Couple of questions

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Couple of questions

Postby Drahque » Wed Jul 31, 2013 3:22 pm

1) What were the final decision in this topic? Will 35 players be unvouched tomorrow or not?
- viewtopic.php?f=72&t=12752&start=20

2) When do the season end tomorrow? What time of the day?

3) When do season 2 start? I think in the information topic is mentioned that that next season first starts in September? So do we have to wait a whole month to play again, how will it be?

4) I was wondering what happens if someone goes merc on purpose or accident? Should the game be carried on where he isn't aloud to use merc towers, or is the game drawed like this?

5) What happened in this game?

6) Is there really only 2 teams signed up for the LTD tournament in August? Is it because of the times, or that people can't find a whole team for it?
- viewtopic.php?f=96&t=11325

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Re: Couple of questions

Postby Krayyzie » Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:49 pm

Lets put this thread up to top also, could someone explain to me why moderators didnt answer him when there´s been alot of discussion,critics and moderators who´s been sayin they hope they decision doesnt go through?

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Re: Couple of questions

Postby supersexyy » Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:56 pm

1. Inactives have been unvouched
3. There's no rest time, straight in
4. I'd slap them with a trout then apply ELO penalty.

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Re: Couple of questions

Postby Drahque » Tue Aug 06, 2013 8:53 pm

1. This has been sorted, and moderators are currently working on a methode to unvouch in the futurue.
2. Season already ended.
3. Season already started, and was answered in time, ty. (:
4. Moderators currently disucssing this issue, about what to do in the future. Thanks a lot!
5. I'm still wondering what happened here? Why was the game drawed BEFORE someone disconnects? It's extremely weird (at least in my head). Maybe Dark_Magician was AFK? I really have no clue. ^^,
6. Awesomely enough, 4-5 teams signed up on the last day, and those came up a hopefully good tournament after all. Hope my reminder helped more teams signup.

Thanks for the answer supersexxy, a lot of them sorted themselves out, now we only need seek an answer for 5. and moderators is working on 4. at the moment. (So when 4+5 is solved, this topic can be achieved)

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Re: Couple of questions

Postby iightfyre » Tue Aug 06, 2013 9:04 pm


It appears to me that 3 players waited for ig0d in the lobby for 10 minutes. Dark_magician went afk at this point and didn't return to the game until lvl 1 was just starting. When the other 3 players noticed that Dark_magician was afk they voted draw and left the game. Dark_magician left shortly after.

There is no action to be taken here. The game was started before a ready check after a lengthy wait to fill the lobby with the 4 players. A fluke incident, I don't think we need to look any further into this one.

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Re: Couple of questions

Postby Drahque » Tue Aug 06, 2013 9:10 pm

I wasn't looking for any actions to be taken, only for the game to be looked into - since I found it quite weird, at least after I read the in game chat just confused me even more. Thanks for the answer.

Feel welcome to achieve this topic, since all the questions seems to either have been or will be sorted. (:

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