5-year anniversary and LIHL-history by "archol"

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5-year anniversary and LIHL-history by "archol"

Postby archol » Sun Apr 22, 2018 10:04 pm

**** you all

LIHL was created on the 23 April 2013, as the successor from the "HR" bot, where people had to build on their own lane - which was a bit similar to the nowaday 1200+ bot, but unlike there you didnt had to have 1200 elo to play on that. It counted as a seperate bot, where people could meet and play against each other in private rounds too, compared to the public bots - where dual building and mercing was common.

In those rounds few players (like Supersexy, the first LIHL mod, and others) had the idea to create a league than just writing others per friendlist every day, forum or in the guildchat, where we gathered and meet each other.

Players from that that time at the "HR" bot, who are still active nowadays were for example

- Ba_Fail (oldest active LIHL member)
- dweiler (2nd oldest)
- archol(3rd oldest)

Achillesgr, Hate2lose, diablo_, DJ.FM, Psyclone and many more (some are still active in 1200 bot, but not in LIHL unfortunately).

At that time a lot of players had about 2400-2500 elo including the famous trio Gouss (who was considered as the best from most players and thus the favorite for winning the league), Beepboobeep, Igod - who stacked all their pub games and playing merc for 0,1 elo too - but there were others too like Iightfyre, ricky911, Hate2Lose and many more.

People got vouched rather easily if you had a lot of elo at that time and if not, you had people to for vouch you or show replays.

Thus the first game in the league started (first replay was posted in the archive, but expired unfortunately), where Blaster due holding 7 and Archer due 7/7 on level 10 were considered as the meta towers, followed by Ygg and Aqua.

A normal level 7 send at that time was usually 1 blood orc on 7 or mass blood orcs - and afterwards the game usually either end on level 17 with demon/kraken send.

Season 1 was dominated by Beepboopbeep by a far margain, who played perfectly on nearly on all his games at that time - thus still gets respected for that achievement by most veteran players, followed by Ba_Fail at that time - nowadays hes just a shadow from his glorious past (season 1 to season 3).

Season 2 also added the 2v2 and 3v3 mode, which were dominated by few players too due the different playstyle - thus making it quite unpopular.

At that time the league started to invent new tactics every day (in all modes from 2v2 to 4v4), which were taken over by the public players afterwards in the public bots.

At Season 2 the famous "Crossing" tactic got invented (as far i know either from EldryanTheWise as he claimed or Ilocos_Norte as far i remember), where one of the lane builds on the lane of the opposite teammate, whereas the other pushes - with "Archer-Archol" style it was possible, that both lanes were at least 7/10, including holding 10 - thus 6 bosses from both lanes. Because this tactic was too overpowered including a teammate, who barely does anything besides pushing all the time and then building a bit,it got banned quite fast.

But afterwards at the same season people found out another new tactic , which was even more recognizing - the infamous "Clog" build (as far i know either from EldryanTheWise as he claimed or Occupy.WStreet or however hes called). The tactic included that NPCs block each other, thus denying the path to reach the king and stay in a nearly endless loop - you achieve that when you leak a lot of units at the same time to the mid (for example all units on level 17 - thus people sold all or most of their their towers to achieve that. Usually the tactic was used to end games on level 17. Afterwards it got perfected even in the early levels - where people max regen on 5 (or king) and then send +50 wyvern to end the game (even immo wouldnt help there). The mods and developer of the map tried several attempts to fix it, and never succeded for years.

What were your remarkable moments/players, what do you think of the current season compared to the start, what could LIHL do better etc.?

1) My personal most famous game

ZTX)Fiji and Braveheart_Wins were about 6-7k value on level 17 in 2s, and still lost because i and EldryanTheWise sent about 40k woods (!) and they leaked about 100 units or even more.

Another one was sending on level 27 with huge mass (me and God_like) against Diablo_ and Dweiler in 2s - they were ahead by a huge margain (either 30k or 40k on Diablo_), but due their huge value they both split and died.

2) My personal most famous comeback

Losing 4 heals on level 3 (in my team were Diablo_, Madridista and someone else i forgot - in 4s) and we won at level 24 - holding all their sends before with worse towers, income and woods from start till end.

3) My personal most famous loss

Losing at level 11 against Patarinsky/martiny in 2s.

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Re: 5-year anniversary and LIHL-history by "archol"

Postby Tom_hardy » Mon Apr 23, 2018 8:23 am

I love you Archol :-*
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Re: 5-year anniversary and LIHL-history by "archol"

Postby ZTX)Fiji » Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:52 am

Hassan :lol:
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Re: 5-year anniversary and LIHL-history by "archol"

Postby BoretkPanda » Mon Apr 23, 2018 11:02 am

Can u finally stop living in the past

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