Legion TD 2: Standalone Sequel to Legion TD

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Re: Legion TD 2: Standalone Sequel to Legion TD

Postby Jules » Fri Mar 04, 2016 8:25 pm

archol wrote:Another good idea in my opinion would be in case of a disconnect from a player i would suggest that another player from his/her team (which can be decided by a poll or something similar) should take over the control of the disconnected player (as you all know how hard it is to play 3 vs 4 etc) and also disable the delay of sending demons/kraken/behemouth at level 15 (will be hard to send for 2 players in that case) - an idea would be to make them possible to send at the building-time for level 15, for example.

Regarding selling towers as teamkill - there are many possibilites to lower/disable it completely for example to limit the selling of towers or cant sell towers if the player is below a certain value, in case the player is below a certain value he/she can get kicked by a poll, or to implent an ingame-feature whereas the player can get kicked in case of trolling (can be abused if the player is a starter though which isnot ideal - which can be solved with adding certain bots with certain modes, for example disabling this function at unranked matches) and another player takes over as i mentioned above etc.

Appreciate the advice! One great thing is that players can actually reconnect in Legion TD 2. Allowing other players/another player to control their units while that player is disconnected seems like a good idea, but we'll be evaluating all of the options.

In terms of players that are trolling, we will have ways to discourage and address this. A vote-kick is one option worth exploring, but there are cons as well. Thanks again for the thoughts. :)

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Re: Legion TD 2: Standalone Sequel to Legion TD

Postby OccupyW.Street » Tue Mar 15, 2016 10:14 am

Hi, I really like the idea that you are making a new Legion TD and that we are able to affect the outcome.

Someone said there could be 4 kings in new version. I support that concept, but with heroes.

Example; each player has their own hero to go to mid during rounds and each hero has its own abilty to defend mid. Hero gets stronger the more wood you spend on it. If hero dies you could revive it for an suitable amount of gold.

I dont know how many builders there will be, but i think it should be around 16 heroes to choose between. Heroes that compliment eachother (support, strenght, intelligence etc).
Heroes could be protecting the king or the kingdom, a base that you can upgrade with HP, reg and maybe some attack.

Enemys gets gold from hero kills just like king gold.

Also with this alternative we wont have the king spell issue.

-Note that heroes shouldnt be too complex for a start, maybe in later upgrades.

Also please make prophet and hybrid mode available.
Good luck!


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Re: Legion TD 2: Standalone Sequel to Legion TD

Postby pewpew lasergun » Sun Mar 20, 2016 4:50 am

i think if initially the game feels substantially different, it will not be successful.
it must retain Legion TD features in the first launch version.

I might be wrong, but the transition to another platform also doesnt help.
A good place to look is starcraft and the sc2. I didnt play it but I think they kept everything the same.


Re: Legion TD 2: Standalone Sequel to Legion TD

Postby MarshMallows » Mon Mar 28, 2016 4:06 pm

When can we view the builders and map itself guys? Wanna check out the units and abilities, range dmg etc...

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Re: Legion TD 2: Standalone Sequel to Legion TD

Postby MichaelSong » Fri Apr 01, 2016 10:50 am

It will be pleasure to play Legion TD 2 via steam, but I'm not available atm due to serving army for 2 years.
As long as I see all the replies on this thread, I guess Legion TD 2 via steam will be great adventure to this community.
One thing I worry about this game is since this community grew up with Legion TD which is based on Warcraft III.
So, that could be one problem.
Futhermore, I wonder clog problem could be solved via steam based interface, but I worry about some problems caused by another interface game.
I hope everyone have pleasure night with my thread, and hope good night, bros.
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Re: Legion TD 2: Standalone Sequel to Legion TD

Postby ForsakeMe » Sun Apr 24, 2016 9:25 am

One question, what the difference between Legion TD 2 and Dota 2 custom map "Legion TD" ? I see none, so what makes you think that it's gonna succeed? And i would like to know who is the original creator of Legion TD map? ( wc3)

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Re: Legion TD 2: Standalone Sequel to Legion TD

Postby Diablo_ » Mon Apr 25, 2016 12:17 pm

Legion TD 2 will be a stand-alone game with all its benefits. Like it is created by a professional team, there will be different game modes, matchmaking, ladders, stats, continous improvements, a probably awesome and easy to use moding tool, it will not be limited by the "upper"(dota 2's) engine/moding capabilities etc.
I don't know the custom map in Dota 2 but I doubt it has all these features (and I'm sure I forgot about several differences/advantages).
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