AvadaKedavra wrote:iiStyLes wrote:lol its just funny i think that people think level 5/6 clog is the issue when i've seen people mass yggs instead of tok to leak more/clog on 15. Its really the same "bug" or "glitch" whether its lvl 5/6 or lvl 15 when your intention is to leak more to buy time or die slower. Most people here complaining are the ones who abuse level 15 clog the most so I think its just hypocritical that you don't like one type of clog and think its "unplayable" but you're always willing to clog on the latter.
I'm actually really happy that lvl 5/6 clog is back because its going to force the noob level 15 cloggers to learn some new plays and metas. Right now every game turns into having 2 holders for lvl 7/14 and 2 suicide lanes and clogging on 15. I've seen games where 2x hydra players, 1 tok and 1 EA lose a game on lvl 15 to teams who simply clog more.
So to all the people complaining about it here, either you are against ALL forms of clog or none of it, because then you are just a cry baby bitch who needs to learn some new plays.
You have any realistic way of avoiding clog on 15/17? Like what set of rules / restrictions would you suggest to prevent it, while at the same time, not hurting players with weak rolls, people who have their lane die to mistakes, unlucky focus, suprise sends/hard sends, fast games with no king gold, etc., from ppl who clog on purpose? It seems almost impossible to combat, without having the ability to change the map itself. I don't think many people really like clog, but at the same time, why would you build toks, if u have zero chance of going mid and it's a race?
It's not as easy as just saying "don't clog", and contrary to clog on 5 /6 which is always on purpose, clogging 15/17 can happen naturally.
Personally I suggested that Brouder makes anti-clog measures on 15+ on his map, and let previous levels remain unchanged, which could lead to a solution if we swtich to his map in lihl. Clogging even more on purpose, in such a boring way as 5/6 clog, will not fix anything.
I dont think you understand the irony of what you are saying here and I feel like a broken record at this point so I'll try one last time. The realistic way to avoid clog on 15 is to send realistic amounts of lumber. You know what's broken and probably an unintended consequence that the map makers didnt want? 7/10/suicide lanes sending 5k lumber on 15. People used to hold 3k sends all the time on 15 without OP rolls or even without a holder and just heals +king can hold. Now when you send 2 infernals and 8 locks because two people push 7/10 and you have immo or EA or some guy with pure blasters to cover 14 you are forcing a game of clog.
Like I've already said you can't pick and choose which clog strategies are okay because you want it to suit your own method of play style. There is nothing " natural " about clogging 15 when you're massing yggs instead of toks or building shit value like carrion critters to leak MORE units, the same way it isn't natural for some NOOB to push 7/10 with 450 value to send 5k on 15 and leak every unit preventing behes from even attacking the king (90 leaks vs 30 leaks on 15 who do you think will win ...lol).
I dislike clog as much as anyone and my post back from august can show you that but I'm also not a hyprocrite, and if we're allowing people to suicide 2/4 lanes every game to clog on 15 all I can do is point and laugh at the people who will dodge 4s because of clog on 5/6