Let me bring the stuff from your thread into this thread.
eldryan wrote:it's more a matter of TK. If someone from LIHL farms pubs, or is put on a team with a pubber, there will be imbalancing. if the teams are premade, it is less important. but to let in anyone will dilute the games... really there should be some sort of qualifying standard.
the hard part is in a 20-60 player round-robin, that would both a. take forever, and b. be very difficult to arrange. if we accept entry fees from each team, and just re-arrange the teams, it's more difficult to enter as you need to join with 3 other players.
I had in mind, to keep it in the tournament fashio it was last tourney. So if you want to enter, you enter with a TEAM, not alone (despite 1v1 ofc, if ppl want that). And as a team, you play against every other team in a robin-bla style. How long this "Tournament League" is running, will just depend on how many teams signed up, since there will just be 1 game per week. (If it turns out there are again 16 teams, one could certainly think about 2 games per week or so). But my main focus would be, to play with the same Team every game. And to stretch it over a longer period, so that one can make best of 3 battles.
But why do you think every idiot would join a tournament, he even has to pay an entry fee for? I don't get that. It worked nicely with the tournament now, I just don't get your point.
But, at least you and sexy seem to kinda like the idea in general? What about others? Would you join?