Check this

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Check this

Postby Arishok » Fri Aug 09, 2013 5:55 pm

Drahque left the game in lvl 1. Than in channel wrote "I said I'm not ready"...I think he just wrote something about swap in our team, but not "I'm not ready". It looks like he dced on purpose, because wasn't solo... Can someone check what he wrote in game lobby?


Re: Check this

Postby bit » Fri Aug 09, 2013 5:57 pm

[System]: *** player [lorddus] has joined the game
[System]: [] has played 8 LIHL games here (ELO: 877.90). W/L: 0/8.
[System]: *** player [Madridista] has joined the game
[System]: [] has played 36 LIHL games here (ELO: 1094.94). W/L: 21/15.
[System]: *** player [Iznogood] has joined the game
[System]: *** player [Achillesgr] has joined the game
[System]: [] has played 59 LIHL games here (ELO: 924.48). W/L: 27/32.
[System]: [] has played 76 LIHL games here (ELO: 1072.07). W/L: 40/36.
[System]: *** player [trancedout] has joined the game
[System]: [] has played 15 LIHL games here (ELO: 929.82). W/L: 5/10.
[System]: *** player [Drahque] has joined the game
[System]: [] has played 48 LIHL games here (ELO: 953.49). W/L: 22/26.
[lorddus]: i just obs now
[System]: *** player [Arishok] has joined the game
[System]: [] has played 36 LIHL games here (ELO: 1096.77). W/L: 21/15.
[lorddus]: i take a shower
[Madridista]: !transferelotogoat
[lorddus]: afk
[Madridista]: why stop when you win?
[Madridista]: i dont understand that
[Madridista]: !ihs
[Achillesgr]: madi
[Madridista]: give me solo
[System]: *** player [Braveheart_wins] has joined the game
[System]: [] has played 27 LIHL games here (ELO: 1044.30). W/L: 15/12.
[Madridista]: i need it
[Achillesgr]: take solo
[Madridista]: yy
[Drahque]: please
[Madridista]: !owner
[Madridista]: !ihs
[Drahque]: me solo
[Achillesgr]: you are owner
[Madridista]: !ower
[Madridista]: !owner
[Madridista]: no
[Madridista]: aris
[Achillesgr]: !swap 1 3
[Madridista]: is owner
[Drahque]: put me solod
[Madridista]: !owner
[Drahque]: dont start yet
[Madridista]: !owner
[Madridista]: !ihs
[Iznogood]: aros decides who solos drah
[Madridista]: !ihs
[Madridista]: !ihs
[Drahque]: arishok is owner
[Madridista]: !ihs
[Iznogood]: most elo decides
[Arishok]: !swap 1 3
[Madridista]: !ihs
[Madridista]: !ihs
[Madridista]: i decide
[Madridista]: i solo
[Drahque]: me solo
[Madridista]: !ihs
[Madridista]: !owner
[Madridista]: i was 7/15
[Madridista]: rofl
[Madridista]: xD
[Arishok]: !start
[System]: 5. . .
[System]: 4. . .
[System]: 3. . .
[System]: 2. . .
[System]: 1. . .
[System]: *** player [Drahque] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: *** player [Arishok] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: *** player [trancedout] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: *** player [Achillesgr] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: *** player [Iznogood] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: *** player [Braveheart_wins] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: *** player [lorddus] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: *** player [Madridista] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)

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Re: Check this

Postby supersexyy » Fri Aug 09, 2013 6:05 pm

Da fuq draque?

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Re: Check this

Postby GoatsBeGone » Fri Aug 09, 2013 6:36 pm

well not only this game but in a previous game he did exesive complains about not being ready when game started, because he upped lumber by mistake.. all game, we wasted maybe 20 minutes on pause, he eventually went on winning(because im awesome) but yet after game was over he continued, this were the game after if i recall right, achilles and furbolg was in that game too if i remember right. but i have nothing against drah, but those two games really pissed me off. we spend atleast 20 minutes on pause because he upped king in start by miistake and then the game after he leaves at lvl 1, dodging/ruining the game
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Re: Check this

Postby supersexyy » Fri Aug 09, 2013 6:42 pm

Link to that game goat?

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Re: Check this

Postby Drahque » Fri Aug 09, 2013 6:47 pm

I already explained everything yesterday in this topic yesterday, but it was just moved to Achieve in no time:
- viewtopic.php?f=83&t=13750

I spoke with iightfyre yesterday, and found out that I had misunderstood something. I thought it was a rule in Lihl, that in order to !start a game, the host had to check / make sure that everyone was ready. I got this impression, since in like 92 out of 100 games, the host always asks if people is ready before they start, and also make sure that the solo lanes is set on each team. I was quite confident that this was the spirit of the league, and since I wrote I wasn't ready to start, I left the game BEFORE the game was started and then Arishok started the game WITHOUT me even in it. This can also be seen by following:

I was never connected in the game, and never there at level 1 as well .. and when I tried to join the game again, I found out it was already started! I know that this is as much my fault as it's Arishok's, but I've come to the understanding that it's not a requirement to ensure everyone is in the game and ready to start, so that this will not happen in the future.

I am very sorry for the inconvenience or the trouble it might have caused, but this didn't make much of a difference, since I was never connected to the game, and the game was drawn very early. And right after it happened, I did explain everything in a very throughout topic yesterday, which just was bunked right away. So I thought there was nothing to do in this case.

P.S. I'd like a clarification for the future, if a host can start without a teammate and also if he is required to ready check or not? Because in the rules, it's doesn't say anything about the lobby:

Code: Select all

6. AFK'ing
If you plan on going afk in the chat channel you must !unsign from the current game.
You may not go afk during a game without approval from the players in the game (except under extreme circumstances).

This I understand as following:
a) If you plan on going AFK in the chat *Channel*, you shouldn't sign.
b) You can't go afk DURING the game (once the game has started).

But it doesn't say anything about the lobby? Only before and after the lobby. So can we maybe add something to the rule, that clarify's how it works in the lobby? Should the host ready check or not? If a person types "afk 2 min, toilet", can the host start even though he knows he's AFK? And if so, what if a person misses out lvl 1? Usually a game is drawn in this scenario, or at least the games I've experienced, when a player wasn't there to make wisp on start for example.

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Re: Check this

Postby supersexyy » Fri Aug 09, 2013 6:51 pm

Some things are common sense but I'll explain it in the purest form of English possible so we do not encounter any possibility of confusion. If you join a game you should be ready to play.
If you're whining and screaming about taking solo lane then you're obviously there and ready to play. Not sure how you manage to consistently cause so much trouble.

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Re: Check this

Postby Iznogood » Fri Aug 09, 2013 6:53 pm

[System]: 5. . .
[System]: 4. . .
[System]: 3. . .
[System]: 2. . .
[System]: 1. . .
[System]: *** player [Drahque] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)

guess that is dc penalty right there

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Re: Check this

Postby Drahque » Fri Aug 09, 2013 6:56 pm

GoatsBeGone wrote:well not only this game but in a previous game he did exesive complains about not being ready when game started, because he upped lumber by mistake.. all game, we wasted maybe 20 minutes on pause, he eventually went on winning(because im awesome) but yet after game was over he continued, this were the game after if i recall right, achilles and furbolg was in that game too if i remember right. but i have nothing against drah, but those two games really pissed me off. we spend atleast 20 minutes on pause because he upped king in start by miistake and then the game after he leaves at lvl 1, dodging/ruining the game

This is exactly what I frightened could happend in the game yesterday, that Arishok started the game while I was tabbed out of the game (because we we're waiting on someone, and I became unsure if I had gproxy on and wanted to turn my laptop on 'high performance' as well). But when I tabbed into the game a moment later, it was already started, and even though I had said in lobby that I had to check something / wait a moment, then the game was started. Then the first thing I did, on level 1, was to write as fast as possible, that I wasn't READY, and while typing ready I pressed R (those upping king), and on level 2 I noticed that I had only 40 lumber and thought the game had bugged or something. We asked for a draw level 1, but nobody wanted, so I did my best to catch up in the hurry I had on level 1 - Had to build a lot of shit, since I didn't have much time after typing.

Anyways, so the game continues, and on level 13 we give game the enemy team the last chance to draw, but they didn't want to. But, suddenly on lvl 17 they wanted to draw (because we sent), but we had already undrawn. Anyhoolerz, so this miserable game (for me), goes lvl 20+, and eventually we end up winning on level 27 or so, even though I only had around 8500 value or so. Quite lucky indeed.

At no point was it my intention to cause chaos, I wasn't prepare and the game started in a rush, I have several time drawn games on level 1 if a player was AFK, and those thought it was routine. I had no intention to miss-use this or anything, since this was the first time I've ever asked to draw lvl 1 (due to not being in game). After speaking to iightfyre, I've understood that this is all "sportsmanship" and nothing written in the rules, tho. And those this shouldn't repeat in the future.


Re: Check this

Postby bit » Fri Aug 09, 2013 6:57 pm

Iznogood wrote:[System]: 5. . .
[System]: 4. . .
[System]: 3. . .
[System]: 2. . .
[System]: 1. . .
[System]: *** player [Drahque] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)

guess that is dc penalty right there

System messages in the end of log just shows leaving sequence, looks like he pressed alt+f4 on loading screen

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Re: Check this

Postby Drahque » Fri Aug 09, 2013 6:59 pm

Iznogood wrote:[System]: 5. . .
[System]: 4. . .
[System]: 3. . .
[System]: 2. . .
[System]: 1. . .
[System]: *** player [Drahque] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)

guess that is dc penalty right there

This can also happen if a player leaves while 3 seconds left, for example, if he had started the game right at the moment I left. But anyways, I was NEVER inside the game, and this can also be seen by the replay (since I'm quite sure, that my building were never in the map).

I had no intention to dodge this game, except rejoining as a way to !abort the start, since we hadn't spoken about who should solo that game. So I was just trying to help my team out. But instead, the game ended up starting, and when I tried to join the game, I found out it was already started.

bit wrote:System messages in the end of log just shows leaving sequence, looks like he pressed alt+f4 on loading screen

For a matter of fact, I did NOT use alt+f4 at any point. I left the game WHILE being INSIDE the lobby. And when I tried to join the game, it didn't let me, beacuse the game didn't exhist. And we all know, that when you try to join a game that doesn't exhist with Gproxy on, it disconnects you.

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Re: Check this

Postby GoatsBeGone » Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:01 pm

supersexyy wrote:Link to that game goat?

Im not good at all this game thingy and how to add replays and shit. Thats why I added names, also Ba_fail was in this game, me, him and drah I think. but anyways, Intentionelly game ruining cause he dont get the optimal start, leaving the game after.. Gotta give a warning or something or dc penalty?
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Re: Check this

Postby Drahque » Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:07 pm

GoatsBeGone wrote:
supersexyy wrote:Link to that game goat?

Im not good at all this game thingy and how to add replays and shit. Thats why I added names, also Ba_fail was in this game, me, him and drah I think. but anyways, Intentionelly game ruining cause he dont get the optimal start, leaving the game after.. Gotta give a warning or something or dc penalty?

I did not intentionally ruin any games, I tried to ensure the EXACT opposite, that Arishok wouldn't ruin another game by trolling on solo lane. Those left the game BEFORE in order to abort the start, but it didn't work, as it usually does. You can give me a DC penalty and whatever you think and iightfyre already warned me about this yesterday, after I had spoken with him, and those I've come to the understanding it's as much my fault as Arishoks in this scenario.

Again, I'm sorry for the inconvenience it might have caused, but it was indeed not intentional. I just can't help, that I was quite confident it was a general rule, that a host should make sure everyone is ready before the game is started (in the lobby). At least, if you check my last 40-50 games, then in every single lobby, we made sure that everyone was ready to start. But, in this case, I wasn't ready, beacuse only ENEMY team had sorted their solo lane, and NOT us. Which I felt was really unfair, and on top of that, frightened that Arishok would end up ruining another game with his troll Land Mines and selling towers lvl 2 and 3 ... But this I've gotten an explanation for, in the topic I made yesterday. So I'd now understand his actions. Except the reason, why he didn't heal the king.

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Re: Check this

Postby dweiler » Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:11 pm

The other game is this: ... 828187.w3g

Sorry Drahque, but a lot of things you are writing are not true. How were you in a 'hurry' in round 1? You were there all the time, looking at your actions and typing on round 1.

(07:12 / All) Drahque: and when I get back on I have no wisp and only 40 lumber

You made a wisp at the first second.

(07:30 / All) Drahque: i was afk

You weren't afk for 1 second.
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Re: Check this

Postby Drahque » Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:17 pm

MickeyTheMousie wrote:How were you in a 'hurry' in round 1? You were there all the time, looking at your actions and typing on round 1..

I had just tabbed into the game, and the first thing I always do, is make a whisp. I have no clue how long into the game it was, but when I tabbed in, it seemed to already have been started. Which is also the reason, that I thought I had lost maybe the first 5, 10 or 20 seconds compared to enemies, in making a wisp.

Anyways, the thing I mean by being in a hurry lvl 1, was that I had spend a lot time WRITING, and those didn't focus on what to build. I really tried to understand how I had come only have 40 lumber, and we all know, when you're under a lot of stress, time seems to go faster, and those I since I had so many things to do before level 1 started, I felt as if I were in a hurry.

I should of course had come to the conclusion, that I had upped the king while writing (just as if you can send units, if you've clicked on the barrack while writing), it's also possible to upgrade the king. But I've never tried this before, and those it wasn't the first thing that came up in my mind. If I had found out this level 1, and paused the game, It might have been more understandable by the enemies. So my confusion just confused the enemy team, those caused a bit of chaos.

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