Krayyzie wrote:1: You said you had specific proof that I dodged You? show them
2: Ur sitting there saying crazy skeleton aka brave is trolling you? who the heck is crazy skeleton?
What is the difference beetween mick wanting to play 3v3 with predefined teams compared to when people go 2s and do the same thing, which once again, happens pretty much every day in lihl? Obviously if you had 5 players signed, then you could´ve done a game long before we came out? why did u sit around waiting for 1 hour when u got enough players to start a game?
Once again, since you point me out specific, post your ss of me saying i dodge you or anything else that proves it?
Sony said he didnt want to play a 2s and they we can just wait as the other game will end shortly, but when it did you just by passed us and made your own game lol... you don't see a problem?