I guess the most important things have been mentioned already, so I'll just comment on a few statements that I personaly can't agree with.
broud3r wrote:it surely depends on the balacing but in general i would allow crossing on the normal games but disable the possibility on the mastermind mode.
I'm sure you meant to say disabled in ranked games, right? Because mastermind mode is nothing else than Prophet and will be played in normal games aswell. I don't see a reason to not allow players to cross in normals, but imo they shouldn't be able to cross in ranked/professional scene; mostly because I don't believe it's possible to balance it out entirely. Not to mention it would be easier to eloboost using cross (like people did it in LoL. Someone pays to get carried by a way better player in duo que.). Let's be realistic, eloboosting will be a thing. It has always been. And allowing cross in ranked just makes it too easy... The booster goes value and the boosted guy income, no one will even notice it...
broud3r wrote:leaking some units to gain more time is a good tactical choice but pushing hard with some units and stall time with the leaks on the king by upgrading regeneration and hp without attack should get more punished or somehow avoided like forcing to upgrade attack after some hp and/or reg or giving the enemy team always 100% of the leaking gold should balance it as well.
an extreme case was common on the old map but can still work on the "fixed" one is to sell all towers on round 4, push hard and upgrade kings hp and reg during this round by stalling time on round 4 and 5 you are able to send a few thousand lumber on round 6 or 7 which is pretty much impossible to hold.
I don't think that this strategy is any issue without clog tbh. It's not even an issue right now with the reduced clog and pretty much only works against noobs. I don't see a reason why you would not allow teams to stall for time, considering both teams get this time and it's the initiating team who loses gold during the progress. It's an insanely high risk high reward strategy and I don't see what's wrong about that. If the enemy team reacts properly the clog team will pretty much instantly lose.
broud3r wrote:king can be juggled to stall more time as well (by attacking the opposite creeps of the current one) caused by the turn animation so there should be a fixed attackanimation/time.
Imo the best solution to this would be if players are not able to control the king at all! The concept of one player alone controling the king, and therefore the fate of the team, is extremly outdated and I really hope they'll not do the same in LTD2.... There is nothing more frustrating than to see someone take king control and fail miserably, making the team lose, while it was an easy win with proper control. At this point it's probably also worth mentioning that there will be trolls!!! And with the possability of them controling king their ability to TK would be even worse... Not to mention I don't see any issues with having the king control itself. I already made a good suggestion about a king control system in the LTD2 forum a long time ago tho, and I hope it has been noticed, so I won't go into much detail regarding this now.