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Perma Unvouch Mindmachine

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 9:38 pm
by n1ll3
I request a perma unvouch for mindmache. I let ace mick and haza decide about this and wanne hear what the lihl community think about Mindmachine.

1. His attitude is very bad
2. His skill lvl is just to far below the lihl lvl. This ruins the game experience for me and we have to keep it on a certain lvl.

Here my last replay with mind. He had 3 yggs and crab for 6 with 3/0 or so. We leaked to king and they saw our skill (stomp). Mind our only holder decided to push 7/2 for 7. He sold crab and just pushed... He had 3 solo yggs 7 and we lost a heal.

This was my third game in a row with mind where he played very very bad. I can add more replays or you just watch random replays.
Whats your point of view here @lihlplayers?

Re: Perma Unvouch Mindmachine

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 9:43 pm
by FadingSuns
Mind is my oldest and best friend here so ima stay out of this.

Just wanna plz tell all to stay calm while the post their view.

My personal view as lihl player (not as mod) is that i support him but he needs to stop trolling for the best of all.

Re: Perma Unvouch Mindmachine

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 9:45 pm
by KiwiLeKiller
There are a fuck load of more TK players at the moment that represent a much bigger issue than MindMachine. I can agree with you, he might not have a very high level of skills, but considering the "LIHL level", as you said, he currently very low, so he kinda fits here.

Re: Perma Unvouch Mindmachine

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 10:05 pm
by Anda
i love mind as an old friend and i do not want him to be gone from lihl. However i just read the chat log from the game you posted before nille and i say if someone called me son of a bitch (which means hurensohn) i can understand you are very upset and have a right to be highly offended. please work this out guys

Re: Perma Unvouch Mindmachine

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:52 pm
by Escaflowne
I'm not playing lihl anymore but want share my thoughts on this topic. Mind is by far not the most skilled player here, that is true. But really there are much much worse players than him here that I know are still active, and are allowed to stay just because they are nice. I don't want to name names, but really when Haza vouched himself (and when he was re-vouched) he was by far a shittier player than Mind. Why is this really allowed? Don't go after personal vendetas, especially not as a mod, it's just distasteful. My 2 cents.

Re: Perma Unvouch Mindmachine

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 4:06 am
by HazarDous
While the looks of this post might be odd, let's not jump to conclusions needlessly, as seems to be an habit in LIHL. Mind is indeed not very good player, and neither have I been sometimes in the past. Ty @escaflowne for pointing that out, rip.

As ace pointed out, I think the issue with Mind it more about the trolling than anything else. Try focusing a little bit more when you play LIHL, @Mind . I know it's just a game, but it should be a competitive environment, so try to tone down the trolling a little. Imo, there's always room to make up for (~minor~) skill gap by focusing on the game and communicating with team.

Back on topic with regards to low-skilled players / unvouchs. We have had many permanent unvouch requests in the past, and most were denied due to lack of evidence. It is hard and time-consuming to go over a bunch of replays to assess one's skill level, so we expect the person who makes the demand to include evidence (replays) she (should) have accumulated over a period of time. For transparency reasons, it should be no different for moderators. Also, we generally do not take in consideration the general input from players in such matters, as those have shown to be partisan and without much merit.

Just like ace, I also believe that we should reevaluate this request at a latter time, if need be.
