not frequently disconnect, this change should not matter much anyway. This change is meant for those who are lazy or refuse to install Gproxy.

If you have not yet installed Gproxy, I suggest you do so now.

2) "DC and Leave penalty" will now be same for any team format (2v2, 3v3, 4v4) and the elo gained for your time will also be consistent.
It will be -18 +3 with GProxy++ and -21 +3 without.

Note: Due to autobal, avg elo gain/loss is close to 15 and elo loss ranging between 12-18. So, 18 or higher elo penalty is effective enough as dc penalty. Some players lose a lot of elo from disconnections. I think -18 elo as penalty is reasonable.

Example Test:
Penalty with gproxy:
Adjusting stats for [1006] by +3 (gid=6518199)
Adjusting stats for [artmas] by +3 (gid=6518199)
Adjusting stats for [bugatti_veyron] by +3 (gid=6518199)
Adjusting stats for [milfhunter96] by -18 (gid=6518199)
Adjusting stats for [tariq.td] by +3 (gid=6518199)
Adjusting stats for [tastay] by +3 (gid=6518199)
Adjusting stats for [thandrin] by +3 (gid=6518199)
Adjusting stats for [wonderchild] by +3 (gid=6518199)

Adjusting stats for [1006] by -3 (gid=6518199)
Adjusting stats for [artmas] by -3 (gid=6518199)
Adjusting stats for [bugatti_veyron] by -3 (gid=6518199)
Adjusting stats for [milfhunter96] by +18 (gid=6518199)
Adjusting stats for [tariq.td] by -3 (gid=6518199)
Adjusting stats for [tastay] by -3 (gid=6518199)
Adjusting stats for [thandrin] by -3 (gid=6518199)
Adjusting stats for [wonderchild] by -3 (gid=6518199)

Penalty without gproxy:
Adjusting stats for [1006] by +3 (gid=6518199 )
Adjusting stats for [artmas] by +3 (gid=6518199 )
Adjusting stats for [bugatti_veyron] by +3 (gid=6518199 )
Adjusting stats for [milfhunter96] by -21 (gid=6518199 )
Adjusting stats for [tariq.td] by +3 (gid=6518199 )
Adjusting stats for [tastay] by +3 (gid=6518199 )
Adjusting stats for [thandrin] by +3 (gid=6518199 )
Adjusting stats for [wonderchild] by +3 (gid=6518199 )

Adjusting stats for [1006] by -3 (gid=6518199 )
Adjusting stats for [artmas] by -3 (gid=6518199 )
Adjusting stats for [bugatti_veyron] by -3 (gid=6518199 )
Adjusting stats for [milfhunter96] by +21 (gid=6518199 )
Adjusting stats for [tariq.td] by -3 (gid=6518199 )
Adjusting stats for [tastay] by -3 (gid=6518199 )
Adjusting stats for [thandrin] by -3 (gid=6518199 )
Adjusting stats for [wonderchild] by -3 (gid=6518199 )

3) Any form of "leaving" including disconnections, technical errors (fatal-errors), voluntarily leaving, rage quitting, and pull-plugging will result in "DC and Leave Penalty". Ex. Rage quitting will result in 2-3 unvouch time+dc penalty.

Edit: wiki has been updated.
Clan High@useast

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