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1200 + map vs lihl map
Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 7:09 pm
by Qvist
Lets play 1200 map in lihl
What's the downsides?
Re: 1200 + map vs lihl map
Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 7:58 pm
by KiwiKiller[QQ]
The 1200+ map is too noobish
The 1200+ map has some major issues
This is what people will tell you. But in my opinion, we should give it a try. The current map has way more issues in my opinion then the 1200+ map, one of those issues is clog
! Ofc the 1200+ doesn't get rid of clog by herself, but it can help quite a lot.
So +1 for giving the 1200+ map a trial, I'm sure she will adapt to LIHL very quickly
Re: 1200 + map vs lihl map
Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 9:19 pm
by Dong
the thing I personally would dislike most about the pub map, is the 100% autoheal = another excuse to let players in lihl focus less on the game while playing.
I also dislike -rolls function. it may be nice in pub, cause you don't know many of the team players, and so on. But I recon it would just cause drama in lihl idk why, there is just too many strong opinion players here, there is too damn stubbon.
if you like the map and wanna play it, then go play pub.
this is lihl a higher skilled league, and missed heals etc. is part of the game. for instance, if it is really close on 7, but you don't want to lose more heals on 8 so you heal. and now if you miss heal, the hp will be so low, that there is a reason for enemy to resend 8.
on the new map, there is no such thinking. Which is sad imo.
Re: 1200 + map vs lihl map
Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 9:40 am
by Psyclone
There has been a poll about it not too long ago.
Re: 1200 + map vs lihl map
Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 10:17 am
by AvadaKedavra
Should definitely switch to brouders map in the long run. Would enable unit balancing, bug fixes, etc. Especially with ltd 2 coming at some point, can't be stuck on a 5+ year old map forever.
I suggested a while ago, that clog changes on brouders map should only be on lvl 15+, since I think a lot of people like how units behave lvl 1-14, (don't want lvl 8 to be harder, etc.). Auto heal could be removed too if we want it. I dont know how much time/energi brouder has to put into the map, but I think with a few changes we could use his map soon.
Re: 1200 + map vs lihl map
Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2016 2:21 pm
by FadingSuns
We already voted NO. Cannot open polls about same issue until u get the result u want....
However, Brouder offered voluntarily to do a different map just for lihl.
In my view what dong proposes (no autoheal and no -rolls command) sounds good. Also we should think about some tower balancing as 1007 proposed in other topic (but i guess this would require much effort for Brouder).
In any case, a copied map of the current 1200 as Dong proposed would be a nice starting point.
Re: 1200 + map vs lihl map
Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 4:20 pm
by Nore
FadingSuns wrote:We already voted NO. Cannot open polls about same issue until u get the result u want....
However, Brouder offered voluntarily to do a different map just for lihl.
In my view what dong proposes (no autoheal and no -rolls command) sounds good. Also we should think about some tower balancing as 1007 proposed in other topic (but i guess this would require much effort for Brouder).
In any case, a copied map of the current 1200 as Dong proposed would be a nice starting point.
Any comment
@Broud3r ? Would you be willing to work on this project for LIHL?