Guennter wrote:Yes yes,
@AvadaKedavra i totaly understand that people care for Elo, thats not the point. My question was: what is the difference between people beeing at 200 and 2k or 600 and 1,7k?
We could also award 30 elo each game, then people would be at -600 and 3k, yet that wouldnt make a difference in the rankposition
Elo is a relativ number.
Elo is designed for chess, and doesnt work properly for teamgames anyway (not a single teamgame which is played a lot and has a ranksystem is based on pure Elo like ours was ... Not LoL, not HotS, not SC2 in 2s+ ...). So you only THOUGHT the old system was reflecting your skilllevel in relation to all players, but thats not true. The new one works as fine as the old, if not better, because now, you dont get carried by some player with good calls who always is in your team. Doing calls is part of the game, and if you cant do any, your skillevel is (relativly) lower then the level of other players.
Here is a player called "king24". Let's say he plays 1000 games with a 47 % winrate. He would win 470 games and lose 530 which equals to 60 more losses than wins. 60 times 15 subtracted from his initial 1000 elo = 100. I did this math quick but I think it's right.
Here is a player called Harry Potter. He has played 100 games with a winrate of 30 %. Thats 70 losses and 30 wins. This means he would have 40 more losses than wins, 40 times 15 subtracted from his initial 1000 = 400 elo.
Now looking at the elo Harry Potter has beaten king24 by 300 elo, and ended the season significantly higher than king24, even though he is losing 70 % of his games. King24 had a 47 % winrate but ended lower than Harry. The new elo system works fine or even better? Good luck convincing anyone about that.
There NEEDS to be a change, current system is broken as hell.
There are 3 options in my opinion:
Option A) Keep current system bur measure winrates over elo. In this format king24 would have beaten Harry Potter with his significantly higher winrate which is absolutely what the ranking system should reflect. He DID outperfrom Harry big time
Option B) Make elo exchange according to the balance instead of forced 15/15. This way people with small winrates / small lose rates would not get punished or rewarded for grinding many games, as king24 got heavily punished for his activity in the example above. Also teams would still be pretty random overall, so that aspect stays intact (like I mentioned earlier I think this system should have some balance to stay within a certain threshold. Something like 8/22 exchanges, so u can max win 22 and max lose 22, since too unbalanced games aka. 1/29 would be shit for the team risking a lot to win nothing)
Option C) Go back to the old system which worked absolutely fine. My personal favorite, works very well with a only a few disadvantages.
Option D) Do nothing and keep a broken system that punishes/rewards activity more than winrate and skill. This option will probably leave some players very sore behind, when they end at the absolute bottom with decent winrates, just like in the example above.
I probably won't post much more after this long post, since i'm really losing passion quickly to try and make a change. I tried to be as clear as possible, and I can't do much more I feel. Choose an option and fix this shit quick -.-