2s mode

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Re: 2s mode

Postby Krayyzie » Thu Nov 26, 2015 3:54 pm

Feel free to suggest :) im sure most players in 2s would agree to play different modes, its fully allowed to do any mode if all agrees.

However, just in last 2 days there´s been like 4 times with 11+ players who wants to play, and 4s started and alot of players sit out instead of 3s and 2s or 3s and 3s.
One example is now, when there´s 10-11 players around, 3 players asking to start a 2s so rest of players can play 1 game, people refuse for 10 mins, then people get tired and accept to go 4s, and 3 players sits out.

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Re: 2s mode

Postby ILOCOS_NORTE » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:52 am

Whats with the funciton to host multiple games simultaniosly? I thought I read something about it few weeks ago?

The function !sign2 !sign3 !sign4 would solve all problems imo. People could decide what game type they desire. Also the "blocking" would stop. Means if a 4s is started and a group of 4 ppl like to play 2s, they could easely "start2 + sign2". Also other way round. If 3 ppl signed for a 2s and wait for +1, ppl from an ending 4s can just skip the 2s and start/host a 4s simultaniosly.

Also the so called "trapping", when 3 ppl signed for 2s and a forth player from a just ending 4s gets "trapped" by singing before reading.

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Re: 2s mode

Postby archol » Fri Nov 27, 2015 5:08 pm

A way to make it more attractive is to implement that the winner gets more elo than 15, and the loser lose less than 15 - dont know if thats even possible or viable, but its a way for sure ... if its good or bad is another question

But what are the main reasons why people avoid 2s? If people have other possible reasons, please go ahead

1) Its different than 3s and 4s (but thats not the main reason)
2) It may be harder due suicide incoming is not that effective (probably the main reason)
3) You need a good mix between pushing and holding
4) If you roll bad, you cant suicide income that easy as in the other two modes
5) One player has or should hold his lane more or less all the time (never saw a winning team with only suicide incoming)
6) Its less luck dependant than the other two modes in my opinion

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Re: 2s mode

Postby nabo. » Mon Dec 14, 2015 6:14 pm

!signX and !startY were implemented.

I dont see much useful suggestion to improve conditions to encourage players to play 2v2 games more often.

Simply vote to play -sdgmcb if you want to in a game lobby.

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