Ultra clog 5/6

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Re: Ultra clog 5/6

Postby TinSoldier » Mon Nov 28, 2016 4:28 pm

AvadaKedavra wrote:
iiStyLes wrote:lol its just funny i think that people think level 5/6 clog is the issue when i've seen people mass yggs instead of tok to leak more/clog on 15. Its really the same "bug" or "glitch" whether its lvl 5/6 or lvl 15 when your intention is to leak more to buy time or die slower. Most people here complaining are the ones who abuse level 15 clog the most so I think its just hypocritical that you don't like one type of clog and think its "unplayable" but you're always willing to clog on the latter.

I'm actually really happy that lvl 5/6 clog is back because its going to force the noob level 15 cloggers to learn some new plays and metas. Right now every game turns into having 2 holders for lvl 7/14 and 2 suicide lanes and clogging on 15. I've seen games where 2x hydra players, 1 tok and 1 EA lose a game on lvl 15 to teams who simply clog more.

So to all the people complaining about it here, either you are against ALL forms of clog or none of it, because then you are just a cry baby bitch who needs to learn some new plays.

You have any realistic way of avoiding clog on 15/17? Like what set of rules / restrictions would you suggest to prevent it, while at the same time, not hurting players with weak rolls, people who have their lane die to mistakes, unlucky focus, suprise sends/hard sends, fast games with no king gold, etc., from ppl who clog on purpose? It seems almost impossible to combat, without having the ability to change the map itself. I don't think many people really like clog, but at the same time, why would you build toks, if u have zero chance of going mid and it's a race?

It's not as easy as just saying "don't clog", and contrary to clog on 5 /6 which is always on purpose, clogging 15/17 can happen naturally.

Personally I suggested that Brouder makes anti-clog measures on 15+ on his map, and let previous levels remain unchanged, which could lead to a solution if we swtich to his map in lihl. Clogging even more on purpose, in such a boring way as 5/6 clog, will not fix anything.

I dont think you understand the irony of what you are saying here and I feel like a broken record at this point so I'll try one last time. The realistic way to avoid clog on 15 is to send realistic amounts of lumber. You know what's broken and probably an unintended consequence that the map makers didnt want? 7/10/suicide lanes sending 5k lumber on 15. People used to hold 3k sends all the time on 15 without OP rolls or even without a holder and just heals +king can hold. Now when you send 2 infernals and 8 locks because two people push 7/10 and you have immo or EA or some guy with pure blasters to cover 14 you are forcing a game of clog.

Like I've already said you can't pick and choose which clog strategies are okay because you want it to suit your own method of play style. There is nothing " natural " about clogging 15 when you're massing yggs instead of toks or building shit value like carrion critters to leak MORE units, the same way it isn't natural for some NOOB to push 7/10 with 450 value to send 5k on 15 and leak every unit preventing behes from even attacking the king (90 leaks vs 30 leaks on 15 who do you think will win ...lol).

I dislike clog as much as anyone and my post back from august can show you that but I'm also not a hyprocrite, and if we're allowing people to suicide 2/4 lanes every game to clog on 15 all I can do is point and laugh at the people who will dodge 4s because of clog on 5/6

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Re: Ultra clog 5/6

Postby AvadaKedavra » Mon Nov 28, 2016 4:43 pm

1007 wrote:check recent game you guys think 90% games lv 5/6 clogging game? i think barely 10%?lv5 clog game(or less)
only ava making clog 5/6 game for tell mod 'see this meta shit'

Because a lot of people hate this / don't want this so obviously it won't happen a lot. It's still a very strong strategy, that imo abuses the map way beyond what the creators intended. And if it's allowed people will use (abuse) it. You did it like 3/4 games to me or some shit, to the point where I didn't even wanna sign just to watch 60 birds and 60 golems on a king with 20 regen. And a lot of people (I think?) don't like this playstyle, and find it completly boring and changes the game into a lumber game, instead of a tower game. And yes the same thing happens on 14/15 races, but this at least is just an extension of normal game play, as these levels are "natural" killer lvls, and towers still matter a lot, especially pre 10.

As soon as 1 guys uses this clog strat, people have to follow suit, or they will not be able to compete. Just watch people who still uses low push strats, or starts with bad yolo units in these games. They get raped hard most of the time. So far 1007 is probably the only person who really knows when and how to use this strat optimally, but obviously people can learn and adapt, and then this strat will be more common. If the majority of lihl wants this, by all means, let's keep it, but personally my impression (and own opinion) is that a lot of people do not want this strat (abuse?) as part of the game.

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Re: Ultra clog 5/6

Postby AvadaKedavra » Mon Nov 28, 2016 5:05 pm

iiStyLes wrote:
AvadaKedavra wrote:
iiStyLes wrote:lol its just funny i think that people think level 5/6 clog is the issue when i've seen people mass yggs instead of tok to leak more/clog on 15. Its really the same "bug" or "glitch" whether its lvl 5/6 or lvl 15 when your intention is to leak more to buy time or die slower. Most people here complaining are the ones who abuse level 15 clog the most so I think its just hypocritical that you don't like one type of clog and think its "unplayable" but you're always willing to clog on the latter.

I'm actually really happy that lvl 5/6 clog is back because its going to force the noob level 15 cloggers to learn some new plays and metas. Right now every game turns into having 2 holders for lvl 7/14 and 2 suicide lanes and clogging on 15. I've seen games where 2x hydra players, 1 tok and 1 EA lose a game on lvl 15 to teams who simply clog more.

So to all the people complaining about it here, either you are against ALL forms of clog or none of it, because then you are just a cry baby bitch who needs to learn some new plays.

You have any realistic way of avoiding clog on 15/17? Like what set of rules / restrictions would you suggest to prevent it, while at the same time, not hurting players with weak rolls, people who have their lane die to mistakes, unlucky focus, suprise sends/hard sends, fast games with no king gold, etc., from ppl who clog on purpose? It seems almost impossible to combat, without having the ability to change the map itself. I don't think many people really like clog, but at the same time, why would you build toks, if u have zero chance of going mid and it's a race?

It's not as easy as just saying "don't clog", and contrary to clog on 5 /6 which is always on purpose, clogging 15/17 can happen naturally.

Personally I suggested that Brouder makes anti-clog measures on 15+ on his map, and let previous levels remain unchanged, which could lead to a solution if we swtich to his map in lihl. Clogging even more on purpose, in such a boring way as 5/6 clog, will not fix anything.

I dont think you understand the irony of what you are saying here and I feel like a broken record at this point so I'll try one last time. The realistic way to avoid clog on 15 is to send realistic amounts of lumber. You know what's broken and probably an unintended consequence that the map makers didnt want? 7/10/suicide lanes sending 5k lumber on 15. People used to hold 3k sends all the time on 15 without OP rolls or even without a holder and just heals +king can hold. Now when you send 2 infernals and 8 locks because two people push 7/10 and you have immo or EA or some guy with pure blasters to cover 14 you are forcing a game of clog.

Like I've already said you can't pick and choose which clog strategies are okay because you want it to suit your own method of play style. There is nothing " natural " about clogging 15 when you're massing yggs instead of toks or building shit value like carrion critters to leak MORE units, the same way it isn't natural for some NOOB to push 7/10 with 450 value to send 5k on 15 and leak every unit preventing behes from even attacking the king (90 leaks vs 30 leaks on 15 who do you think will win ...lol).

I dislike clog as much as anyone and my post back from august can show you that but I'm also not a hyprocrite, and if we're allowing people to suicide 2/4 lanes every game to clog on 15 all I can do is point and laugh at the people who will dodge 4s because of clog on 5/6

Then why don't u suggest a maximum send limit on lvl 15? Like 2900 is max, and any more lumber than this is not allowed to be sent? I asked you if you have any suggestion for how to prevent clog on 14/15, like a rule, a map change, anything? Like instead of whining about how you would like things to be, try make it happen, and put in an effort?

Personally I don't see any ideal way to prevent big races on hard levels, without hurting other aspects of the game, but clog 5/6 seems very easy to rule out, and prevent.

I guess I am a broken record, because now i'm asking you again Tin: Do you have any realistic suggestions, that could be implemented to stop clog races on 14/15?

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Re: Ultra clog 5/6

Postby 1007 » Mon Nov 28, 2016 5:18 pm

btw ava yesterday clear told ppl 'clug is ban now' aftert that word
i against st8 king and pray immo or just holder with st8 7 send 5x games row
ppl keep talked 'boring'
so both boring anyway

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Re: Ultra clog 5/6

Postby AvadaKedavra » Mon Nov 28, 2016 5:31 pm

1007 wrote:btw ava yesterday clear told ppl 'clug is ban now' aftert that word
i against st8 king and pray immo or just holder with st8 7 send 5x games row
ppl keep talked 'boring'
so both boring anyway

I think a lot of people feel that watching 70 golems die to a 0 attack king is more boring. I don't know if it's the case, but I think so

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Re: Ultra clog 5/6

Postby TinSoldier » Mon Nov 28, 2016 6:24 pm

Yeah my suggestion came about 4 months ago when i made the thread about minimum value lol @avadakedavra

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Re: Ultra clog 5/6

Postby Varg » Mon Nov 28, 2016 7:04 pm

iiStyLes wrote:Yeah my suggestion came about 4 months ago when i made the thread about minimum value lol @avadakedavra

with 50 % minimum value you can still be 7-8 or 7-9 after arena and clog 15 or 14.

Maybe a start to do sth against clog but for sure not the final solution

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Re: Ultra clog 5/6

Postby TinSoldier » Mon Nov 28, 2016 7:10 pm

Yeah but you won't be able to have a deadlane holding 2k lumber on arena for a 5k send (which is what really punishes teams that attempt to hold with 4x 7/5 or 7/6)


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Re: Ultra clog 5/6

Postby AvadaKedavra » Mon Nov 28, 2016 7:11 pm

iiStyLes wrote:Yeah my suggestion came about 4 months ago when i made the thread about minimum value lol @avadakedavra

And it was shut down why? If I recall correctly it was because minimum values would punish weak rolls, so you could end up in a situation where a mortar player with zero king gold and fast game is completly dead, but would have to stay 7/3 or so for the rest of the game to not fall below min. value. Imagine an even weaker roll than mortar in a similar situation. Now the team with weak rolls might not even be able to send 4 demons, but the team with ea aqua can easily push hard while maintaining values. So this solution could potentialy create a lot of new problems, and (I think?) therefore was rejected?

Do you see my point that fixing clog is not as straight forward, especially without influencing other aspects of the game, and that it is probably one of the reasons it has remained unchanged so far? And can u understand that despite this, me (and a lot of other players I hope) don't want a new form of cancer clog, that could easily (I have a few suggestions) be dealt with with simple rules? I don't think it's that ironic in the end

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Re: Ultra clog 5/6

Postby 1007 » Mon Nov 28, 2016 9:32 pm

just change subject- clog->blanace tower
if you played this game 3~5years can predict win or lose on lv 1
and lv 5
there is lot a bull shit tower

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Re: Ultra clog 5/6

Postby Jamo » Mon Nov 28, 2016 11:02 pm

well,l nvm my post from above. Wanted to play one lihl game tonight, and it's a 5/6 clog game where I have time to post this watching mudmen surrounding king instead of dying. This is pure sh**, rly

I'm telling you, if this goes on, lihl will be empty soon. I'm out until ithis changes.

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Re: Ultra clog 5/6

Postby Jubadus » Wed Nov 30, 2016 4:50 am

This lvl 4/5/6 ultra clog has made its way into pub games. Guess everything is contaminated now. On the plus side more people are willing to play 2s in lihl and that is fun :)

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Re: Ultra clog 5/6

Postby milfhunter96 » Wed Nov 30, 2016 11:34 am

What about a rule that says "do not send more lumber than your value is"

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Re: Ultra clog 5/6

Postby Tom_hardy » Thu Dec 01, 2016 9:31 am

Sounds pretty genious to me, but brouder might want to add a 'current send counter' to each name in the scoreboard so its easy to check. Maybe even change the map so this cant be done even if you click on a unit

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Re: Ultra clog 5/6

Postby magicpotatoes » Thu Dec 01, 2016 1:42 pm

milfhunter96 wrote:What about a rule that says "do not send more lumber than your value is"

Sounds very good to me for 10+. But that wouldnt change clog on lvl 5,6 :|
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