Poll about Healbycolor

Moderator: LIHL Staff

Do you want Healbycolor back in LIHL?

Poll ended at Sun Mar 27, 2016 10:14 pm

I don't care/don't know
Total votes: 29

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Re: Poll about Healbycolor

Postby HealByColor » Thu Mar 24, 2016 8:29 pm

See I can agree with what Diablo_ says at least he brings both sides to the case not just one sided. I understand the punishment I do. I just know that would never happen again and I truly think I would be a benefit to the community as a whole. @matdas I did replace my computer it was having multiple issues.

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Re: Poll about Healbycolor

Postby HealByColor » Thu Mar 24, 2016 8:43 pm

I do apologize to the LIHL members that I played with in my past for taking advantage of their trust. I also apologize to the new members for not ever getting a chance to play with them in LIHL. I would also like to apologize to the ENT staff for lying about my failed screen shot and apologize to everyone that I took so long to tell them the truth. If I am not able to be fully re-vouched I would like to know if it would be possible to have a trail vouch with strict guidelines to follow that goes without saying.

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Re: Poll about Healbycolor

Postby pewpew lasergun » Thu Mar 24, 2016 10:54 pm

there is new vouches who joined the league 1 week ago, who don't even know the guy, posting and voting the poll. I don't think that's appropriate.
as for other lihl members/ mods, there is no need for all this melodrama every time he posts, he did this, he did that, he ate my lunch....

We fully understand he maphacked, dodged and what not. took a long time off the game and asking for forgiveness and a revouch.
keep it simple.
its not murder, its a game and he cheated. he served some time. now either say yes or no. no more.

Now from the vouch request post, the majority of lihl members were favorable. mostly a couple lihl mods against.
and remember the vast majority of lihl seniors do not participate in the forum.
@diablo_ i think pm in game senior players who don't come to the forums.

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Re: Poll about Healbycolor

Postby aRt)Y » Thu Mar 24, 2016 11:16 pm

pewpew lasergun wrote:its not murder, its a game and he cheated. he served some time. now either say yes or no. no more.
If you want to simplify things like that, then why does ENT punish players in the first place? You also forgot that the question here is whether players in the league want to put their trust in him again. Losing trust in one person is not something you can simplify or excuse by saying "it's a game". Besides, even if it's "just" a game, we've rules and everyone has to follow them. Having served some time has little meaning for this case considering the severity. Taking fairness into consideration, I dont see why he should be granted the appeal.

And knowing that public players dont argument with ENT rules, guidelines and policies first but with their general opinion which differs from case to case, I dont see why the poll should have any meaning either. This decision is solely for the administration to make as they are officially elected by the community to enforce the ENT standards.

With that said, I agree with Diablo's post.
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Re: Poll about Healbycolor

Postby RadiantCrystal » Thu Mar 24, 2016 11:41 pm

The fact is that this is not a simple maphack case and the mher asking for a second chance.

I always give and always will give second, even third chances because I believe people do learn from their past and mistakes. However, it is different with HBC's case.

Let's take a quick look:
1. When bbb busted him he claimed it was a bug
2. Then he claimed he wasn't maphacking
3. After that he tried to cover it up as a glitch
I am curious why these bugs happen? The kings hp glitched occasionally, games ending in draws because the game bugs in arena, I even have previously had my builder turn completely black. No I do not have screen shots of any of these questions. I am just curious how all these this can be possible but my glitched ss considered mh.

4. Then he says it was a failed ss, and no rule here at ENT except the league can ban him legitimately
I have replaced the previous pc that I was using and have been able to do proper screen shots. I was banned for a failed screen shot. Which is not considered a rule on any other ENT legion bots.
This was on Nov 23, 2015 where nabo. unbanned his maphack ban
5. Then on Dec 15 2015 he still claims it was his first failed ss, let's not forget the case about him and gog again. GoG being a noob at computers still managed to find ways to prove and complete ss test (through phone pic) while hbc can't?
6. Then ENT mods found him dodging with evidences, he made smurf to play during his mh ban and stopped playing as soon as he got unbanned.
7.Right after he got range banned he admits for the first time

Now he tries to apply again and he still try to cover up the truth when I added the part that he was ranged due to dodging a maphack ban.
By saying things like
RadiantCrystal wrote:
so which ban did you dodge? @HealByColor

Why don't you ask an admin. I prefer sticking to the topic


I am not sure what the ban actually was original ban was titled. I don't believe it was titled MH. I was banned for a failed SS not sure what they labeled that perhaps editing or something...
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Re: Poll about Healbycolor

Postby HealByColor » Fri Mar 25, 2016 1:27 am

once again I wasn't trying to hide it by saying I wasn't banned for mh.... I don't know what to say because technically it was mh that got me banned that wasn't what the ban was I was not trying to cover anything up. the evidence is there man I am not trying to change this around I am only saying them as they happened. MH=MH correct? Dodge=Dodge correct? Was I punished for almost a year yes. Did I publically come out and admit that I did those things? YES! Did I go about it the right way? NO! Am I trying to fix my past? YES! Hard to make up for things if you're never given a chance.


Re: Poll about Healbycolor

Postby MarshMallows » Fri Mar 25, 2016 7:54 am

Well.. you were given like 10 chances to come clean when you got caught. I was leaning towards yes at the start but you don't do yourself many favors in the way you respond here :(

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Re: Poll about Healbycolor

Postby Artichoke » Fri Mar 25, 2016 1:07 pm

It's absurd we're even considering this. You have to be incredibly weak, naive, and stupid to just let people get away with serious transgressions because they "apologized". We shouldn't let him back in now, we shouldn't let him in a year from now, and we shouldn't let him back in ever.

edit: I must add, the reason I feel this way is not only what he's done in the past, but what risks we expose ourselves to in the future if we let him back in. As you know, many people like HBC and Woonderchild got away with maphacking in LIHL for extended periods of time. Catching them is not easy. He acts like he has little knowledge of computers but who knows? Maybe he found a MH that won't show up on screenshots, maybe he took a graphics design class and is now a Photoshop master. It's a huge risk to take which gives us little to no benefit. Being forgiving and taking the moral high ground over and over gets you nowhere when those you are dealing with don't offer you the same courtesy.

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Re: Poll about Healbycolor

Postby OccupyW.Street » Fri Mar 25, 2016 1:34 pm

It's kind of a natural human respons to lie or twist the truth if you get caught for something and you see a way to get away with it. Just see what happens in court where pretty much everyone denys if they have the chance not to get convicted.
With that being said it's still not a good behavior (we are not a court, most people here has a personal relation) and I really DISPISE the use of maphack. To even have the chance to come back after one year is debateable.
Even though a part of me wants to forgive because the lesson is learned (probably). Like Artichoke said, what to we get in return for taking the risk?

In my opinion unban him now only if he donates 100 euro to Amnesty, win win :)

Edit; It is possible that the mistake he learned from is not the cheating, but the editing in photoshop. Maybe there could be extra security measures in this case, like that he also has to send a video or photo from gameplay (through phone). Of course within a short period of time.


Re: Poll about Healbycolor

Postby Don_Killuminati » Fri Mar 25, 2016 2:37 pm

it's a risk and u guys right, but, considering what kind of power mh give u, and knowing he get caught once all ppl gonna focus on his lane ;
Mh technically, give u 2 advantages :
-adapt ur build vs enemy send.
-adapt a call send to break enemy build.
Regarding build, the cheat evidence appears pretty clearly = ob on enemy send + push if no send, simple as that.
Regarding call, it give u the power to find enemy weakness and share it to ur allies.

I guess, even when he get caught, if a experimented ltd players took care about his 20-30 last replays, he could find a lot of mh signs ( juice/no juice, ob, calls , perfect push ect..)
Mhker in general should be discret or it's suspicious, knowing that he mhed, even if he find a way to hide it , all ppl gonna take care about what he doing and if u experimented enought, u gonna find mh signs if he decide to exploit them; so even if he come back to the league with all mh stuffs, his mh gonna lose like 80% of his initial power, not profitable at all ( imo very very very small risk)
Knowing that, in a extreme way, i rather prefer play with hbc ex mhker than a player i dont know since he could have all stuffs to hide mh on ss,or lucky enought to dodge ss, as i said mhker should be pretty discret, and hbc his already recorded on mh thing.
Guess if we dont let him get it in, it should be more about punishment that a potential risk of recurrence, trust me.

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Re: Poll about Healbycolor

Postby Wolke » Fri Mar 25, 2016 3:36 pm

I am sitting here, searching for positives argument for letting HBC come back. So far there are only 2, he is a friendly positive character ingame and secondly everybody deserves another chance. On the other side, he betrayed all, who played with him. Instead of addmitting is fail, he was searching for excuses over in over and abused our community. If we take him back, what then ? We banned shrimp for beeing toxic and we play with a cheater now, that sounds unfair to me. We have to give wonderchild a chance aswell, which i would never support, cause he wasn´t as friendly as hbc. All in all can´t support unless somebody shows me the benefits of letting him back. Sorry hbc it´s about principles.

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Re: Poll about Healbycolor

Postby aRt)Y » Fri Mar 25, 2016 4:30 pm

Three pages and 15 no-votes. I guess that's enough for the league administration to make up their mind.
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Re: Poll about Healbycolor

Postby dweiler » Fri Mar 25, 2016 7:16 pm

As Diablo_ already pointed out, the reason for conducting this poll is because we would only consider letting someone who maphacked back if an overwhelming majority of the people would want to give him a chance again. Obviously, that is not the case. So @healbycolor, based on votes by the community we will not accept you back in the league. Take care.
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