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idea for new map(balance)
Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 10:19 am
by 1007
(?) is not sure
frost wolf= 200hp->220hp
wandigoo= 750hp->800hp 200gold(?)->190gold
azure dargon= 2195hp->2250hp
dark priest =320gold->300gold 690hp->750hp
minotaur=15sec cooldown->13sec
big foot=25sec(?)coold down->19sec
zombie=880hp->900hp 190gold->180gold
butcher=+15%attack speed 240(?)gold->210
laviatan=+20%attack speed 240gold(?)->220gold
dsciple=200gold(?)->180gold +10dmg
seer of darkness=320gold->310gold
dragon hawk=320gold->310gold +5dmg
royal griffin=+5% attack speed
2:king skill balance
immo= -2 sec per dmg
wave+10 wave dmg -2sec wave cooldown after lv 10 +40 wave dmg
stomp= +5stomp dmg
3:new summon
defend footman=movement fast(like a bo) reflect pierce dmg with 20%chance(10dmg)
but only can send after lv 12(cooldown 40sec)
cost 250wood(heavy armor)
well point is lets make suicide tower->usefull
imagine when 18 race
'i have zombie i can hold 18' or 17 race'i have tempest'
or 15 race 'i can hold 15 i have dargon hawk'
Re: idea for new map(balance)
Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 6:09 pm
by Don_Killuminati
I really like the idea, since ltd had no updates since age, it would be rly interesting.
At least for towers up, seems decent rework and it would change the meta + give less power to god tier towers.
I full support this idea.
Re: idea for new map(balance)
Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 6:09 pm
by Nore
I still like the idea of reducing archer's base damage by 1. This still leaves it as the most OP unit, but slightly less imo. Besides that, I like these change ideas. I will propose them to
@Broud3r and see what we can come up with, if he wants to undertake the project.
Re: idea for new map(balance)
Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 9:27 pm
by Psyclone
I absolutely like this suggestion. But instead of nerfing the op units, I would just increase some of the yet unattractive units (as suggested). That would broaden the spectrum of units to build and consequentally affect the game positively. I like it.
Re: idea for new map(balance)
Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 4:40 am
by wotkd8068
It is necessary to improve unit(dead unit)
Re: idea for new map(balance)
Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 8:05 am
by 1007
another put
i have experience leak 86+ lv 14
we had 4heal but wave
we almost live bcoz garg coudnt hit king(and i won that game 86leak vs 39 leak(3heal stomp))
so one of soulution garg+50 attack range(or 100?)
and lets talk lv 15
if you fix creep speed(mid) but still clog op
bcoz 60leak vs 20 leak
behe no hit king vs behe hit king
how about behe -100hp -20 attack and+ 100 attack range?
or not enuff +100 attack range?bcoz 30+ kenta circle king?
Re: idea for new map(balance)
Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 11:54 pm
by Jamo
I like bringing more balance into the map. Ofc it will never be balanced and I think it's also not in general a bad thing that some towers are better than others. Too many are just completely useless, that's more a problem I see and exactly what 1007s suggestions try to fix. Also, simply changing something and maybe get rid off the current meta already would be an improvement... Only problem I see is, that such kind of things can take really a lot of time and testing. I guess it's not like you make thse changes and voilĂ , balanced. But I also don't see why there shouldn't be a week of playing on a test map instead of normal lihl to see how it works and make people give feedback.
Re: idea for new map(balance)
Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 3:36 pm
by dweiler
Problem is that I believe it is impossible for broud3r or anyone else to actually change the units in the map because it is protected by the maker. You would need to remake the map entirely for that (correct me if I'm wrong).
Re: idea for new map(balance)
Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 6:18 pm
by Crazy_Skeleton
I rly encaurage to be cautious about changing immo what is op only for lvl 7 rly. It sux in late game only sometimes making safe for 14. So if u make it worse, it would became worst aura ever.
I also would be cautious about lowering dmg of ea. Ea is not that mega imba, if u lower dmg u could cross a slim line to make ea useless.
Those above are only my thoughts I wanna you to consider while making changes.
Re: idea for new map(balance)
Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 9:17 am
by SLSGuennter
Crazy_Skeleton wrote:I rly encaurage to be cautious about changing immo what is op only for lvl 7 rly. It sux in late game only sometimes making safe for 14. So if u make it worse, it would became worst aura ever.
I also would be cautious about lowering dmg of ea. Ea is not that mega imba, if u lower dmg u could cross a slim line to make ea useless.
Those above are only my thoughts I wanna you to consider while making changes.
Immo is VERY strong 7, giving you a free fullsend, also its strong 14, and if you have 4heals left its even possible to live 15 rather easy. So yes, some more time between the burnticks would be nice i think. Wave e.g. is useless besides lvl 8 ... and thats not rly a hard lvl anyway (also 16, but ...).
Ea is Uberimba, ... such low value able to hold 4/5/6/8/9 ... also a pierce-tower, yet one of the few towers which holds 14/15, when pierce shouldnt be strong at all. Its kinda the only tower able to hold EACH wave from 1-16. And when it comes to late (seldom happens ^^), its still very strong 20+ aswell. Aqua got same (maybe even slighty better) clear for early pushes, but at least falls of 10+, so thats way more balanced.
Re: idea for new map(balance)
Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 9:33 am
by broud3r
will take this into consideration but currently optimization of the code got higher priority.
in general unit changes are no problem at all.
Re: idea for new map(balance)
Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 10:08 am
by 1007
then another put
watcher: 80gold->70gold
violet: 150gold->145gold
trident(upgrade komodo): 1770hp->1880hp ps.very expensive tower but still lv8 2hit i think need make 1hit lv 8
greymane:let roar just use once for no more dance
dopple(upgrade nm): 245gold->230gold
sword mage(upgrade druids): 220gold->210gold 1850hp->1900hp in my opinion only i build sword mage in lihl(god.lik3 sometime build this on lv5 but i teached him)if we fix this little bit like a +5~10 attack speed we can make another yolo or poten 7 and 15 lv holder (current:not enuff fast attack and rly shit vs 7 and 420 gold)
warden: 2650hp->2780hp
Re: idea for new map(balance)
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 10:30 am
by Crazy_Skeleton
SLSGuennter wrote:Crazy_Skeleton wrote:I rly encaurage to be cautious about changing immo what is op only for lvl 7 rly. It sux in late game only sometimes making safe for 14. So if u make it worse, it would became worst aura ever.
I also would be cautious about lowering dmg of ea. Ea is not that mega imba, if u lower dmg u could cross a slim line to make ea useless.
Those above are only my thoughts I wanna you to consider while making changes.
Immo is VERY strong 7, giving you a free fullsend, also its strong 14, and if you have 4heals left its even possible to live 15 rather easy. So yes, some more time between the burnticks would be nice i think. Wave e.g. is useless besides lvl 8 ... and thats not rly a hard lvl anyway (also 16, but ...).
Ea is Uberimba, ... such low value able to hold 4/5/6/8/9 ... also a pierce-tower, yet one of the few towers which holds 14/15, when pierce shouldnt be strong at all. Its kinda the only tower able to hold EACH wave from 1-16. And when it comes to late (seldom happens ^^), its still very strong 20+ aswell. Aqua got same (maybe even slighty better) clear for early pushes, but at least falls of 10+, so thats way more balanced.
Wave is very usefull for 10 also. About ea holding 15... Ea is not holding 15 Unless u stay low lumber. Than I would say Ob value of ea hold 15. Well, if u have 4k value u do not need ea to be mid 15. Anyway it is not obvious that ea holds 15 since now meta is to send over 2900 wood per person.
Re: idea for new map(balance)
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 10:38 am
by SLSGuennter
@Crazy_SkeletonWave isnt rly usefull 10 ... since the ubersends lvl 10 (with an enormous amount of wyverns) arent rly happening anymore, wave is nothing.
Well, yes ... kinda all rolls could hold 15 with such high value, but Archer is the only tower able to get such a high value ^^
Re: idea for new map(balance)
Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 5:12 pm
by Nore
Archiving.. feel free to continue this conversation though, the people interested will continue receiving updates even when this has been archived.